On the day we met.

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It was a bright and sunny day when I was running in the local park. I always run this path when I want to empty my mind or be left alone. I couldn't hear a thing, my music was deafening the busy world and I was completely in the zone, not having any perception of my surroundings. Fully enveloped in the zone I suddenly hit something. Shock ran through my body as my left foot abruptly stopped, resulting in me losing my balance and making a nasty fall. I was ready to unleash an array of bad words against this misplaced rock when suddenly this rock itself began to call me 'moron!'. The moment I turned my gaze to the direction of the sound I was greeted by a pair of bright red eyes. These eyes were accompanied by spiky ash blonde hair and his head which weirdly enough was even more red than his eyes.

'Watch where you're going moron!' shouted the boy. I slowly started to realise I didn't trip over a rock, but a boy. I instantly noticed that his age seemed a bit similar to mine. I mentally prepared myself to confront him by saying he should be the one to watch out but got interrupted by an immense pain in my knee. The moment I gazed down I realised my knee was dislocated. 'I should watch out!?' I hysterically yelled. 'You are the one that is oblivious to your own surroundings, look at what you did!' as I bit my teeth together to attempt to lessen the pain. His eyes slowly moved to my knee; his facial expression changed instantly. A quiet ''Shit...'' passed his lips, quiet enough for bystanders not to overhear. The boy offered to lend me a hand as I slowly limped with his support towards the closest bench.

I acted as if nothing had happened, which wasn't a complete lie since the pain was so intense it started to numb me. 'I suggest you go to the hospital' the boy said softly. 'Oh thanks mister obvious I hadn't thought of that yet, I guess I'll just skip on over there right?' I said in a sarcastic tone. The boy clearly seemed distraught by the damage he accidentally caused and for a little while it was quiet. Suddenly the boy said 'sure I'll take you' and before I could even get a word in, he swiftly lifted me up as he put my arm around his neck. His other hand grabbed my waist and he pushed me close to him. 'Ouch!' was the first thing I could get across my lips as I flinched. 'I guess you mean thank you?' he responded without giving me a second glance.

I wondered if he would carry me all the way to the hospital or if it would take hours by limping there. The moment I wanted to ask what his plan was, he loosened his grip on my waist and started searching his pockets. 'We'll just take my car' he said. I sighed in relief that we didn't have to take the big hike to the hospital. We slowly limped towards the parking lot where a surprise was waiting for me. When he pressed on the button to unlock the car, the lights of a black Mercedes SLK 200 Roadster lit up. It had beautiful orange and green lining. I thought to myself 'What a weird combination' but I said 'Pretty sweet car you have there'. He replied with a 'Can you just focus on not bleeding out on the car seat, they are brand new, thank you'.

We spent the time driving towards the hospital in complete silence, no snarky comments, no radio, just an overwhelming silence. Over time the silence changed from an uptight atmosphere to a rather relaxing one, but that feeling might have come from the ever-growing numbing sensation, I guess the adrenaline had fully kicked in. It wasn't much longer till we arrived at the hospital. The boy quickly grabbed a wheelchair and told me to 'hop in' with a smirk on his face. 'Sure' I said slightly agitated. I acted like nothing was wrong while slowly limping towards the wheelchair and gently placing myself there. Once I sat down the boy started to push me to the entrance like a racecar. When we arrived at the desk an old sweet looking lady told us where we had to go. We made our way towards the emergency room, it was a rather calm atmosphere.

The moment it was my turn a young couple came rushing in. The woman was mid-birth of their first child. Why first child you ask? It was easily recognizable by the utter panic this man's face showed. Such a lovely sight to behold, a young couple bringing new life into this world, maybe someday this will be me. I've always dreamt of being a young mother and having a lovely family, the only problem is that it requires a man. I could of course do it without one, but honestly, the thought of doing it alone frightens me. Finding a suitable man wasn't really going successful either. (I hadn't been successful in finding a suitable man yet.) I work 4 days a week in day-care and make long days. And besides that, I often have an odd work schedule which made dating or eating together practically impossible. My colleagues often joke that I am the mother of all the children that I took care of during daycare.

A tap on my shoulder brought me back to reality 'Are you sure you didn't hit your head? you're staring' asked the boy. Rather surprised I answered 'UUHm No- ou, what? no, I didn't fall on my head'. By that time the doctor approached me and told me he was ready for me, the doctor said 'It can be rather painful to set your kneecap, your boyfriend could join if you prefer'. 'He is not my boyfriend!!' I said rather quickly to which he responded that he would wait here.

It took 5 brutal minutes filled with screaming and crying but my kneecap was finally set and taped in. The doctor said he was all done and I was good to go. I started to slowly limp out of the treatment room wearing running shorts and bright orange tape. Walking didn't go smoothly, but I was happy that I could walk at all. 'For the foreseeable future you shouldn't run or use the stairs' the doctor said as he escorted me back to the emergency room. I nodded and walked to the boy, 'As good as new' I said with a smirk on my face. The boy laughed and supported me while we walked back to his car. The drive to the park went by quickly, once we arrived the boy asked me how I got here. I told him that I ran there, to which he reacted by asking where I live. 'Why would you need that? I can just walk' I said. He rolled his eyes and said 'Walking with that knee? I don't think so, I'll take you home'. A bit surprised I gave him my address and he started to drive off.

While driving the conversation slowly started 'So you live in that neighbourhood?' he said. I reacted with 'Unfortunately I can't afford a better place with my salary'. He shifted his focus back to driving. Shortly after, we arrived at my apartment and I turned to the boy, 'What is your name?' I asked. 'I realized that I didn't ask your name before and even though it's your fault what happened, you did stick around and help me, my name is (Y/N) and I extended my hand towards him. He shook my hand. 'This guy has really sweaty hands' I thought to myself. 'I am Katsuki Bakugo' he said while staring at me. 'Well, nice to meet you Katsuki Bakugo, can I just say Katsuki?'. He nodded. I climbed out of the car and started to turn around when suddenly his car horn went off. I slowly turned around and he said 'Give me your number, then I can check up on you and see if your knee is healing well'. It made me blush and I compliantly gave him my number.

'Off to bed with you and get well soon!' he said in a playful tone. 'Sir yes sir!' I said while making an awkward salute. We both had to laugh a little even though Katsuki tried to hide his smile. 'I'll talk to you soon' I shouted as he slowly disappeared in the distance. I got this weird feeling in my stomach as he drove off. I shrugged my shoulders and slowly made my way towards the elevator. Once I arrived at my apartment I quickly limped to my bed and let myself fall down. Sleep came so quickly after all that had happened today, so quickly that I didn't notice the sound on my phone telling me that I had received a message:

Hey, it's me Katsuki
Would you be interested,
once you can walk properly again,
of course, to have dinner with me?
Sleep tight for now and sorry for hurting your knee....

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