My plan

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(Katsuki's POV)

When we got to the police station the receptionist brought us to an interrogation room. Our good friend the detective was waiting for us there. He points to the two chairs across from him. It almost looks like he was about to question us. "Speak." he says as he gestures to Emma. She tells him that the spot in this video looks a lot like the coffee place (Y/N) used to work at. 'Why these places?' I ask Emma. She says she doesn't know and shrugs. "I think I might know." the detective interjects. "Maybe and I mean maybe, it's their way of showing you, Dynamight, that you don't actually know (Y/N) all that well." 'That is a ridiculous theory. Of course I know that I don't know her completely yet, we haven't been together all that long.' I turn my face away from both of them to avoid them from seeing the reaction on my face. I might not know her that long yet, but it feels like I hadn't lived until I met her.

The detective clears his throat and says: "Have you ever thought about listening to the demands? Retire and (Y/N) will probably be safe the quickest." 'What, the, fuck, I'm not going to do that. Who do you think I am. (Y/N) wouldn't want this either.' I get up. 'Can we finally go look at this old coffee place to see if there's any sign of her there?' The detective gets up too and follows me out the door. Emma takes us to the coffee place, but when we got there, there was no sign of her there. I need to find out all of the other places of importance to her. Maybe I'll get ahead of the kidnappers.

((Y/N)'s POV)

The fact that Emma was in the cell across from me made the days slightly less boring. When we knew for sure that we were alone, we would talk to each other. Together we tried to come up with the next location they would bring me to. "Who are you talking to?" I suddenly hear someone call out. It was clearly the hairy man's voice. It was quiet for a few seconds, but then I hear Emma scream. 'NO! DON'T HURT HER.' I scream at the door, but my words wouldn't get past it. I walk to the bed and try to drown out Emma's screams. 'I'm so sorry Emma.' tears stream down my face. Slowly her screams faded out. I want to walk to the door, ask if she's okay. Suddenly my door opens. The man in the mask and the man in black walk in. 'What do you want.' I ask them as I wipe away my tears. "Ah, just calm down (Y/N), your little friend is still alive." I could see a smile on the man in the mask's face.

"We came here to tell you that that guy of yours isn't a good listener, so tomorrow we're going on another trip." this time the man in black spoke. This is the first time I heard his voice. It sounds dark and far away. It caused a chill down my spine. 'Why are you telling me this? What happened to just putting that bag over my head and taking me somewhere.' The man in the mask moves his face only a few inches away from my face and looks at me with his deep blue eyes and says: "I want to remind you about what will happen to your friend if you don't stick to our deal. I would like to see my one take wonder again." After this comment the man in the mask walks away. I realise that the man in black hadn't walked out of the room. I see a set of eyes fade into the shadows under the door. 'Is this why they took a weird route last time?' I think to myself 'This guy had been listening to me from the shadows.' To avoid this from happening again, I used the light in my room to make sure there were no shadows everywhere. 'This will teach them.' I think to myself weirdly proud. Tomorrow I'll have to do it again. 'Hopefully you'll know where I am Katsuki. I'm not sure how long I can keep doing this.'

That night I didn't sleep, at least I think it was evening. I had the light on the entire time, which makes it even more difficult to keep track of time. I had to find a way to tell Katsuki where I am. I tried to contact Emma that night as well to try and come up with a plan together, but there wasn't any reply from her. It was all on me to find a way to communicate with Katsuki and find a way out of this safely. I finally got an idea. If I can't remember the route we're taking, I had to find a way to tell the amount of time that it takes us to get there. I take my entire cell apart trying to look for something to write on. I found a label on my bed sheet. It took quite a lot of strength to tear it off, but I did it. Now I need to find something to write with. But before I could look any further, my cell door opens and the 3 men stand in my cell again. "We're going for a drive (Y/N)." says the man with the mask while the others put the bag over my head.

In the car I tried to count to 60 and remember how many minutes past. I lost count a couple of times, so I didn't have to exact time. It was just to help give Katsuki an idea of where to look. Hopefully I wasn't too far off. After the drive, which felt like it took way less time than last time, I was taken out of the car and into a building again. The surroundings were quiet and I heard no one speak. Where could we be. When I get thrown in a chair again and gotten used to the light I look around in terror. We are in my own apartment. 'What are we doing here.' I ask frightened. How did we get in? "Well the best way to let Dynamight know just how useless he is, is to keep his little girlfriend right under his nose." the man in the mask has a grin on his face. My whole house is covered in police tape but other than that it still looks the same as the day Katsuki and I went on our second date. After I'd gotten used to my surroundings, I got an idea. 'I have to pee.' I yell in the direction of my kidnappers. "So? Just hold it." replies the man in the mask. 'No, I really can't. I have a bathroom here. Please let me go.' the tone in my voice sounds almost begging. He walks towards me and grabs my face. "And you'll disappear out of the bathroom window, I'm not crazy." 'There is no window in the bathroom. Not one that I can fit through at least and I live on the 4th floor. Even if I were to climb out of a window, I'd be falling to my death.' I have to convince them. The man in the mask gestures to the hairy one for him to check the bathroom to see if my story checks out. After a minute the hairy guy comes back and nods.

"Okay you leaky bitch (?) go and pee. But if I find out you have anything planned, your friend will feel my fury." he says as he pulls my face closer to his before he lets it go. I nod and walk to my bathroom. Because of the man in black's abilities in the shadows I made sure there aren't any shadows. "The door stays open." the hairy man says. 'Hell, no. There's nowhere for me to go and I can't pee with you three standing there.' I close the door. "Just let her, there's nowhere for her to go." I hear the man in the mask say. It's a good thing they didn't see my smile as I closed the door or they would have immediately pulled me back out of there. I quickly open the cabinet behind my mirror looking for something to write with. My eyeliner catches my eye. I laugh and grab it. I take the label out of my jean pocket, it was a miracle the label was still there and write 30 on it. I put the label in the sink and close the cabinet. I deliberately leave the light on. If Katsuki comes here, he'll have to notice that. I flush the toilet and open the door. I walk out of the bathroom in the direction of my kidnappers. 'Thank you so much.' I say faking relief and I sit back down in my chair. "You know the drill, read the words on the card and you and your friend will continue to live." When we were done with the video I could only hope that this plan would work.

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