Where the f*ck are you?

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(Katsuki's POV)

After a worth night of sleep, though I wouldn't call it sleep. I was tormented by the nightmares I was convinced had gone away. Now that I'm awake I can finally get ready for work. This also means that I can send a message to (Y/N). I drag myself out of bed and put on some clothes. Now it's time for coffee. The coffee doesn't completely fix the broken night, but it helps a little. After my second cup, I grab my phone. I open our chat and send (Y/N) a message.

Heey Princess,
I missed you last night.
Hope you slept better.
May I pick you up again today? I promise to wait for you quietly.

There, that message was sent now all I have to do is wait for her answer. Only her answer didn't come fast enough. I look at the clock to see that it is already past 9 am meaning she had to be awake and already at work. She's probably busy. I quickly grab my stuff and walk to the car. This afternoon I'll drive by her work.

I was having a hard time concentrating at work, I keep looking at my phone, waiting for (Y/N) to reply. She kept quiet the whole day which caused a lot of frustration on my end. 'Our fight wasn't that bad, right? Ignoring me seems like a bit much.' I say to my phone. "Fight? Who are you fighting with?" My useless sidekick asks. I hadn't noticed that he had entered the room. 'None of your business Owl face. I put my phone away. 'Don't you have work to do?' I say with a stern voice. He looks back at me a little confused, shrugs and goes back to work. 'Idiot' I think as he walks off. I try to focus on my own work. The rest of the day was boring, apart from a bank robbery. I decided to put my useless sidekick to work and let him finish my paperwork. I grab my stuff and look at my watch. (Y/N) should almost be done with work if I leave here now I should be exactly on time. I walk to my car and drive to her work.

I arrive at the building and park the car. I see several of her co-workers and, I assume, parents and children leave the building. I wait for 15 minutes, but she still hasn't shown. I start to get a little impatient. I decide to call her but her phone goes straight to voicemail. 'This is weird, her phone's always on' I think to myself. I wait another 15 minutes, and still no sign of her. I decide to go inside. As I walk through the door I'm greeted by screaming little monsters and the smell of poopy diapers and throw up. 'ooh god, help.' I think to myself. I walk to a woman with a child on her arm and ask; 'I'm looking for (Y/N), where is she?' The woman looks at me with a weird look in her eyes and walks off with her child. 'Just answer my question.' I yell in her direction. "Oooh, you must be Bakugo." I turn in the direction of the voice and see a woman about (Y/N)'s age. Her face looks familiar. 'Hi, I'm Emma.' she sticks out her hand. 'Sure, sure, yeah, where's (Y/N)?' I ask as I completely ignore her hand. I am too busy looking around the room, trying to find her. "Oee, you're looking for (Y/N), I haven't seen her after you lost your patience last night." her voice sounds judgmental. 'So, she wasn't here today?' I ask her. She shakes her head no. 'She must be home then.' I think and I quickly walk to the exit. The girl yells something as I walk off but I can't hear her. I'm already outside and I let the door fall close behind me. I quickly walk to the car and get in. She must be sick, or tired from her last day at work. I start the car and drive in the direction of her apartment. I hope to see her there.

As I drive to her building I watch the street closely hoping to see her walking. I park the car and walk into the building. I get to her door and knock on it loudly. No answer. '(Y/N) (Y/N)(Y/N).'I yell at the door, still no answer. I'm having a hard time trying to decide what to do next. Do I open the door with my key? Or do I wait for her to open the door herself? She has to know I won't just leave. I yell her name at the door a couple more times and knock even harder than before. Fuck it. I yell: '(Y/N) if you do not open the door right now I'll open it myself!' I count to 10 but there's still no answer. I open the door. I was expecting a comment as I walk through the door or at least something to be thrown at my head. But nothing happened. I walk around her apartment. It's a good thing her apartment isn't too big. I quickly catch on to the fact that nobody was home. And it appears nobody had been home either. 'Fuck, where are you (Y/N)' I say under my breath. My head is going crazy trying to find more places she could be.

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