Our first fight.

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This morning Katsuki brought me to work as usual. I had already told him several times this morning that I was perfectly capable of getting myself to work, but he would either ignore me or ask me about dinner for tonight. When we arrive at work he's already gotten on my nerves so badly that I didn't give him a kiss when I get out of the car. He was clearly confused by this, but he shrugs it off yells "See you tonight" and drives off.

"Boyfriend troubles?" Emma asks. I look up confused. "You always kiss him before you get out of the car. Super adorable btw. But now you didn't." she continues. 'Ooh that. Yeah, he's super sweet, but it is getting a little suffocating. I would like to get back a little bit of my freedom.' Emma lays her hand on my shoulder: "You should stand up for yourself. Let this boy know what you want." I laugh and nod. It might not be a bad idea. I'll let him know tonight just how I feel. If he truly cares about me he'll give me space. Emma and I walk into work to start the day.

Our workday went everything but smoothly. Several things hadn't been prepared by our coworkers last night. This meant that Emma and I needed to work extra hard to make sure everything got done. To make things even more stressful we got an inspector on the group as well. This woman shows up once a year to make sure we're up to code. So next to taking care of the children and cleaning up the mess from yesterday we had to answer her difficult questions. At the end of the day, we were exhausted. At this point, the manager shows up to talk about the inspection. This conversation lasted way longer than necessary, but eventually, Emma and I were allowed to go home. I look at my phone for the first time that day to see that I have several missed calls and messages from Katsuki. I text him back to tell him I was on my way out. I am not in the mood for his whining that I made him wait. As Emma and I leave the building he immediately starts honking the horn of the car. I ball my hands into fists. "Hurry up. I've been waiting for 30 minutes." he yells clearly frustrated. I turn to Emma to say our goodbyes for the night, but before I can he yells again: "Seriously hurry up! You've had the whole day to chitchat. This is the straw that broke the camels back. All of the frustration from the last weeks comes boiling up and needed to get out. I. Need. Space. Taking big steps I walk to the driver's side of the car, open the door and yell straight in his face: 'IF YOU HAD JUST LET ME GO TO WORK BY MYSELF, LIKE I'VE BEEN ASKING FOR WEEKS, YOU WOULDN'T HAVE TO WAIT.' My anger clearly surprised him. He gets out of the car. "IF YOU WOULD JUST HURRY UP INSTEAD OF CHATTING WITH YOUR COWORKERS ALL THE TIME, YOU WOULDN'T HAVE TO WAIT EITHER." His tone scares me. 'I DIDN'T ASK FOR ALL THIS, I AM PERFECTLY CAPABLE OF TAKING CARE OF MYSELF AS I ALWAYS HAVE.' "WELL IF THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT GOODLUCK FINDING YOUR WAY TO MY HOUSE ON YOUR OWN." 'WHY YOUR HOUSE, I'M SICK AND TIRED OF THOSE WALLS. I'M GOING TO MY HOME, BECAUSE, IN CASE YOU FORGOT, I DO STILL HAVE HAVE ONE OF THOSE.' after I finish this sentence I turn around and walk to the exit of the playground. Apparently, Katsuki didn't know what to do. For a moment it was quiet. after a few seconds, I hear him slam the car door, start the car and drive off. Part of me wished he would have followed me, or called me to get back. Then I snap myself out of these thoughts. 'No, it's a good thing I stood up for myself. He doesn't get to decide everything for me. Everything will be fine tomorrow. He now has time to realise for himself that he has been overprotective and that it's okay to give me back a little freedom. I don't get into trouble easily. I'm so lost in my thoughts that I don't hear Emma call out for me. Suddenly she's standing next to me waving her hand in my face. "Are you okay? Do you want me to walk with you?" she asks politely. 'Yes Emma, I'm fine. This was bound to happen. Like you said I have to stand up for myself. Tomorrow everything will be forgiven.' I smile as I say this last part. "Are you sure you'll be okay, you're not going to get into trouble?" 'No, truly I'll be fine. I'm going to enjoy the peace and quiet for a little bit.' We part ways for the night.

On my way home, I keep thinking about our fight. Maybe I had been a bit hard on Katsuki and just taken out my frustrations from work out on him. On the other hand I keep thinking about the frustrations that had been building up for weeks and the fact that he kept dodging this subject. As I walk on, I suddenly hear someone behind me; "Wait! Isn't that Dynamight's girlfriend?" When I turn around, I see 5 or 6 people with camera's and a woman with a microphone. 'Shit' I think to myself. This part about my relationship with Katsuki had slipped my mind. Before I can react, or walk off they had me surrounded. The woman shoves her microphone in my face, gestures to the camera and starts talking: "Ladies and gentlemen we have the news for you. Look who we ran into! None other than the number 3 hero Dynamight's new flame. How is the relationship with our number 3 going?" 'Umh... well....' I couldn't say anything of value for the life of me. I'm kind of flabbergasted by the sudden camera. "Does he also show his eccentric personality in his personal life?" she shoves the microphone even closer to my mouth. 'Umh, I'm sorry I don't feel like answering questions. I've worked all day and I'd like to go home.' I put on a friendly smile and try to slide past the camera. "Ooh, work. What do you do for work? Are you also a hero? I've never seen you before." 'No, I don't work as a hero and I'm leaving now.' I found an opening in the circle. I turn to it and quickly pace away. As I'm walking away I can hear the reporter say something, but I try my best not to understand her. I see an alley and run to it. I step into the shadow of the buildings surrounding the alley, and try to stay as hidden as possible. I can hear paparazzi running by. When they're gone I sigh with relief. I try to walk back to the main road, but something stops me. I could've sworn the alley was empty when I got there. I feel a hand on my arm and quickly after that a rag on my mouth. I try to scream for help and almost feel bad that the cameras are gone. I feel my eyes get heavy and everything goes dark.

I wake up in a dark room with a bed, a table, a chair and something that looked like a toilet. The room makes me think of a prison cell. I try to stand up but my head feels very heavy. 'Where am I?' I ask myself out loud. I put my hands on my eyes and try to remember what happened. I have no idea how long I'd been unconscious or what had happened to me during that time. Suddenly the door gets thrown open and a bright light greets me. A person walks in; "(Y/N) how nice that you're finally here.' an unfamiliar voice says.

(Katsuki's POV)

I get home after my fight with (Y/N). I slam the car door and walk to the front door. Both doors got to feel my frustration. Why is she so stubborn? Doesn't she understand I'm doing all this to protect her. I let myself fall on the couch and let my head rest in my hands. That woman drives me crazy. I throw my head back and let it lie on the back of the couch. After I sat there for a few moments, I grab my phone. I'll send her a message. I open our chat and start typing. I keep typing and typing. eventually, after I've written a story of 2 pages, I delete it all. She said she needs space. I'll wait till tomorrow, everything will probably be fine then. First dinner. I walk to the fridge and grab something to eat. I also grab a beer. I turn on the TV and see that the news is on. I get comfortable on the couch and wait to see if there will be any of my actions on the news. The reporter is in the middle of a story when she gets interrupted. The woman on the screen apologizes for the interruption and goes on to say that she has the scoop for us. I was about to change the channel but then I hear the reporter say: 'an exclusive interview with Dynamight's new girlfriend.' My mouth falls open as (Y/N)'s face appears on the screen. She looks extremely uncomfortable in front of the reporter. I hear the reporter ask questions about who (Y/N) is, and her avoiding them by telling the reporters that she was tired. 'This is also part of it princess.' I think to myself as I continue watching. After she answers the question about working as a hero she managed to get away. Looking at the street I could see she was almost home. I can't see where she walked off too because the reporter cut back in trying to weave a good ending to this 'interview' after which they went back to the news. The fact that she had been close to her apartment gives me a little peace of mind. I'll text her tomorrow. I grab my bag to try and get some of my work done. I start to work on my reports. After I finish the last one it's time for bed. I won't lie and say that my bed didn't feel empty without (Y/N). It took me a lot longer to fall asleep without her lying next to me.

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