Damn, how does dating work?

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It been a few days since Katsuki made me fall in the park. When I woke from my slumber, I was instantly reminded of what happened that day. 'Ouch!' I thought, it really did hurt a lot. After some time I got acclimated to the pain, my phone sent me a reminder of Katsuki's message. I decided to text him back a photo of my knee which was decorated with bruises.

Ever since that time we've been texting. We don't share our entire life stories though. I've noticed he doesn't really like to talk.

Good morning,
How'd you sleep?

Heey good morning,
Yeah, good. How about you?

It was alright, Can you walk yet :P.

Yea, I could walk already.
(this was a lie, but he didn't, need to know that)

In that case my next question.
Where would you like to eat?


When you could walk again,
we would have dinner, remember?
Or did you actually hit your head :P

Dick, I didn't! and uhm
Friday night? If you're okay eating late?

I'll pick you up at 20:00

Sure, see you then.
Have a good day at work today.


Or you could say: You too!

Whatever :P

'Do I actually have a date?' I thought while looking at the messages. I kept thinking about it for the rest of the day. 'I really have a date?' "Where are you today?" Emma asked. Emma and I have been colleagues for 2 years and friends for about 1. I can tell her everything. 'Nowhere' I answer. Emma gave me a look that said "I don't believe you". With a sigh, I took my phone out of my pocket and showed her the messages. "WHAT, YOU HAVE A DATE!" 'A little quieter would have been nice' I thought to myself. I roll my eyes. 'Yes, so what if I do, what does it matter?' Turns out, that was the wrong question to ask. Emma put down the stuff she'd been holding and put her hands under her chin. She looked at me with lovey-dovey eyes. That is when the spitfire questions started.

Before I could answer even one of the questions, I heard the sounds of children waking up. 'Saved' I thought and quickly walked to the bedroom. Emma fished for information the rest of the day but thankfully I was too 'busy with the children'

At the end of the day, we both grabbed our stuff. It had been a busy day and I was ready to just jump into my bed. Unfortunately, Emma had a different plan. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned my head. I looked into Emma's sparkling eyes which were looking back at me. "You're eating and sleeping at my place tonight". We did this all of the time, but today it meant that I had to explain everything.

At Emma's place, I told her how I'd met him and everything that had happened. I also told her when our date was. "Friday! That is tomorrow! What are you wearing? Where are you going? What are you doing?" she asked almost panicked. I lay down on the couch and shrug. 'He wanted to go out to dinner, so he'll just have to come up with where we're going out to dinner. He's picking me up at 20:00, I will have just gotten home by then, so I'll just wear the clothes I had on at work.' Emma looked at me shaking her head. She stood up and walked to her closet. Before I could ask what she was doing, she came back with a pile of dresses, skirts and other clothing items I couldn't place. 'Is this necessary?' I asked already quite agitated. She nodded. That night we picked out my outfit for my date. Luckily I partially got to pick what I wanted. All of her dresses were either too short or clearly showed my bruised knee. So we agreed I should wear pants. After we picked out a nice top, I was allowed to go to sleep.

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