The consequences....

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We walked through the wood for two days, well I'm not sure you could call it walking, Katsuki mostly carried me. During this time we talked a lot, got to know each other better. The moments we, well mostly I, slept as Katsuki watched, we spend in each others arms. This made me feel very safe, a feeling I never want to lose. After the two days we found a road, and someone who called emergency services. We both got checked in an ambulance and are send home. I have a bruised back and a light concussion. Katsuki was fine, actually. This ment he was fine to go to work the next day. I, on the other hand, had to rest for a few days. The police brought us to his house. Katsuki didn't leave me alone for a single moment after the events of the past few days.

The police are busy with the investigation, but there are no obvious leads. It didn't help that both the truck and Katsuki's car had gone up completely in flames. The police also had trouble deciding who the intended target of the attack was. Whether it was Katsuki or me. The idea that someone could be after me sounded absolutely ridiculous to me. I don't have any enemies. I barely have any friends, but that wasn't important to the investigation.

I had been at Katsuki's house for two days. The only person I'd been in contact with was Emma. It was nice to have someone to talk to about things other than the events of the past few days. Emma and I call each other every day for a couple hours. During her break, after work, sometimes even secretly while she was with the children. After everything that had happened, I desperately wanted to go back to work, to a sense of normalcy. I'm on the phone with Emma when I hear the front door open. 'I'll talk to you later Emma, Katsuki just got home.'"Later girly, when are you allowed to go come back to work?" 'I hope to at least be back partially next week. Even for a day.'

"Who were you talking to?" 'Good afternoon to you too, my day was kind of boring, thank you for asking. How was yours?' I say in my most sarcastic tone. He looks at me as he's walking over to me and kisses me on my forehead. This makes me blush, which makes a grin appear on his face. He thuds down next to me on the couch in his huge living room. 'Judging by your mood you haven't found any new information?' "No unfortunately I haven't. I can't think of anyone who would want to harm you." I see on his face that he is deep in thought as he says this. 'Have you thought about them maybe being after you, and not me?' I ask in a quiet voice. 'That I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time?' I'd made this suggestion more often in the past few days, but every time I brought it up, Katsuki would get frustrated or walk off.

(Katsuki's POV)

'Why does she have to bring this up every time? Like I hadn't thought of that.' This thought makes me feel a way I've never felt before. It's a discomfort. 'Shit.' I think to myself. I'm afraid to lose (Y/N). This girl will become my weak spot. "Earth to Katsuki" she says while waving her hand before my eyes. Not feeling like answering her question, I press my lips on hers. I needed to take my mind of the eery feeling. Luckily (Y/N) was more than happy to answer my kiss. We make out for serval minutes. When our lips separate I feel calm. Unfortunately this doesn't last long. The feeling of unease comes seeping back in. I lay my head against hers and decide to answer her earlier question. 'If someone is actually after me I'll do everything in my power to protect you.' To give these words more meaning kiss her once more and firmly wrap my arms around her. I feel her head on my shoulder. She has a smile on her face. 'Thank you, Katsuki.' she softly says into my chest.

((Y/N) POV)

We stay in this position for a little while. Me firmly in his arms. To be honest there have been few places where I felt truly comfortable. When Katsuki would leave for work I would check several times if the doors were locked or if I could see someone on the security cameras. I would often lock myself in the bedroom with my laptop and enough food to last the day. I didn't want Katsuki to know how scared I was. He has enough to worry about, a scared (Y/N) shouldn't be one of them. He always sent me a message before he'd come home, when I got this message I'd move to the living room, and pretend that I'd been there all day.

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