A little too late

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(Katsuki's POV)

'Why would they take her to a school, wouldn't there be too many witnesses?' I ask Emma as I lower the gas pedal even more. '(Y/N)'s school has been closed for years. Not enough parents who had Quirkless kids wanted their kid to go to a school solely for Quirkless kids." she answers. 'I didn't even know schools like that existed.' With a crazy speed I keep driving in the direction Emma sent me in. It took at least an hour before we got to an abandoned building. I park the car right in front of the building. I jump out of the car and throw the door shut. I start looking for an entrance. 'Hurry up!' I yell to Emma. "Yea, I'm coming.' she yells back as she takes her time closing the car door and walks my way. She looks up, clearly impressed by the building.

Luckily it didn't take long for me to find the entrance. There's a lock on the door, but that is not a problem. I blow it away with a well placed explosion. I slam the door open and start looking for the classroom where the video was taken. I went up each floor. Eventually I got to the 4rth floor. I peak my head into one of the rooms and see that the decor clearly matches the one in the video. I step into the room and see that nothing's been moved since the video was taken. The chair (Y/N) had been sitting in was still standing there. I look through the classroom looking for anyone who might be in there. Hoping to find a sign of (Y/N). 'Shit we're too late.' I say defeated as I fall to my knees in front of the chair she'd been sitting in. I hear the sound of police sirens getting closer and I hear the annoying man from the station run up the stairs. I hit the chair with my hands and scream: 'SHIT (Y/N), WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?' I hear Emma in the background: "It will be okay Bakugo, we will find her."

'I'm too late.' I think to myself.

((Y/N)'s POV)

After we'd made the video it stayed quiet for a few days. The only thing that happened each day was the food being slit under my door 3 times a day. I tried really hard not to lose my sense of time and come up with a plan to let Katsuki know where I was. That day, I assume the afternoon, I'm laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling. Suddenly the door opens. The man in the mask was back. "Hi there dear (Y/N). It's time for round 2. Your Dynamight doesn't want to learn the lesson and still hasn't quit." I didn't want to get up and I made that clear to him by not even pretending to move. This clearly annoyed him because next thing I know the hairy man was also standing in my cell and dragged me off the bed. 'LET GO OF ME! I'M NOT GOING TO DO WHAT YOU WANT.' I scream. The man in the mask looks at me with a grin on his face and says: "We'll see about that." I want to ask him what he means by that, but before I can the bag gets thrown over my head and I'm dragged to the car. In the car I try to focus on the route so that maybe I can leave a clue behind for Katsuki. It was almost like the men in the car knew my plan, because it felt like at every roundabout we took an extra round or that we drove the same road twice before we got to the location. 'Shit, guess that isn't going to work.' I think. A little disappointed, I am dragged out of the car again. We enter a building. Will this be the same location as last time? That would make it more likely for Katsuki to find me. The bag gets taken off my head and I'm disappointed to see that we're in a different location. This location was also familiar to me. It was the coffee shop I worked weekends at in high school. They closed their doors permanently about 2 months ago because the owner retired.

The fact that we were at yet another spot of significance to me makes a chill run down my spine. Do these people really know me this well or is something else going on? The camera was again pointed at me. "Talk" says the man in the mask, but my lips stay firmly pressed together. 'There's no way I'm going to help you.' I think in defiance. "SPEAK!" I press my lips together even harder and shake my head no. I am proud of myself. They won't get me that easily. The man in the mask walks over to me and grabs my throat with his hand. This reaction frightens me. They hadn't touched me until now. He moves his mouth closer to my ear and says softly yet firmly: "If I were you I'd start talking. If you don't we'll hurt your friend." He lets go of my throat. My eyes widen as I realise what he'd just said. Hurt my friend? How do they plan on doing that? Emma is at home isn't she?

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