Thirties, What does it mean?

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(Katsuki POV)

After our visit to the coffee shop, I had broken nights trying to figure out where would take (Y/N) next time. Would be there next time? With these thoughts and the detective's comment that kept running through my head, I was again unable to fall asleep. Was I supposed to do what they asked of me? And why did they want that? What's in it for them if I retire? Would they really bring (Y/N) back to me safely? "Aah, go to sleep Katsuki" I said to myself and pressed my head in to my pillow. Apparently, I slept somewhat after all, because I woke up to my phone ringing. With a growl, I turned and reached for my phone. Not wanting to see who it was, I answer: 'who are you and what do you need' while asking this question I had to yawn. I'm just way too tired. "Dynamight we received another video about (Y/N)" I heard the detective say on the other end of the line. I woke up right away and jumped out of bed. "How did you get it? What did (Y/N) look like? What is our plan of action?" I had so many more questions, but these were the first ones I could ask. "Can you and Emma come to the station?" the man asked. "Emma is working, but I'm coming immediately" I reply.

The detective was already waiting for me at the his office. He said that the video had again been delivered to the news channel and that they gave us 1 day to watch the video before they would broadcast it. Meanwhile, we had sat down in his office and watched the movie. When I saw the area where the video was shot I immediately stood up: 'THAT'S HER APARTMENT' I shouted. I was already at the door when the detective called me back. I expected him to yell at me, but instead he said, "Let's get my car," and after that comment, we ran toward his police car. I told the detective where (Y/N) apartment was. because I've driven this route so many times myself, I could now dream the road it self, so we were there quickly. When I got there I wanted to get out my key own, but realized he had it. Reluctantly, I stepped aside and let him open the door.

We walked in and I looked around. There was again another chair in the middle of her room. Apart from that chair, little had changed. I decided to make another round through her house as I had done so often in the first few days. When I walked past her bathroom I noticed that light was turned on. Maybe she was hiding here: "(Y/N) are you here" I tried to whisper so that detective wouldn't hear me. He was busy inspecting the chair where (Y/N) had been sitting. When I opened the bathroom door, to my disappointment it was empty. I scratched my head. I hadn't left the light on here the last time I left, but what are those thugs doing in her bathroom? I felt a rage rise in me and wanted to close the door, but then something in the sink caught my eye. I let go of the door and stepped inside. I picked up the paper. I quickly saw that it must have been a label of something. There were instructions on it. I wanted to throw it away, but I saw something written on the other side, the number 30. "Hey. I found something," I yelled in the direction of the detective. He stuck his head around the corner and took the label from my hands. "This is just rubbish," he replied "What do you mean rubbish. The lights wear on in hear. Someone must have wanted me to find this. Maybe it's from (Y/N)" I said in his direction. He clearly had a different opinion: "What if it's just junk that's been there for days, but you've never seen it. Or it's a astray." "think of it what you want. I'm going to find out what is means' I made another round with that detective through (Y/N) her apartment, but we found nothing.

After the visit to (Y/N) her apartment we drove back to the police station. It was dead quiet in the car. All I could think about was 30. 30 what? What do you mean (Y/N) I thought. After I had picked up my car at the police station, I drove on to my own office.

I sat in my office staring straight ahead. I could only think about the next question: what do you mean me 30, (Y/N)? I didn't realize my sidekick was walking in until he suddenly said, 'Sir, are you all right. you've been staring out the window for 30 minutes?' "That's it 30 minutes" I yelled that. "You get a map of the city," I gestured to my sidekick. He was looking at me with wide eyes. "HELLO ARE YOU DEAF. GO GET THAT MAP" I yelled. He shook himself out of his trans and walked out of the room. I wait impatiently for that moron to come back with a map. How long do it take to find it, I thought to myself. After what felt like hours, he finally came back. I put the map on the floor. Because is was the big one for the table. "Sir what are you going to do?" he asked. "I'll tell you worthless piece of shit. (Y/N) has left a hint where she might be. So we are now going to determine our search area," I said. Now I had to figure out how they had transported (Y/N). There were a few options. She could have been transported by car, in a truck or on foot. Walking didn't seem logical to me she was almost as recognizable as a celebrity by now so if she had walked down the street she should have been recognized. After all, she had been on the news. Then there were two options about car or truck. I drew two circles on the map. They didn't differ much in size. I had my search area. Go change," I said. "Uhm why sir what are we going to do?" I sighed deeply and said, "See those circles in one of those buildings is (Y/N) being held. So SUIT UP."

After I had also put on my Hero costume, we went on our way. Now that sidekick of mine was handy. Because of his Quirk he can see great distances and zoom in. Without anyone seeing him. I chose this idiot to work for me for a reason. We had marked several buildings of interest on the map. Fortunately, there weren't very many. Because most of the circles ran through a busy residential area. Ultimately, there are three options left. A large warehouse, an abandoned mansion, and an old police station. I saved the coordinates in my phone, and we left. On the way to the warehouse, my sidekick asked what they would do if we found the right building. I looked at him, but my gaze could have been on something behind him and said full of determination, 'If we find the place where they are holding (Y/N), I'll blow the door off the hinges and kill anyone who tries to separate her me.

Arriving at the warehouse it was up to my sidekick. I tried to wait as quietly as possible and at an appropriate distance so that he could do his thing. Hopefully he won't be discovered, then all this would be for nothing. After he had made his round, he came back. I could tell from his attitude that had not found (Y/N). "Have you really checked everything?" I asked. 'Yes sir. I've looked everywhere she really isn't here. The building is abandoned and doesn't look like it has been visited recently," he replies. 'Okay. If you're completely sure, we'll move on to the next location, the abandoned mansion."

When we got there it was early afternoon. Mapping our surroundings here was a lot more difficult than at the warehouse. We first had to get through the gate unnoticed. This turned out to be easier than expected because someone had removed the lock. This put my senses on high alert, maybe we were at the right place. Arriving at the house it was clear that the mansion was anything but abandoned. We were looking for a place in the garden to be uunoted. Just when I thought I'd found it, I heard someone yell, "STOP WHAT YOU'RE YOU DOING HERE?" I heard a man's voice say. I turned in the direction of the voice and stood ready to charge, these must be one of (Y/N) her captors, there was no other way, but then I heard the voice shout again: 'KACCAN IS THAT YOU'. I hadn't heard this name for a long time, but before I could react I was hugged around my waist. I looked down and saw none other than Deku's hair. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked with a clear disappointment in my voice, trying to free myself from his hold. "Didn't you know that UA holds a training camp here for its students. They have asked heroes to pass on their knowledge and skills. Didn't they ask you to Kaccan' Deku looked a bit surprised. It occurred to me that they had indeed asked me to help out with this, but I was preoccupied with (Y/N) and her safety that I never responded. "Um, asked. No time" I said back. "Wait, are you D-Deku?" I heard my sidekick stutter. Help we'll be here for a while I thought. "Uhm yes that's me" the loser replies a little uncomfortably. Before my sidekick can continue making fun of me and himself, I grab him by his collar. "Let's go," I said, dragging him along. It was clear to me that (Y/N) wouldn't be here or she would have been found already. "Kaccan, wait Kirishima and the others must want to see you too. How's your search for (Y/N) going? If you need help let me know. If you find her, I would like to meet her," Deku said towards me. "WE GOING" shouted back. Shitty Hair I'll talk to you another time. (Y/N) Search is now the most important, I thought to myself "What other fantastic heroes do you know, sir?" my sidekick asked. I looked at him and said, "Listen carefully, owl head. The most important thing is to find (Y/N). When she's home safely, you can visit those extras'. "You are right sir. The mission is the most important. Sorry," he stutter. I shook my head and thought: what a loser. We walked towards the gate. Now let's hope that (Y/N) would indeed be at the last possible location, otherwise we would be back to square one.

Movingin the direction of the abandoned police station takes some time. Why didn't Ithought about bringing the car with me, we would have been there by now. Whenwe finally maid it was already dusk. This gave us the advantage of being ableto get closer to the building without anyone seeing us, but it also gave othersthe ability to keep an eye on us without us realizing it. I decided to let mysidekick explore the area first before taking a closer look. Just when heindicated it was safe and we could move closer to see what was inside, a carpulled up. I pulled my sidekick into an alleyway, luckily the area around the policestation was dilapidated and there were plenty of places to hide unseen withinearshot. I motioned for the owl head to be quiet and pressed myself against thewall. I heard the car stop and two doors open. Two figures walked from the carto the door of the station. I heard a man's voice say, "Calm down, honey,once Dynamight is out of the way. Can we move on to the next phase of our planand before you know it you'll be in a relationship with the new number 1'. Iheard a woman laugh and then the door of the station open and close. Everythingwent blurry in my mind. This person was behind the disappearance of (Y/N). Imoved away from the wall and toward the door. Then I felt my sidekick's hand onmy shoulder. "Sir, we need reinforcements," he said. He clearlysounded scared. Gritted my teeth, because I was afraid I would screamotherwise: 'These losers know where (Y/N) is and they are going to tell mewhere she is right now'.

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