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JULIE KNEW THAT THOMAS AND THE OTHERS WERE CURRENTLY INTERVIEWING MEN AND BOYS FOR JOBS. So she had decided to visit Polly and maybe end this whole fight between her and Tommy. What surprised her when entering the Shelby home was that Polly wasn't alone. There was a young man sitting next to him.

"Julie." Polly greeted her with a smile as she wiped away tears.

"Polly. Who's this?" she asked even though she already had an idea who the mysterious boy was. He looked young, maybe seventeen or eighteen with blonde hair and blue eyes. He was dressed in a nice suit and he had an innocent aura.

"This is my son Michael, and Michael this here is Julie." she introduced them to each other.

"Michael. Pleasure to meet you." she walked closer to the table and shook his hand.

The boy, Michael, was looking her in wonder but he looked confused at the same time. "You as well, Julie." he nodded politely. Michael then looked between his mother and Julie. "Sorry, how do you know each other?"

Julie looked at Polly waiting for her to answer. She wasn't sure how much Michael knew so she let Polly speak.  "The man who came to visit you, Tommy, well Julie's his partner." Michael looked little bit surprised by this news but quickly hid it.

Just then before the conversation could go any further the front door was opened and they heard the voices of the Shelby brothers. "Run for the hills! It's the Digbeth Kid!"

"Get out of town, kid, or I will shoot your fucking head off!" They were playing with their guns and hadn't yet noticed that there was a new person in the room. "Time's up! You're dead, go down. John!" Arthur was pointing his gun at John who was looking behind his back after he noticed Michael.

Julie looked them and coughed. "Arthur. We have company." She informed him and the oldest brother finally turned to face Michael who had shot up from his seat when the men had entered the home.

Arthur and John put their guns away and looked at the new presence in the room. "All right then, Polly. Who's this?"

Tommy who had already briefly met Michael, responded. "Gentlemen, this is your cousin. Polly's son, Michael."

John and Arthur looked bit shocked and straightened their back as Michael went to formally greet them. "Pleased to meet you."


"I'm Arthur. You've already met me." Arthur spoke quietly. "I used to throw you out of the window, so John could catch you."

"I used to put you in a shoebox and kick you down Watery Lane." John continued.

"I bet you're glad to be back." Tommy chuckled.

"I don't remember any of it. All I remember is the day they took me away." Michael explained and Julie noticed how Polly's smile fell a bit. She went to embrace her son and let a deep sigh escape her lips.

DANCE OF THIEVES thomas shelby Where stories live. Discover now