six | the blitzkrieg button

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A/n: I'm putting Krzeminski's death scene in this one, but it'll mostly be episode 4. Probably will be a long chapter, ngl.


The elevator chimed, and instead of the usual chatter, Magnolia and Peggy were greeted by the sounds of crying and sniffling.

"Rose? What is it?" Peggy asked, concerned. "Oh, Peggy," Sighed Rose, "It's too awful." She unlocked the door, and when the pair stepped into the office, Magnolia noted the somber looks on the men's faces, and her eyes travelled to Krzeminski's desk, where a wreath of white flowers was placed. 

"Really puts you back there, doesn't it? Somebody buys it, you realize could happen anytime, any day." Sousa said, upon noticing the girl's interest in the deceased man's desk.

"How did it happen?" Peggy asked, knowing Magnolia was sensitive with the subject.

"Professional hit. Him and our only witness. Must have been watching us at the scene. I knew something was fishy about that anonymous tip." He scowled. "Who does that?!"

"A concerned citizen?" Peggy said, feeling guilty.

"Concerned citizens call the cops. This guy called us directly. It's not like we're in the phonebook." He shot back. "Somebody targeted them, and I'm gonna find that bastard."

Before either woman could say anything, Chief Dooley walked in, "Whatever happened last night, don't any of you forget... Krzeminski would still be with us today if it wasn't for Howard Stark, whether he pulled the trigger or not. We're only neck-deep in this mess because of him. I want action plans on my desk in one hour. Stay vigilant. I'm not losing any more of you. Now I got to go call Krzeminski's wife." 

"I'll call his girlfriend." Sousa sighed.

Magnolia sat next to her mother at her desk, and put her head down on the wood surface, sighing, "It's way too early for this."

--Time Skip--

"The usual?" Angie asked, when both Magnolia and Peggy entered the automat.

"Yes, please." Nodded Peggy, sliding onto the barstool. 

"Anything else?" The Italian asked.

"I... I thought I might tell you about my day if you have a moment." Peggy hesitantly replied.

"Yeah, that would be a nice change. I got plenty of time on my hands. All ears." Angie leaned against the counter.

"Uh, it's just that... one of my co-workers died today." The older woman admitted. 

"Geez, Peg. That's too bad. Right there on the job?"

"Yes, it was sudden."

"I know how you feel... Blindsided. Like when my cousin Ralphie got hit by a bus. Granted, he did just knock off a newsstand, but still. Big shock."

"I don't know why it's hit me so hard. We weren't close. He was... a brute, a cheat. He was disrespectful, rude..."

"I'd like to interject and say that this has affected me in no way whatsoever." Magnolia interrupted. 

Peggy glared at her slightly, and added, "But he was good at his job." 

"I'm really sorry, honey. What can I do?" Angie asked, concerned.

"Um... do you still have that Schnapps?" Peggy asked, while a man asked for a refill.

"Let me get this jerk his refill, and I'll clock out." Grinned Angie.

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