nine | tough to break

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Magnolia and Peggy sat back to back with Michael and Edwin, while the girl asked discreetly, "Any luck?"

"Miss Emke paid on time, always in cash, and left no forwarding address. I hope you were more successful." Edwin reported and asked.

"Unfortunately, no... she was the perfect New York neighbor. No one saw or spoke to her. Half the people I talked to didn't even know the apartment was rented." Peggy's voice grew mildly incredulous at the end, but she suddenly went silent when Magnolia too, snapped to attention upon seeing afew men escort the remaining people from the restaurant.

So what next?" Asked Michael. Upon receiving no reply he asked, "Miss Carter?"

"Quiet," Magnolia snapped, "Procedure 791... Isolate the suspect and remove civilians from harm before attempting arrest."

"I'm sorry. What's happening?" Edwin was clearly confused, and felt the need to clear his inquiry despite being told not to speak.

"The man at the counter is Agent Messner from Washington, D.C. The man behind us is Agent Reese." Peggy informed.

"SSR agents?" Edwin asked.

"I need you to find a way to block the front door so that no one else can come in. We'll do the rest." Magnolia said, her voice low as her eyes continued to scan the area.

"I'd love to." Said both father and son, standing up to move towards the door.

Magnolia walked up to Agent Messner and leaned against the counter as she chuckled, "Ten cents for a cup of tea, can you believe it?" He looked at her, confused before she smirked slyly, "And you're in deep trouble now, sir."

With an angry grunt, Messner leapt at Magnolia and slammed her into the counter, making her wheeze and growl, "Oh that's bloody IT." She snarled, and elbows him in the stomach before flipping him over her shoulder and behind the counter.

"Nola, get out of here, NOW!" Peggy yelled, hitting another agent in the face.

Magnolia bolted for the back door, and just began to pick up her pace when she heard the click of a gun. "Stop right there, Mags." Said the sharp voice of Jack.

She froze, and turned around slowly, to see both Jack and Daniel standing there, guns trained at her.

"Good morning, gentlemen." She coldly said, putting her hands up.

"Did you know?" Daniel asked, being vigilant of her movements.

"Know what?" She asked, acting clueless.

"Don't give me that shit, Mags. Just tell us the truth." Jack said sharply.

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about, Jack." She snapped, taking a step closer to them.

"Just come with us to the SSR, and we won't hurt you, I promise." Daniel replied.

A plan formed itself in her head, and she put her hands down, smirking, "Alright. I'll come with you. But I refuse to be shut in an interrogation room for hours on end."

"Too bad, Mags," Jack chuckled, putting handcuffs on her, "You don't get to say anything on this."

"Oh how tragic." She rolled her eyes.

"Get in the car."

"Will do."

--Time Skip--

Magnolia sat in an interrogation room, her hands clasped in front of her, cuffs lining her wrists.

"Hello, Dr Ivchenko." She smiled coldly. The hypnotist grinned, his eyes blank and colder than ice.

"Good afternoon, devochka." He said, sitting down in front of her. "It is lovely to see you again."

"I doubt you're allowed in here." She snarled. "Or anywhere, really."

"Chief Dooley wanted me to give you some...special attention today, and I was simply cooperating." He added in a whisper, "And he also wanted someone who could break you like a twig."

"Wow, love the simile. Great work. I told you, nothing works on me anymore." She sassed.

"Or does it?" Ivchenko chuckled coldly. Before she knew it, Magnolia felt herself slipping under a trance, as he uttered those three dreaded words.

"Свобода (Freedom)," Her ears began to ring, "Правосудие (Justice)," Her eyes began to droop as her brain felt heavy in her head, "Холодный (Cold)" Her eyes glazed over and drained themselves of emotion.

"Hello, devochka." Ivchenko smiled menacingly, "Welcome back."

All she could do was stare right at him, unable to move or speak.

"How about we meet your...sister now, hm?" He said, not caring if she wanted to or not. "Speak, devochka." He added upon meeting silence.

Her words were slightly sleepy, but the only one who could hear the drowsiness in her voice was Ivchenko himself as she said, "I'd like that."

He looked at her, "Stay here for a moment, devochka."

He went out of the room, and came back after a few moments. He calmly slipped her handcuffs from the table with help of a key he seemed to have stolen and took them off her.

"Come now, devochka. Not a moment to waste." He said as he led her through the halls of the SSR.

"Listen carefully, devochka. Your sister is in that building, twelfth floor, the last door." He pointed at the building opposite, "Simply go there and tell her very clearly, 'The first phase is almost complete'" She will guide you through the rest. Understood?"

"Understood, Mr Fenhoff." She nodded and walked across the street, as Ivchenko went back inside.

--Time Skip--

"Sister?" Magnolia whispered, opening the door cautiously.

Dottie turned around with a bright, slightly fake, smile on her face.

"Hey, little girl! I missed you!" Dottie walked over to her and hugged her, but it still felt a bit distant. She looked into the girl's clouded eyes and asked, "What did he tell you?"

"That the first phase is almost complete." She whispered.

"Speak up, honey. You don't wanna whisper to your hostages anytime soon, so you?" The blonde grinned and turned back to the window.

"Right." Magnolia nodded and stood next to Dottie.

"Don't worry, hon. It'll all be over soon."

Long overdue update!!!!

Sorry for the crappy ending thoooo.

Still, I hope you liked it!!

With love and hugs,
Daisy Rose

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2022 ⏰

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