Chapter 5: Capital

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Moved to tomorrow? Why? I don't know because I don't wait for Ceaser to explain I turn off the television immediately and look at Peeta. This means we need to start packing now! This means we need to go in the next hour or so! This means I have to tell Rue on the train, in the middle of the night, where we're both exhausted! So much for being memorable!

I run to Haymitch's place and by the look on Effie's face I know she watched Ceaser as well.

     "Okay Katniss," She says, trying to get back into order. "Since I packed my stuff three months ago, I will help you pack." I sigh in relief. "Also Haymitch will help as well because... I packed his stuff too."

Haymitch looks mad. "I asked you where all my clothes were, but you said you had no idea!" He puts his hands on his hips and looks at Effie, she squirms.

     "You had like 3 shirts and 2 pairs of pants! I had to buy clothes for our trip even though I took all your outfits!" I giggle, it's funny to see them fight. It's like me and Peeta, but I would never steal his clothes and pack 3 months early!

     "Come on!" I say "We need to leave in a couple of hours if were going to make it!" Effie nods, Haymitch grumbles, and I laugh, but get serious. I look at Effie, letting her take charge. Not that I have much of a choice. Effie always is in the lead while the rest of us are following behind. I don't mind. We go back and Effie says.

     "Katniss pack your stuff, Peeta pack yours, Haymitch and I will pack Finnick and Rue's." 

I shake my head. "Effie whenever I pack, you always changed everything because it's not capitally enough." She sighs, but I can see a small grin underneath.

     "Your stuff is just to..." She thinks for a second, looking around the room as if she look hard enough it might just appear. "Districty." She finally says and I sigh.

     "I think I should wear something that represents my district don't you?" For some reason I expect her to agree with me, but she just laughs.

     "Oh Katniss, your rich for a reason. Show it." She says it like it's oblivious.

     "I'm rich because it was either that or giving up my life. I want to show that you don't have to be rich to be happy." We usually start out with a decision, but it always turns into a debate.

     "But were you happy?" Effie asks. "Before you were rich?" I remember, I wasn't.

     "I was treated like a slave! All I wanted is freedom. I wasn't happy when I got all my money, I wasn't happy when the revolution started, I wasn't even happy when it ended! But you know what made me happy. Them rebuilding my district, new and improved. Me raising a family with the person I love most. And me being able to be myself and hunting when I want without worrying about Peacekeepers and death! Effie have you ever been worried that someone might kill you at any moment?!"

     "Yes Katniss," She starts, but stops "I'll just do your stuff, you can do Rue's and Finnick's with Haymitch." I want to object, but were running out of time, so I nod. I get to working picking all the clothes I think Rue would like and trying not to wake her up. Half an hour later I'm done and so is Peeta. Effie comes out of my room with a huge suitcase. My eyes widen. 

     "We're gone for 3 days Effie! THREE DAYS!" I scream and stop remembering the kids. I pray I didn't wake them up, but sadly Rue walks out of her room looking tired and a few moments later Finnick comes out as well. I sigh, but say "Little ducks, I know you're tired, but were going on a trip!" Rue looks tired, like she doesn't even reason what I said. Finnick looks half excited, half asleep. I look at Peeta begging him to do something. He picks up Finnick and Rue and we all run to the train station that's a couple minutes away. When we arrive were all huffing and puffing. Effie takes a minute to fix her wig and dress.

     "Hello," She says still wheezing to a man in a booth. "Victors train please." The man started getting leading us to the train before Effie finished her sentence. "Thank you" She says, pleased with the service. I put Finnick and Rue to bed and look out the window. Watching the scenery go by as fast as my thoughts. I will tell Rue in the morning. But I can't keep pushing it. Can I? No I can't Rue deserves to know. Peeta's right I'm the one that's afraid not her. Right? Peeta comes in and I'm thankful.

     "We can't keep pushing it Peeta." I say and he nods, knowing exactly what I mean. " Will the morning be to late?" He thinks for a minute, but finally says.

     "No, it starts around lunch, we could have a special breakfast on the train just us and her."

     "What about Finnick?" I ask.

     "We can leave him with Haymitch and Effie." I nod and take a couple of deep breaths. I can't believe we're doing this. Tears swell up, but I just remind myself that I'm the one afraid, not her. It's me afraid, not her. I keep thinking that as I rub my eyes. Peeta looks tired as well. 

     "We should probably get some rest." I say, yawning. Peeta agrees and we both go to bed, falling asleep almost immediately.

The next thing I know my alarm is going off. I want to hit the snooze button, but I remember how important today is. I try to find Effie which isn't hard because she's in the dining room looking at her purple nails. "Katniss!" She says, when she sees me. "The trains are even better! We'll be in the capital in a couple of hours!" I nod sadly, but she doesn't notice. I didn't expect her too. "Oh my!" She says horrified and I think she finally noticed how upset I was. "My nail is chipped!" She tries to calm down and I try to calm down. Her nail? That's what she's worried about!? I bite my fist to prevent me from screaming. 

     "Effie?" I ask, trying to hide all my anger. "Can you take care of Finnick this morning." She's about to object, but decides not too. Nice choice because if she said no I don't know what I would of done. She waves me off.

     "Of course Katniss, anytime." She says, smiling, but I can see that she's upset. A couple minutes later Peeta comes in.

     "You ready?" I ask. He nods.

     "The question is are you Katniss?" He asks. I shake my head.

     "But I'm going to do it anyway." I say confidently, but on the inside I want to melt like the ice statute of me Effie wanted to get. About an hour later Rue comes in happy.

     "Hi Mommy, Hi Daddy" she says and grabs a waffle on the table. I look at Peeta. 

     "Do we have too?" I mouth. He nods. I take many deep breaths and say. "Rue, we have to tell you something." She looks like I just told her I was about to do some math. Not interested at all. "It's really important." Nothing "It's about our past." I say annoyed. She looks at me, excited.

     "Oh Mommy, I already know." She says, giggling. I look horrified, Peeta looks confused and Rue looks cute. 

How could she possibly know? Was it that obvious? Obviously not. But somehow our eight year old daughter knew about the hunger games, knew that we were in it. Somehow she knew everything.

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