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Two days later.

"Baby?" Imani called out, and Saint picked his phone up from the table.

"I'm here mama. Wassup?" His tired voice rasped, rubbing his temples, talking in his phone.

"Nothing, you're just quiet. Do you want me to come up there with you?" She asked, currently at her house while he was at his building.

"Nah. I need you safe, where nobody know you at. Do you need something? I'll have somebody bring you some food." He told her, tapping his fingers against his desk.

"Saint talk to me baby." She mumbled, and he sighed,

"I just feel like I'm not doing enough. I'm fucking missing something and I can't figure out what it is. This shit is fucking aggravating. Nobody ain't never fucked with my mama nem', I been in this shit for damn near fifteen years. Now all of a sudden they kidnapped? Like what type of movie shit is this." He rambled his thoughts to her, becoming more frustrated.

"She don't have nothing to do with the shit I got going on. Neither does my pops man. This shit is fucking stupid." His fist clenched, refraining from breaking his glass desk.

Just as Imani was about to respond, there was a knock on his office door. He'd told Alayna not to bother him unless she figured something out, so it had to be serious.

"Baby Ima call you back aight?" He mumbled, and she sighed.

"I love you." He told her, running his hand down his face.

"I love you too baby." She spoke up, before ending the call a few seconds later.

"Come in." He called out, and the door opened, a nervous Alayna walking inside.

"Um sir, I know you said come back if I have an update about your parents, which I don't. But-we finally found Spider, and he's on floor three waiting for you." She told him, and he immediately arose from his desk, walking past her, out of his office.

He took the stairs, jogging down the few flights, before entering the third floor, striding towards the basement doors.

He opened them, walking down another small flight of stairs, before facing a tied up Spider.

Saint swung his fist hard at the side of his face, and Spider hissed, spitting blood out his mouth.

"Untie me." His voice rasped, chuckling.

"Pierre don't fucking play with me G. Who the fuck is you?" Saint roughly grabbed his face, a mean mug on his.

"Don't hit me while I'm tied up pussy." He licked over his teeth after being punched again.

"Bitch you ain't nobody. I'll thrash yo ass without a restraint. Fuck you talm bout'. You know my body nigga don't fucking front." Saint chuckled, shaking his fist and standing upright.

Pierre didn't respond, blankly looking ahead of him, his eyes dull. He didn't care what happened to him, as long as his sisters stayed safe.

"Sir. You might wanna check this out." A security guard held out an iPad to him, and he grabbed it, pressing play on the camera footage.

He watched many clips of Imani meeting with Spider, as well as her sister Zola, in many different places.

They exchanged large sums of cash, drugs, files, and some clips of them just chilling and laughing with each other.

"What the fuck is this?" Rage seeped through Saint's body, feeling as if he'd been played.

"You fucking my girl?" Saint rose his foot, kicking Pierre hard in his chest, making him violently cough, the breath being knocked out of him.

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