Part Three: Nightwing Hybrids

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A Tribe with a dark and mysterious history- from the reign of Darkstalker to the murderous acts of Queen Battlewinner and the Nightwing Exodus- their appearance almost seems to reflect that: purplish-black scales with star-like silver scales under their wings, a black forked tongues, and startling abilities unseen anywhere else. They can breathe fire and vanish flawlessly into the night sky, but that is only the beginning. They are most famous for their moon-given ability to either forsee the future, read minds, or both. They are also highly possible to recieve the animus gift. Many Nightwing hybrids are just as unique and powerful as their parent Tribe.

Nightwing/Icewing hybrid

Striking and mysterious. Echoes of the dread, Darkstalker, they encounter unprecedented fear and prejudice everywhere, but in Enchanted. They are twice as likely to be animus, or so it is rumored. Like Gravelwings, they can either possess alternating fire-ice breath with concentration and practice, or the common steam breath. They can possess the Nightwing gifts of mind-reading and/or prophecy.

Other names: Darkwings, Stalkwings ( more derogatory and discriminating terms)

Nightwing/Mudwing hybrid

Dangerous and mysterious, Swampwings were the first to side with Pantala at the start of the Third War and became the most-feared assassins in the world. Very muscular with powerful wings and impetretable scales. Their signature mark is their unusual silvery-bloodred flecks under their wings, which dubbed their cult "The Bloodwings". [See full description in Part Two]

Other names: Bloodwings, Assassinwings, Emberwings

Nightwing/Rainwing hybrid

As vast and numerous as the stars in the universe due to the Nightwing Exodus and service under Queen Glory, these dragons have a simple beauty to them. Most commonly, they have the Nightwing coloring and build with multicolored speckles under their wings instead of silver, though other variations have been observed (e.i. black scales with an iridescent shine, dulled and blackened color-changing scales, speckles that self-morph and twinkle like stars, etc). They can possess all or none of the Nightwing abilities of prophecy, mind-reading, and genetic animus powers. These dragons are also able to spit venomous and corrosive acid, which causes a rare sickness called "venom plague." This sickness once raged through our world, but due to the hard work under Linden the Oakwing and his team of doctors, it has been all but elimated on Pyrrhia. The cure of venom plague has yet to be discovered in Pantala and is another reason the war is being fought. Because of the plague, most Starwings live in poor regions, rejected and feared by their fellow dragons.

Other names: Galaxywings, Plaguewings (derogatory term)

Nightwing/Sandwing hybrid

Reserved. Wary. Strange. These dragons have a unique sandy-gray coloring and more than half possess a Sandwing tail-barb. These dragons tend to be reclusive, especially those who have Nightwing gifts and abilities. They tend to be very attuned with nature and are skilled doctors, cooks, and mages. They are also strong fire-breathers.

Nightwing/Seawing hybrid

As a proud member of this species, I can tell you we are powerful and strong in both body and mind. All of us have the Seawing glow-in-the-dark scales in some form; the most common are along the sides of our underbelly or in replacement of the Nightwing silver scales on the underside of our wings. We can withstand extreme pressure, which means we can dive deeper than any other dragon type in our world. Most of us go on to become skilled scholars, writers, and scientists.

Nightwing/Skywing hybrid

These hybrids, like any other with a Skywing parent, are powerful fliers. They are beautifully colored, often either a deep-crimson or a dark sunset-orange. It is rumored that those who possess the Nightwing ability of prophecy can see more clearly than any other dragon-type and those with mindreading can hear more clearly. Because of this, they are regarded as one of the wisest and most insightful dragons. They also have strong fire-breath.

Other Name(s): Moonwings (credit to Moonwatcher639 for the amazing suggestion and for letting me share their amazing idea with all of you!)

Nightwing/Silkwing hybrid

Formidable and hard. These dragons have the toughest scales that we know of. Their scales tend to be a shiny onyx-black with iridescent speckles or streaks on the underside of their wings. These dragons do not undergo the Silkwing Metamorphosis, but are one of the few Silkwing hybrids who can have flamesilk. Because of this, it is believed that only Silkwing hybrids with a fire-breathing parent can weave flamesilk successfully.

Other names: Onyxwings

Nightwing/Leafwing hybrid

Hostile and secretive, these dragons hide and live in the depths of the forest. These dragons are always a gorgeous deep emerald-green with rounded wings, whether Nightwing or Leafwing-styled. The Nightwing mindreading gift mixed with Leafwing leafspeak can combine in many variations, ranging from safe to extremely dangerous. These dragons can spark famines, breed plants together in a way unseen and produce lethal poisons, and rip the earth up from the roots if they tried.

Nightwing/Hivewing hybrid

Extremely hostile, these dragons do not associate with any of the other Tribes. They are not on either side of the War, instead fighting and killing as they see fit. These dragons tend to be mostly black with different variations of yellow patterning (e.i. yellow stripes or splotches, yellow or bronze speckles on the underside of their wings, yellow band across eyes, etc.) and they can possess all or none of the Nightwing abilities of mind-reading, fortune-telling, and genetic animus-magic. They can also possess any or none of the Hivewing's poison or toxins. It feared that the Hivewing's poisonous abilities mixed with the Nightwing's corrosive saliva could cause another venom-plague pandemic.

Other names: Banditwings

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