Part Nine: Leafwing Hybrids

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Driven into near extinction and exile by the Hivewings years ago, modern-day Leafwings are known for their strict lifestyle, strategic minds, and survival skills. While not possessing the fire skills or powers of other Tribes, Leafwings have long-lasting energy (through their ability to do photosynthesis) , passed down warrior skills, and nature on their side. Their green scales and leaf-like quadratic wings allow them to blend into their forest homes, and their skill of leafspeak allows them to be attuned to their environment and literally turn the earth against their enemies. Truly, Leafwing blood brings unseen power, especially when combined with that of the other Tribes.

Leafwing/Icewing hybrid

Formidable. With their ability to withstand freezing temperatures and photosynthetic wings, they can absorb the bright Artic sun rapidly. This makes them a very energetic species with good stamina and quick metabolism. In an interesting twist of the Leafwings ability to speak to plants, some among the Pinewings have the ability to manipulate ice.

Leafwing/Mudwing hybrid

Sturdy and reliable. These dragons tend to be highly intelligent, most of them becoming scientists or doctors. They have great camouflage, can possess the ability of leafspeak, and can be fireproof if they hatch from a bloodred egg.

Leafwing/Nightwing hybrid

Hostile and secretive, these dragons hide and live in the depths of the forest. These dragons are always a gorgeous deep emerald-green with rounded wings, whether Nightwing or Leafwing-styled. The Nightwing mindreading gift mixed with Leafwing leafspeak can combine in many variations, ranging from safe to extremely dangerous. These dragons can spark famines, breed plants together in a way unseen and produce lethal poisons, and rip the earth up from the roots if they tried.

Leafwing/Rainwing hybrid

A michevious, nature-attuned species, these dragons can be difficult to distinguish from their parent Tribes. The easiest way to tell the difference is their wings: when the hybrid more resembles their Leafwing heritage, there is an iridescent shimmer to their wing membranes whenever the sun shines through them; when they more resemble a Rainwing, there is a clear greenish-tint to the wing membrane. These dragons have strong leaf-speak abilities, and it is rumored that some are even able to communicate and control other things in nature (e.i. animals, insects, water, weather, fire, etc.).

Leafwing/Sandwing hybrid

Cactuswings are known for their stamina and resolve. Due to their Leafwing photosynthesis, they thrive in the sun-beaten deserts of the Sand Kingdom. Their coloring can vary between that of their parent Tribes or can be an unique dusty green. Many of them become botanists with the goal of learning to grow various desert plants and form new oasises in the desert.

Leafwing/Seawing hybrid

Strange, allusive, and loners at heart, these dragons often dwell in kelp forests of the ocean, swamps, or other plant-heavy bodies of water. If they are unable to find these preferred lands, they often create and nurture such lands using their Leafwing-inherited leafspeak and- should they be born with animus powers- create their own landscapes and ecosystems.

Leafwing/Skywing hybrid

As formidable and sturdy as their namesake, these dragons live in the deepest forests of oak, pine, and other tall trees. They have impeccable leafspeaking abilities and any animus among them are known to make a two-year pilgrimage to produce more of these towering trees and other plant life across both lands. Seen as peaceful nomadics, it is considered the worst of war crimes to kill or otherwise harm one of them, especially a pilgrimming animus. Sequioawings often resemble their Skywing parents, except in coloring. Instead of red or orange, these hybrids are more commonly in shades of green or brown. Despite their ability to breathe fire, they are the only fire-breathing Silkwing hybrids that have yet to produce flamesilk.

Other names: Wanderwing (name for pilgrimming animuses)

Leafwing/Silkwing hybrid

A mellow, yet extremely keen hybrid, Vinewings nurture and guard nature and its inhabitants. These dragons come in all the vibrant colors of their Silkwing parents (except black, of course), but always have noticeable splashes of greens among their scales. They do not undergo Metamorphosis, nor have they produced any flamesilk-creating dragons.

Leafwing/Hivewing hybrid

Rigid. Obedient. Resourceful strategists. All of these best describe Leafwing-Hivewing hybrids, or Cedarwings. In appearance, these dragons are often a beautiful golden-brown color with markings of various shades of greens, grays, or blacks. They can possess any, all, or none of the Hivewing poison and stingers. Should a Cedarwing have poisonous claws and possess leafspeak, they have an uncanny ability to call forth some of the most poisonous and toxic plants of the land. Most of the high-ranking generals and war strategists for the Pantalan side of the War are Cedarwings due to their inherited intelligence and loyalty.

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