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The boom of thunder shook the whole palace. I knew within minutes that Osten would wake up. Maxon started stirring and popped his head up. I realized that Osten was still sleeping and now all I had to do was get Maxon back asleep.

"Shh, Maxon go back to sleep." I was quietly pleading, trying not to wake up Osten. Maxon got up. "Where are you going?" He walked closer to the crib, tripping over one of the twin's toys.


"Don't you dare say that word Maxon Schreave!" I said firmly.

"Darn bottom apples." He had a sly grin on his beautiful face. "Don't worry so much darling, I'm just checking on him"

He was walking back to bed. Once he got in, he moved close and wrapped those strong arms around me. I was immediately relaxed, but I knew the second I went to sleep he would get up and go to work. "Maxon."


"Will you promise me something?"

"Anything darling. What can I do for you?"

"When I go to sleep, you will go to sleep yourself."

"America I-"

I cut him off. "Maxon please, you're already running on little to no sleep. Just promise you'll go to sleep." I was begging him. I knew that if he didn't sleep now, he would have a tough time focusing on what the advisors were saying.

Maxon propped up on one elbow. "America, please you don't have to worry about me and my sleep. Though, if it makes you feel better, I'll go to sleep now."

"You promise?"

"I promise." Maxon was already fake snoring. I couldn't help but laugh at my husband. "Shh." Maxon was quick to tell me to be quiet. "You'll wake up Osten."

With that we both drifted to sleep and nothing else disturbed us.

Sorry didn't mean to post picture.

All Credit goes to Keria Cass, the author of the selection series and owns all rights to all charachters.

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