The morning after (Ekkio)

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Henri had left last night aftyer the report to go home and be with his family. He wished me all the best though. Kile and I on the other hand were on the way to greet Ean and Hale who were coming to congratulate us,  but also for Eadlyn's dress fitting. As we walked we made small talk and Kile told me funny stories about growing up with the Schreave twins and sibblings. When we made it to the end of the second floor landing we heard the fast clicks of shoes coming toward us and we turned to look. We saw the Queen in a knee length blue long sleeve fitted dress. It pinched in right at the waist to show off her small waist and frame. She wore small heels which matched the blue of her dress. She seemed fragile to me like a strong gust of wind could knock her over and break her. She seemed so small and fragile. I felt like I should get the king to come protect her.

We stopped walking and when she reached us Kile offered his arm which she took. "Good morning, boys." It was early the sun was just starting to rise it cou;dn't have been passed 4:45.

"Miss America why are you up at this hour?" Kile smiled at her and we heard more foot steps, I expected the king to be after his wife, but instead it was general coming along very fast. The queen sped up without even looking back.

"Ahren and Camille have arrived and I am coming to greet them. Though after last night I let Maxon sleep longer." She countinued to sped up as the Genral was gaining on us.

"America Schreave, queen or not if you don't come back right now-"

"You'll what take me to the king. You don't think that I can talk my way out of that. Aspen, you are a honored general, you don't have to escort the queen everywhere."

Kile and I looked at each other and he was smiling. "Yes I do, because when the king, your husband, gives an order about his wife's saftey and protection, I follow it to a tee, because I am an honored general and I don't want to be terminated over not walking you to the door. Now please, woman, take my arm before I call your husband." Before anyone could move the king down the stairs.

He didn't look like the man I had come to know throught the report, books, and articles. He wore a deep red robe with slippers that matched. Everything looked soft to the touch. The king's eyes scanned over the group seemingly looking for someone. The queen had already turneed the corner and was out of sight. He looked at the general, "Aspen, where is my wife?" The king walked toward us with authority. We stopped moving so he reaches us quickly.

We all three bowed when he got close enough. "She was just-" The king cut the general off.

"I gave you one job. Escort the lady, my wife, the Queen of Illea, around when I was asleep. Do I need to remind you that she just had a heart attack and is still very fragile and could easily fall or faint or have another heart-"

This time it was the king who got cut off. The general placed his hand of the king's shoulder. "Maxon, calm down she is right around the corner, here. She didn't get far, though she did resist me escorting her."

"I'll talk to her about it." The king sped up his pace and we matched it as he ran a hand through his hair and closed his eyes. "I'm sorry."

We rounded the corner and there the queen was standing looking at a painting of her and the king. They were younger and she was wearing a white cream dress with a sash. He stood protectivly behind her in a full suit with a hand on her waist. There was no crown for either of them, so I assumed it was during the king's selection.

The king walked up behind her and kissed her head. She turned around and looked at him as he pulled her closer. He looked relieved to know where she was and that she was fine. "When did you get up?"

He pulled her hand to his arm and started walking away. "A few minutes ago. Stop running away from Aspen and your guards." His voice was the most serious I'd ever heard him talk to the queen.

She shook her head and stopped to kiss his cheek. "I didn't mean to upset you. I'm sorry." The king squeezed her hand and kissed her hair.

The general spoke up as we followed them. "He started freaking out again, America." The king turned to glare at the general. "All about hiw fragile you were and how you were so at risk for falling." The general laughed though the king did not seem amused.

The queen laughed as she and the king turned around to face us. "Aspen, I didn't realize I was so old."

The king looked annoyed. "America you've just had a life threating heart attack. Forgive me I am a little more on edge than usual."

The queen looked at her husband. "You were worse right after we got married."

The general laughed loudly. "Those were the days I fot fired everyday for losing you."

"Stop making fun of me." The king sounded serious. Though the queen didn't seem to serious when she shook her head yes.

The king and queen got ahead of us and the general countinued to walk with us. "General," I asked. "Why does the king have you following around the queen."

"Well, he was sleeping this morning when she left and he is scared to death that the second she is alone she will have another a heart attack. Though, this time she won't make it. A bit of a nightmare for him.

"I had no idea."

"He hides it well." The general shook his head. "Its always been his worst nightmare, to lose her." The general looked at me. "You should feel the same way about Eadlyn. Not to the same degree as him." The general pointed to king who was watching his wife as she told him a story about something. "But it should be something you fear."

"I do. But I think Eadlyn would kill me if I ever made someone follow her around the whole time."

Kile laughed and smiled. "Miss America has always had a guard with her near her for as long as I remember."

The general smiled. "Maxon placed a guard outside her door during the selection every night. Her security is the first and more important topic we discuss in security breifings. Maxon has always made sure of that."

The king and queen stopped to wait on us as we got to the doors. They smiled as we approached and the general took his place behind the queen and the doors opened and we walked out. The fresh air hit me and I smelled flowers and sweet summer air. I looked up and saw Hale and Ean. When I looked toward the king and queen, I saw the king standing staring at his sun as Princess Camille kissed his cheeks. All I saw of the queen was her red hair under her son, Prince Ahren. It was the first time they had seen him since he left and they seemed over joyed.

The queen stepped away wiping tears as the king stepped forward and took a shorter hug. "Its good to have you home, son. We've missed you."

"I'm sorry. We shouldn't-"

The queen spoke up as she retook her place in her husband arm. "Your in love. If anyone could understand its us."

I turned to greet Hale and Ean. "Welcome back."

Hale smiled, "Where is the princess I'm supposed to fitting?"

The king and his family walked over. He looked at his watch, "She should have just gotten up. Why don't we all go inside," he looked at his wife. "We don't want you to catch anything right now. The queen waited, but as soon as the king turned back to us she rolled her eyes and the prince laughed. "And we can meet her at breakfeast."

"Yes, your majesty." Hale and Ean answered at the same time.

Kile walked up and took Ahren's other arm to mimick Camille. "We'll have to be careful now that your married. Don't want your wife to find out she isn't your bestfriend."

Everyone laughed as we went back inside to enjoy a nice breakfeast.

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