8 months later

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"There's a thing called a speed limit," Calum say. I squeezed Luke's hand.

"Its going to be ok baby," he says.

"We're almost there! Hold on," Calum says. The hospital comes into sight and I sigh in relief. But the pain is insane. We found out the baby is a girl so I was really happy. Calum pulls into the parking lot and I put one arm over Luke's neck and one over Calums.

"Help, my finance is in labor!" Luke yells. The front office lady talks into the walkie talkie and nurses run over with a gurney. They lay me on it and Luke stands at my aside as they push me into a room. Calum follows behind. They then set me on the bed in the room. They hook me up to everything.

"Guys! This baby is coming in a few minutes!" One nurse yells.

"I'll get her doctor," another one says. I scream at the pain. I'm squeezing the circulation out of Luke's hand. I look at him and a smile breaks out on my face. Luke was going to be the father of my child. Luke smiles back at me. But then I feel another strike of pain and scream.

"Where's the doctor??" The nurse asks after the one that went to get them comes in.

"They'll be here! They were busy," the nurse says.

"Oh my god," they say. The doctor bursts into the room. Thank god.

"Oh ya, this baby is coming right now," he says. Luke and Calum stand next to me. Carrie walks in. She runs to my side. I scream. "Ok you can start pushing." I push my hardest. "Good, another good one." I push again with the same strength. "A few more just like that." I push again. "One more great big one," they say. I push again. "The head is out! Now push a little after now." I pushed not as hard. Nurses run over and clear out the nose and mouth. I heard a baby start to cry. Luke looks over at the baby and his eyes start to get watery. "It's a healthy baby girl." They show me the baby, she had lots of hair that was a dirty blonde. My eyes get watery. They take her away to get cleaned up. I look at Luke and smile and let out a crying chuckle.

"We have a baby," I say.

"Let's name her Stella," I say.

"That's beautiful," Luke says. He bends down and kisses me. Soon the baby is brought back and they sit me up. They set the baby gently in my arms. She was so light and little. I fell in love with her right away. Her eyes opened and she had Luke's eyes. They were a bright blue. My eyes watered, I was hoping she would get her dad's eyes, since mine are so plain and brown. I kissed her head lightly.

"What's her name?" The nurse asks.

"Stella Hannah Hemmings," I say. They nod and leave the room.

"Can I hold her?" Luke asks.

"Of course, she's your baby too," I say. He carefully takes the baby. He looks nervous. I chuckle.

"Wow, you guys made a cute baby," Calum says.

"Are you ready to be uncle Calum?" I ask him.

"Yup, I was born ready," he says.

"Shut up," I giggle. Carrie stands next to Luke on her tippy toes (since Luke is a giant) looking at the baby. "What about Auntie Carrie?"

"Oh ya, she's so precious," Carrie says. I smile.

"Thanks," I say. They all hold her and then set her down in the baby bed. Carrie is taking care of Jimmy at home. Calum and Luke stay the night. I had to wake up every now and then at night because of the baby. I was so happy I'm going to have a family. My life was going perfect

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