Meeting More Celebs

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Michael picked me up on Saturday at about 2 and we want to a back stage place. Since Michael knows Alex we didn't exactly need passes. When we walked in the room, I was crying. They were singing Therapy which is my favorite song by them. When they finished they came up to me and Michael.

"Hey Mike, who is this?" Alex asked.

"And why is she crying?" Jack asked.

"This is Marysa and I really don't know," Michael said.

"I am crying because you guys are perfect and I love Therapy," I replied.

"Aw she's so niiiice," Alex said and hugged me.

"Hey move over my turn," Jack said pushing Alex away.

"Ok guys calm down," Zack said.

"So can you sing?" Alex asked.

"A little," I replied shrugging.

"Let's see it," Jack said.

"Ok," I said jumping up to the microphone, "hello gentlemen and gentlemen, this is Backseat Serenade."

"Ya woo hoo!" Jack started yelling until Alex hit him and told him to shut up.

"Lazy lover, find a place for me again, you felt is once before, I know you did, I could feel it, whisky princess, drink me under pull me in.." I sang.

"Wow that was great," Alex said.

"Amazing," Jack said.

"Wow," Zack said.

"Thanks," I said.

"Ya she's really good," Mikey said.

"You should preform with us tonight, to that song," Alex offered.

"Yaaaaaa," Jack said.

"Really!?" I asked/screamed.

"Ya totally," Zack said.

"Oh my gosh yes!" I said with tears in my eyes.

"Sounds good, you can just stand at the side and then we will call you out and you can sing that with us and it will be amazing," Jack told me.

"Sounds perfect," I said.

"Yay well we have like a half hour so you can just watch us rehearse and stuuff," Alex said.

"Ok, sounds good," Michael said. We watched them and I lip sycned to all of their songs because I know them all.

"Ok well were about to go on in about a minute, it won't be long, its the second song," Zack told me.

"I'm ready!" I exclaimed.

"Good," Jack told me.

"Ok were heading out guys," Alex said.

"Good luck!" I told them. They all smiled at me and went out to their instruments. All I heard was screaming at that moment. The first song was Break Your Little Heart. Then it finished and my heart started racing.

"Now, we have a special guest," Jack said.

"She's our new friend," Alex said.

"And she's hella talented," Jack said.

"This is our friend Marysa," Alex said. I walked out and everyone was screaming, even though I'm not famous at all. It felt good though

"Hey guys! I'm not famous!" I said in the mic. Alex laughed.

"Not yet," Jack said.

"You guys have a sneak peak at an upcoming star!" Alex said. Everyone started screaming.

"Oh stop it you guys!" I said.

"Ok beautiful people, this is Backseat Serenade," Alex said. We started singing and everyone loved it. I felt amazing, I felt like I was flying.

"Thank you everyone this was great," I said in the mic before I left.

"Let's give Marysa some love everyone," Jack said. Everyone started screaming. I waved as I walked off the stage. When I got off Mikey was waiting there. I jumped into his arms.

"How was it?" Michael asked me.

"Amazing! Crazy! Perfect!" I exclaimed.

"Hey get used to it, you're going to be a star," Mikey told me.

"Ya ya, let's go, I'm tired," I said pulling on his hand.


I got home and checked my socail media, my phone was blown up with twitter notifications. I checked what was going on and couldn't believe it. Everyone was talking about the concert, looks like some fans recognized me. I went to trending and one thing that was trending was #lukesgirlfriend this should be great. Lots and lots of hate tonight.

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