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Alis ka na Kung ayaw mo ng bastos.
Sorry God bless.
(If you don't want to read inappropriate things then this book is not for you)

"Ugh!" I moaned as he pushed me against the wall and aggressively kissed my neck while playing with my part down there.

I didn't expect that he'd react this way.

"No! Don't!" I tried pushing him but he's too strong for me.

He stopped kissing my neck and stared at me. He plastered this mischievous smirk across his face then inserted a finger inside me. "Ugh!" I moaned once again.

"You look so fuckable on stage earlier" He whispered and then aggressively kissed me, he pushed his finger in and out of me with ease because of how wet I am down there.

"Be a nice kitty and stay quiet" he added.
His right hand found its way to my left mound and the other continued playing with me.

He inserted another finger inside me and made his way to my breast.
"Darling you're hard" he said before licking the erected nipple Infront him.

He made a circling motion with his tongue to further erect my nipple while inserting two fingers in and out my vagina.

He made a last bite to my nipple then making his pace faster. Then he inserted another one. Three fingers going in and out my vagina in a fast pace.

I grabbed his shoulder for support because I can feel my knees giving up on me.

After my breast he then came back to my neck, sucking on it, biting it and kissing it passionately.

"Ah! Mi...key!" I shouted because I can feel a knot in my stomach indicating that I'll be coming very soon.

He suddenly stopped kissing my neck and took his fingers out of me.

"Wha—?!" I shouted at his sudden movements
"I'm about to come!"

He smirked at me and then whispered
"You can't come without me kitten"

He then kissed me again but this time it's more passionate than aggressive. He grabbed my breast again then played it with his fingers. He grabbed my hand with his other hand then guided it to his erected bulge.

I closed my eyes feeling his kiss, his hands on my breast and his dick.

He put my legs up his waist and carried me towards the bed.

He laid me on the bed and broke the kiss, the hands that were once playing with my breast were gone too.

I opened my eyes to see what he's doing only to find out that he's taking his clothes off.

He stared at me while unbuckling his belt  and taking his pants and boxers off.

He kissed me again and positioned his member in front of my vagina. He first inserted two fingers to get me ready for him. When he noticed that I'm wet enough he inserted his digits inside me.

"Mmhh!!" I can't moan properly because of the kiss we're both sharing.

We've been fucking for God knows how many times and I still can't get use to his dick.

He stopped the kiss and said
"You're still tight babe. Maybe I should fuck you more often" he laughed.

"Too big..." I responded because I really can't form words right now.

He started going faster while planting soft kisses on my breast up to my neck. I grabbed his hair.

"Ugh!"  I once again started feeling butterflies in my stomach. Then he started slowing down.

I crinckled my forehead and stared at him but he only gave me a stare.

I bit my lip and grabbed the bedsheet because of the emotions I can't describe. I'm almost there! I'm almost at my high! Ugh!.

He grabbed both of my legs then leveled them up to his shoulders making him go deeper in me. He started pounding on me.

His fast and aggressive pace is now passionate and slow but hard pace.

I grabbed his hand and came, I felt him grip my leg and soon after he released his semen in me. Warm liquid started feeling me up.

I felt him remove his member he give me one last kiss on the lips and left the bed. Soon enough I passed out after that.

I opened my eyes only to see a familiar ceiling

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I opened my eyes only to see a familiar ceiling. I examined my surroundings. What am I even hoping for? Of course he's not here. I sat up and noticed the blanket that's falling off my body, did he put this on me last night? Or did I and can't just remember it?

There he goes again giving me mixed signals, one moment he'll care me me then one moment he'll dump and ignore me. Maybe he really just see me as another whore.

I picked myself up and decided to take a shower. As I look for the clothes I wore last night I noticed a paper bag with a familiar mark on it, this... *Sigh* I opened the paper bag and saw a fresh pair of clothes... I always see this bag everytime  we finish fucking each other, the same time he'll disappear.

I wore the fresh clothes that has been prepared beforehand and put my dirty ones inside the paper bag. I didn't bother cleaning the room up because I know someone will come and clean the room up.

I left the room and made my way to the living room.
*Bang* *bang* "Hahahahaha"
A loud gunshot and a creepy laughter following it was heard throughout the hallways. I didn't have a glimpse to who that was but I have an idea who. Bonten's No. 2

"What are you doing?"

I was taken aback by the sudden question. I didn't expect Mikey to be here.

"Ah, I was just leaving..." I explained.
"Then leave" he said then walked towards the living room.

Did he just shrugged me off?! Tch.

I didn't wanna see the lunatics in the living room so I asked some of the guards where the back door is, I'm not too familiar with the backdoor because I usually leave through the front.

I left the mansion and drove my way out.

Mikey's mansion is surrounded by hectares and hectares. If I could estimate it's probably about 10 subdivisions wide, not a surprise though considering that they're Japan's most wanted criminals.

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︎ ︎ ︎ ︎Actually, for my intelligent mind and for the good of ourselves, also for the environment. I believed that I have nothing to say. Thankyou.

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