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Patawad walang smut ngayon bawi nalang next chapter.
(Rated PG)

*Bang* *bang*

I woke up because of the several gunshot that echoed throughout the house. I sat up on the couch that I slept in, I always sleep on the couch as much as I can because I feel lonely sleeping in a big bed, big room and big house alone. Why would he buy this Mansion if no one's gonna live here anyways?!

Mikey wasn't here yesterday... And the other day, since someone is firing a gun early in the morning I'm guessing that the whole squad is here. They're probably at the basement and enjoying their little "game".

I opened my phone just to wake myself up. I'm still sleepy knowing that someone is probably dying in the same place I'm in.

5:03 A.M.

My lockscreen flashed the time on.

It's 5 in the morning and they're already killing people?! They should at least let someone sleep. *Sigh*

I laid back down and closed my eyes even though I know that I won't be able to sleep.

"Ahhh!!!!!" Some guy screamed. After a few minutes everything went silent... It's suspicious so I opened my eyes.

"Oi! Go catch the bastard!" *Bang!*
"Are you fucking blind?! You missed a target that big?!" Sounds like they're fighting. I should go back upstairs so I won't be caught in the mess.

I took my phone then walked towards the stairs.

"Y/N!" I looked at the direction where the shout came from only to see Ryota running towards me. I can see the guards that is behind him and is pointing their gun towards us, panic devoured his face.

*Bang* they didn't even hesitated to pull the trigger. I felt a painful impact on my left shoulder and I already know I'm fucked.

"Oi! Are you okay?" Ryota said as he let me sit down then checked my shoulder. Numbness is the only thing I felt for a while and soon enough pain is dominating my arm.

"Ahhh!!!! Fuck!! It hurts!! Son of a mother fucking bitch!!" I cursed to my heart's content. The guards immediately dropped their guns and stared at us.

Blood started dripping down my arm.
Ryota removed his shirt and put it on the wound. He pressed on the cloth that is on the wound to put pressure and to stop the bleeding as much as he can, but  the pain only worsened because of the pressure.

Tears started falling down my cheeks.

"What are we gonna do? Do you know someone who can help here?" He asked because he too doesn't know what to do.

"The..b-basement" I answered in a shaky voice.

"Are you serious right now? There's some crazy bastards in that basement! They even tried to kill me" he stated in fear.

"Ryota" I said in a serious tone. Fear engulfed his face at the thought of coming back in the basement where he barely scaped. "It will...b—be fine." He hesitated for a moment and then carried me to the basement.

The guard who fired the gun is now shaking with fear.
"Miss I'm sorry, I didn't mean to—"
"Get out" l said.

I gripped Ryota's hair because of the unbearable pain. He groaned in pain but didn't complain.

𝑩𝒂𝒃𝒚 𝑫𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒚 || Sano ManjiroWhere stories live. Discover now