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We arrived in America at 10 in the morning.

When we disembarked a red carpet and a black limousine welcomed us. We entered the limousine and the driver took us to our hotel.

"Why are we here again?" I asked them but Rindou laughed at my question.
"You came without knowing what we're gonna do?" Rindou asked.
"It's not like I have a choice" I said and rolled my eyes at him.

"We're attending a party" Ran answered my question while inhaling a cigarette.
"Am I supposed to guess who's party it is?" I replied.

"Jeez what's with you today?" Sanzu asked as he noticed that I'm a bit irritated than usual.

How can I not be irritated?! It's a 12 hour flight and now we'll need to wait 2 hours to arrive at our hotel! I'm tired, I'm hungry and some of the guys I ran into wants to take pictures.

I pinched the bridge of my nose to calm down and leaned towards Mikey. Mikey just wrapped his arm around my shoulder, glanced at me and then looked at the iPad that he is holding.

"Here" Sanzu gave me a jar full of gummies. I gladly accepted it.

I ate the gummies and decided to look out the window to somehow amuse myself with the view.

A bay came to view. Oh cool we're going to a beach. I'm just gonna treat this as a vacation so I'll at least enjoy my time here in America... A beach?

"Wait, are we going to a beach?!" Realization hit me and I couldn't help but to ask. I looked at Mikey for answers and he only nodded in response.

Oh shit, we are going to a beach! I don't have any clothes with me since someone didn't tell me that we're leaving the country! Plus my body is full of hickeys from a certain someone.

I glared at Mikey because I probably won't enjoy the beach.
"What?" He asked.
"Fuck. Mother fucker. Shit head. Bitch" I mumbled a series of curses, loud enough for them to hear. Mikey only chuckled and said.
"If you're worried about your clothes, you can buy new ones" he said as he handed me 3 cards and gave me a peck on the cheek. The three cards are: Platinum, gold and black.

I just stared at the cards.
"If you're not going to take them, I would"
Koko said while sticking his tongue out.

I was about to say something but the car stopped meaning that we're already here.
I opened my phone to check the time.
12:09 pm.

We got out of the vehicle one by one. I looked around and saw the empty parking lot that we're in. Bonten doesn't really walk in the usual entrance of buildings for safety purposes. Mikey almost got assassinated one time but the sniper missed and shot one of the bodyguards instead. They're preventing that accident to happen again by entering every building on the parking lot.

*Yawn* I yawned and stretch my body.
"Are you sure that the building is secured?" Sanzu asked the others just to make sure.
"He's right. We need to remember that this is not our turf." Kakucho agreed with Sanzu.
"We under Wayne's protection, it's probably fine" Koko disagreed.

"Can we just enter the fucking hotel already?! Why can't you just rent the room below us and have guards all over like usual?!" I shouted at them. After 12 hours of traveling and they refuse to enter the hotel?! For fucks sake I'm tired and hungry af! If they're still not tired then don't compare my body to them. They probably could break a bone and still continue fighting their enemies and would still win.

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