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"Where are you going?" Mikey asked making the whole squad look at me.

They're currently inhaling drugs in the living room. The penthouse is currently swarming with bodyguards so they're a little bit comfortable. Seeing at how they choose to be left defenseless while inhaling drugs, they must trust them.

"I'm gonna buy something" I answered while showing him the cards that he gave me yesterday. He nodded in response so I left the room and headed towards the elevator.

Of course he doesn't have any choice but to let me shop because it's his fault that I didn't took some with me.

I entered the elevator and pressed the number '1'. I stared at the decreasing number in front of me while waiting to arrive at the first floor.




It stopped at number 45 meaning that someone is getting on the elevator.
I moved sideways to give the man some space even though we're the only ones in the elevator.

I took a quick glance at him and saw that he's wearing a suit with stripes on. He's wearing some glasses too and have highlights on his hair.

He looks quite familiar, it's on the tip of my tongue but I can't pin point what it exactly is.

I stayed silent making the room very awkward but he finally spoke.

"I know why you choose to be with Bonten" he said with a smirk plastered across his face.

That statement caught me off guard so I stared at him, I tried to read his expression but he looks mischievous so I really can't tell what on his mind right now.

I don't know if he's a ally or a foe so I stayed silent and let him talked.

"You're looking for someone... Tetta to be exact" he said while staring at me, of course I stared back wanting to know what else does he know about me.

"H—how did you..?" I asked and he simply chuckled at the question.

"Babe, you're in the dirty part of the society. You should expect everyone that you meet on the party, knows you and your past." He stated.

'dirty part of society' does that mean he's like Bonten? If he is it'll just make things easier for me. He probably hired someone to investigate my past.

What exactly is this "party" that I'm going to attend? And who is the "Wayne" that they mentioned? Is there going to be a bloodshed?

Many questions flooded my head making me unconscious of what's happening.

The man moved Infront of me and stared at my face.

"You don't look alike" he said while caressing my hair, of course I slapped his hands away and glared at him.

*Ding* the elevator door opened and I quickly left but he followed me or so I thought maybe it's just a coincidence that we're going at the same direction because when I turned around he wasn't there.

I want to know more about Tetta but he's creepy and because of the fact that I somehow recognize him but can't remember who he is, is even more disturbing so I didn't bother looking for him.

Even though we're on a beach there's still  a shopping district near our hotel.

There's many people here than I thought. There's even designer brands that's displayed. Dior, LV, Gucci, Fendi you name it.

𝑩𝒂𝒃𝒚 𝑫𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒚 || Sano ManjiroWhere stories live. Discover now