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Third person's P.OV.

"Koko! You lost! Give me my money!" Sanzu's voice is the first thing Y/N heard as soon as she regained consciousness.

"I want a rematch!" Koko yelled back.
"Oi Rin! Did you see the Actress in the club on Roppongi? I heard that she's hot" Ran's voice followed after Koko's.

Y/N wanted to move her body and cover her ears because of the noise but she can't move a muscle. Just trying to move her arm is hard for the lad.

She opened her eyes up and saw a ceiling, she doesn't even know if it's familiar or not because the only thing on her mind is the noise that they're making.

"Are they high?" She asked herself.

It's surprising for Y/N that they're not playing pool in the room like they usually does.

She then noticed that the only ones in the room are Sanzu, Koko, Rin and Ran.

'Why the fuck are they even here if they're going to be noisy like that?!'

Y/N stared at the ceiling for a few minutes while bearing their annoying screams and laughter.

The bunch didn't noticed that the girl was awake because they were too busy playing a game on their phone.

The smell of alcohol soon dominated
Y/N's nose that made her more eager to get out of the room.

The girl waited a few minutes just to regain some of her strength back just to get out of the room as soon as possible.

"Oi it's your turn!" Sanzu complained as he thought that Rindou is trying to skip his turn.

"I already took a shot!" Rindou shouted back.

She tried to move her arms but failed due to her lack of strength but was soon successful when she tried for the second time.

Y/N sighed relief.
'just a few more minutes' she encouraged herself.

"How's the investigation?" Koko asked the others.

"They're still working on it" ran answered.

"They're suspecting one of Wayne's man" Rindou continued the conversation while pouring a rum into his glass once again.

Hearing their conversation, Y/N was reminded about the blonde guy who "kidnapped" her.

'What did the guy exactly do to me? Do they know that he's blonde? Is he an enemy or an ally?'

Many questions then flooded Y/N's brain.

"What about Nish? Is she okay about their engagement?" Ran asked about how Nish reacted when she heard that their engagement were broken.

'what engagement? To who? Nish? That goddess is getting married to someone?' Y/N cannot believe the news that she just heard.

"Nah, his father loves her very much that he doesn't want to break the princess's heart" Sanzu said before inhaling some drug that's lined on the table.

'Does she not love the guy or something?' She once again asked in her mind.

Y/N stood up with all her might and walked straight out of the room.

"Oh hi Y/N" Sanzu even greeted her, not realizing that the person that they were supposed to look after just stood up and left the room.

The room went silent as Y/N slammed the door closed and walked straight into the hallways.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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