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Third person's P.O.V.

Y/N woke up with no one beside her. Mikey would often leave her alone because of matters that he must attend to. He usually arrive at 12:00 am and leave at 5:00 am, and because of that the two doesn't have any alone time together for the past few days.

Today was different because Y/N saw a dress that is carefully placed on a chair where she could easily see.

It's a white evening gown with a hint of gold. It's simple but elegant.

Y/N decided to go to the bathroom first before checking the gown out.

She did her usual routine and left the bathroom to examine the dress.

The first thing the young lad noticed is a piece of paper with writings on it.

9:00 pm

Someone will come get you. Don't ask him anything just go with him. You'll look beautiful in this dress so wear it... Though I prefer you without any clothes on.

Y/N didn't even paid any attention to the joke Mikey has slid in there and she just put a questioning look on her face. She's wondering what the occasion might be, because Mikey usually hides her from dangerous people but now he's the one who's telling her to come.

She took her phone out to call Mikey and ask him what the occasion is but her stomach growled, she decided to go eat and call Mikey.

After a few rings Y/N's call was redirected to voicemail, she tried again and again but the result was still the same.

'He's probably busy' she thought to herself and made her way to the kitchen.

The condo was quiet so Y/N took that as a hint that no one is there except for her. The same scenario has been going on for days now, she couldn't even get a glimpse of the executive's.

Y/N sighed in disbelief. She just couldn't get use to the silence because when they are around, it's always noisy and chaotic here.

A food is already prepared for her as usual. She gobbled the food and head straight to the living room.

8:53 PM

Y/N look at her reflection for the millionth time, she just couldn't believe how good the dress is. The dress fits perfectly to her body.

The dress have this see through sleeves that have a hint of gold in it. The waist perfectly compliments her figure, with the black belt that came with it.

She curled her hair up a little
(if you don't have curly hair) and only put a light make up to match with the dress.

*Knock* *knock* "miss? I was told to come get you" a man's voice echoed.

Y/N took a white purse and put her phone and make up in it.

She hurriedly opened the door and the man bowed in return.

"Follow me ma'am" he said and Y/N nodded in response.

The two of them reached the parking lot and was welcomed by a guy with highlights on and has this circle glasses.

Y/N recognized who the man was because they were just shopping last time.

"Hanma?" Y/N questioned.
"Oh I'm surprised that you still know me" he answered.

The driver opened the door for her, she was about to go in but Hanma beat her to it. He entered the car warning. She followed Hanma and sat beside him.

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