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Third person's P.O.V.

Mikey groped Y/N's ass to resist the urge to rip her shirt off.

"Mmh~ M-Mikey..." Y/N tried to stop the man because they're currently in a public elevator, someone might enter the elevator anytime.

Mikey saw the hesitation in Y/N's eyes but instead of stoping, he kissed her roughly and pushed her to a corner.

He removed his hand that is on her ass a moment ago and placed it on her breast.

Y/N wrapped her arms around Mikeys's nape to to made the kiss deeper.

Mikey can feel Y/N's nipple because of the thin fabric that is covering her body. He play with it making Y/N's knees go weak.

Mikey noticed and pulled her legs up to his waist to support her weight.

Mikey stopped their shared kiss and trailed his lips down to her neck.

"Ugh~" Y/N couldn't stop her moan as he bit her neck.

It's not like anyone can hear the two as they make out in a elevator.

"I really want to fuck you right now" he whispered as he stop sucking on the girl's neck.

Y/N chuckled in response.

The two knows that they can't fuck in a elevator but who says kissing is not allowed?

The two continued kissing not until Y/N felt the elevator stopped moving following by a *ding* sound.

She pushed him with all her strength, Mikey stopped kissing her and let her leg down so she could stand on her own.

He wanted to fuck her right there and then but refrained himself from doing so because he knows that the woman hates being embarrassed in front of other people. Mikey displayed this little pout on his face and the hint of disappointment is all over his eyes.

The door opened revealing 4 man standing and waiting to enter the elevator.

"Tch" Mikey let out.

Y/N moved to the corner to face the elevator wall and covered her face with her palm. Mikey moved towards Y/N to let the others know that the girl is with him and to prevent them from harassing her while she face the wall.

'What if there's camera in this elevator? Ahhh it's so embarrassing just thinking about it' The girl thought that made her face red even more.

The little stunt that they made in the aircraft is fine with her because it's a private plane and few people are on board that time plus as Sanzu stated, he stopped people from entering but this time they don't know wether people might enter just like what happened.

The elevator ride was short but for Y/N it felt like centuries. Her face was still red after leaving the elevator.

Mikey excused himself to *ahem* relieve his awakened dragon.

After hearing Mikey's excuse, Y/N wanted the earth to eat her right there. She just can't do it in "public", her conscience can't.

After waiting for minutes in the lobby, Mikey arrived followed by the gang.

Sanzu came up to her and said:
"Yo! How it—" he didn't even finished his sentence because Y/N grabbed his hair in embarrassment.
"O-ouch!" Sanzu complained.

She doesn't want to remember that they almost stripped on the elevator.

"Let's go. I'm hungry" Rindou straight up said and walked towards the beach of course everyone followed after him.

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