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Third person's P.O.V.

"What?" Mikey asked as he noticed that everyone is looking at him when he walked towards the door.

"Did you just had semmhm" Sanzu couldn't finish his sentence because Rindou quickly covered his mouth.

"What?" Mikey asked because he couldn't hear him properly.

Ryota entered the room with an exhausted face on.

Mikey stared at him for a second and ordered him to get a tissue and wipes.

Bonten originally planned to kill him because he knows too much and he's not that loyal to the gang but Y/N begged them to let Ryota live and they did.

Mikey unconsciously created a soft spot for Y/N even though he made up his mind to not open up for someone.

Ryota bowed and hurriedly left the room to look for tissues and wipes.

After a few minutes Ryota came back followed by a man.

"We request everyone to enter the ball room because the event is about to start" he said then bowed and left.

The executive's stood up as soon as the guy left.

"Umm excuse me? Where's Ms. Y/N?" Ryota asked them as he noticed that the girl is not with them.

The bunch stopped on their tracks and looked at each other.

"Boss..." They said in sync and looked at Mikey who's walking towards the corridor where he came from.

Mikey ignored them and hurriedly walked towards Y/N who is sitting on a chair.

Y/N was tired and don't have the energy to join them for now. Mikey took the blame for Y/N's action and decided to clean her up, just like a good partner would.

Mikey slowly moved Y/N's head up. 

They both smiled when their eyes met.

"The event is about to start, we should go get you ready" Mikey said in a soft tone and gave the girl a light kiss in the forehead.

He carefully removed the girls smudged make up and wiped her whole body with wipes because they can't afford to take a proper shower.

Mikey even took a comb out of Y/N's purse and tried his best to put it in a clean ponytail.

When he was done, he assisted Y/N up and intertwined their hands together.

Mikey memorized the hallways for safety purposes that's why the two didn't need someone to assist them.

The two eventually arrived at a big door where the executive's are patiently waiting.

Mikey removed his grip on her hand and talked to the man who is standing beside the door.

Sanzu moved towards Y/N to remind her of what will happen later.
"Yeah so, we'll just walk down the stairs as a group and sit silently on the table. Don't look at them straight in the eyes. Don't talk to anyone, we'll take care of it if someone tries to converse with you. Stay close with at least one executive, got it?"

Everyone was nervous for her because this is the first time they'd disclose her info. Bonten covered her personal info that is exactly why everyone is curious who this person is and what is she to Bonten.

They didn't teach the girl any self defense because none of them predicted that the day they'd introduce her to the underworld would come.

It's like letting a mouse enter the lions den. Everyone on the other side of that door can easily kill her with just a snap of their fingers.

𝑩𝒂𝒃𝒚 𝑫𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒚 || Sano ManjiroWhere stories live. Discover now