Chapter 106

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When Gu Bai was still Yin Baigu, although he had a soul and some emotions, he didn't understand those emotions.

He knew what kissing was. It was something that only Shuangxiu partners would do. He and Ye Cang were not Shuangxiu's partners. He was still a puppet, a man. Why did the other party kiss him?

After pushing Ye Cang away, he hurriedly returned to the Immortal Realm with his mind full of questions and confusion.

When Lu Yaoji saw him returning, there was an emotion in his eyes that he couldn't understand. Although he didn't quite understand it, he was very sensitive to discover that Lu Yaoji hated his momentary emotions.

It's just that he still didn't understand people's hearts at that time, and his mind was full of pictures of men kissing him. He ignored the past and ran back to his bedroom in a hurry to hide for several days without coming out.

It wasn't until several days later that he came out of the bedroom and ran to the Feng Clan to ask Feng Siming for help.

He found that he seemed to be poisoned. Every day his mind was like Ye Cang, and he couldn't calm down even when he was cultivating. When he closed his eyes, it would appear, which almost caused him to go crazy.

He thought that he must have been poisoned by the demons. It must be known that the demons of the demons are very powerful. Once they are contaminated not only the body, but also the soul will be eroded.

That person kissed him, at such a close distance, he must have been poisoned!

His lips are so hot, his heart is so flustered, and his brain is so hot, Ye Cang, the god of war in the demon world who is known as the number one powerhouse in the Six Realms, really lives up to his reputation. It is really terrifying that a little devilish energy can hurt him like this...

"Feng Siming, You must help me, Bai Gu is about to die, Bai Gu doesn't want to die..."

He anxiously pulled Feng Siming for help, usually he went directly to the master when he had something to do, but now that the master is in retreat, he can only Find Feng Si.

Because Feng Siming not only has a good relationship with him, but also has great mana, and is the patriarch of the Feng clan. He knows a lot, and it is best to ask him for help.

He shared his strange feelings with Feng Siming, but he did not mention Ye Cang's name, nor did he mention that he had been to the Demon Realm. At this moment, the relationship between the Immortal Demon and the Demon Realm was very tense. If anyone knew that he had been to the Demon Realm, he would definitely Will cause trouble, although he is simple, he is definitely not stupid.

"It's not poisonous, I really didn't expect that you still have human emotions. I don't know who he is?..."

Feng Siming's mind was better than his, and he smiled and revealed the key.

"Of course I have emotions and desires, puppet people are also human, I have a soul!" What

he disliked the most was that others always regarded him as a puppet without a soul and no feelings. He corrected a little unhappily, and then took The answer leaves.

He put his unhappy entanglement behind him, and his attention returned to Ye Cang.

Feng Siming said that he likes Ye Cang, but what does he like? Is it the same as he likes drinking immortal wine and eating immortal fruit...

He didn't understand, but the panic in his heart calmed down, and he suddenly felt that he was staying in the immortal world. The days are not so boring anymore, even if no one talks to him, he can spend every day smiling while portraying the appearance of a man in his mind.

However, during this period, he did not see each other again, and they did not meet again until the Six Realms Council.

Since the formation of the six realms, the two worlds of fairy and devil have been fighting for grievances and grievances. The lack of land in the devil world wants to occupy the spiritual land of the fairy world.

The war of aggression between the two realms has been fought for tens of thousands of years, and the six realms have been ruined, and the other four realms have suffered. Together, prepare to mediate disputes between the two worlds.

As the puppet of the Emperor of the Immortal Realm, Gu Bai naturally followed him. Before the mediation meeting started, he saw Ye Cang.

The man still had such a powerful aura. Standing there, everyone feared him more than the Devil Emperor. Everyone knew that Ye Cang was not the Devil Emperor, but his cultivation was higher than the Devil Emperor.

Whether it is the Demon Realm, the Immortal Realm, or the other realms, in essence, they are all respected by the strong, the God of War has no name, and the monsters around him are also dreadful existences.


He looked at the man across from him, his heart suddenly speeding up and beating wildly, and when the other party looked over, he suddenly hid behind Yin Li, trying to cover himself and peep at the man with his mind.

Stupidly, he didn't realize that his face was hidden, but his body was still outside, typical of stealing bells!

So when he peeped with his mind, he clearly saw the handsome and resolute face of the other party, and the thin lips seemed to smile.

The mediation meeting of the Six Realms had nothing to do with him. After Yin Li left, he moved freely, walked around at will, and soon met Ye Cang alone.

"Don't you want the petals of immortality? Why did you run so fast that day..."

Ye Cang walked over and looked at him with a condescending smile, the powerful breath was so powerful that one could hardly breathe.

In fact, he couldn't breathe at that time. He was so nervous that he didn't dare to move while standing there. Looking at Ye Cang, his chest was hot like magma from a volcano, and he couldn't speak at all.

He was nervous, but Ye Cang was quite natural, he half hugged him into his arms, bowed his head and kissed his nose, forehead, eyebrows, etc.

"It turns out that you are from the Immortal Realm, no wonder I can't find you..."

"You, what are you doing to me, I didn't steal your eternal flower, I, I don't want your petals anymore..."

The place where he was kissed by the other party started to heat up, he blushed and stammered, his body I struggled slightly, a little unnatural and uneasy, thinking to myself, he kissed me again, why did he kiss me again.

He is a puppet and can control the expression on his face, but the emotion in his eyes cannot be concealed. Ye Cang looked at him and was very happy.

"This gentleman knows what you want to do with the eternal flower. You are a puppet. Although the soul of a person is the same as a person, the body is transformed by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from beginning to end, without blood or flesh. You want to become a real person. Is it the right person?"

"Well, if only I were a real person..."

He nodded honestly, his expression was a little lonely and aggrieved, so that no one would reject him as an alien.

The pitiful and aggrieved look that shrugged his ears looked very cute, but the loneliness made people feel distressed, Ye Cang stroked his cheek and smiled indifferently.

"Although the eternal flower is a strange thing and has powerful energy, it still can't make you have real flesh and blood, but so what? Although you are born as a puppet, you can open up your intellect, and then you will have a human soul, which is uniquely endowed by nature. "..."

"But everyone doesn't seem to like me..." He was still very aggrieved, it felt very bad to be rejected, he didn't like it at all.

"The people in the immortal world are a group of high-sounding guys. They don't dislike you, but they are afraid of you. You don't need to worry about those guys... I like you. I said that day, you are my person, if in the future Whoever makes you unhappy, I'll catch him and feed him!"

Ye Cang clenched his waist, his momentum soaring, this is the way of the Demon Race, even the declaration is so direct and domineering.

He was choked for a long time before he could react, watching the man speak in a daze.

"I, I'm from the fairy world, you are the god of war in the demon world, I, I'm still a man, a man's puppet..."

"Does this have anything to do with me liking you? I don't care who you are, I just want There is no need to worry about you, the battle between the two worlds, if you are willing, I am willing to truce for you."

Ye Cang's face showed a hot smile, if other people were present, seeing his expression like this, he would be extremely frightened. Ye Cang, the god of war who was terrified, would actually show such a smile.

He simply couldn't resist such straightforward and passionate feelings, so he didn't hide when the man kissed him.

Ye Cang put one hand on the back of his head and the other tightly around his waist, kissing him deeply, his smooth tongue digging into his mouth, prying open the gap between his teeth, and frantically plundering.

He sucked and swallowed the fluid from his mouth, blocked his breathing, quit when he was out of breath, and resumed when he finished breathing with his mouth open.


Gu Bai couldn't resist, he had never experienced such a hot kiss at that time, and even the kiss that day was not so wild.

There was a sweet moan from his nose, his body twisted slightly, his hands pressed against Ye Cang's chest, as if he wanted to push him away, but also as if he wanted to pull him closer. He didn't know what he wanted to do at all.

How could he kiss him? They have opposite identities, they are both men, he shook his head in his heart, opened his mouth, tried to speak several times, but all he let out were sweet moans.

He wanted to push him away again, but when he stretched out his arm, the pushing action turned into climbing on the man's neck, involuntarily getting close to his body.

At the end of the kiss, his consciousness was already blurred, an ambiguous silver thread slowly slipped from the corner of his lips that could not be closed, his head was dizzy, and his numb body was unbelievably soft.

On the edge of the virtual sea where the six worlds meet, they hug each other tightly, kiss passionately, one is soft to bear, the other is a strong attack, and they are very compatible.

If time can stay, he would like to stop at this moment forever.

At that time, he didn't know if he fell in love with Ye Cang, but he was happy when he was with Ye Cang, he liked the feeling of Ye Cang kissing him.

After the Six Realms Council, the battle between the Immortals and Demons was temporarily stalemate, and they began to meet frequently.

The demons acted only by their heart without any hesitation, the puppet was pure and did not interfere with the facts and had no distractions. The budding relationship between him and him developed rapidly, and finally came to fruition.

On the shore of the virtual sea, they kissed each other, lingering and sad. Ye Cang said in his ear, "I will let the demons

return to the demon world, how about you stay with me?"


At that time, he suddenly understood that he really fell in love with him, and fell in love with a man who would rather be himself and the world's enemy.

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