Chapter 93

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After a day of rectification and rest, on the second day after arriving at the mother planet on Earth, everyone packed up and prepared to enter the ancient tomb.

It is said to be an ancient tomb, but because the tomb is built underground, at this moment everyone can only see the entrance of a thick stone door, and nothing else can be seen.

This stone door is the same as the picture in the discussion on the spacecraft. It is ancient and mysterious. It is carved with reliefs that most of the interstellar people do not know, including the ancient culture 'professor' Nangong Xuan.

But Gu Bai knew them one by one, and the long-term mission made him learn more and more things. Except for the dragon totem on the top, all the below are all kinds of legendary evil monsters that represent darkness. On the door of the tomb, the words 'Death to Trespasser' seemed to carry endless deterrence. When the door of the tomb was opened, a biting chill emanated from it. Especially in front of the dark and endless passage, there is a ferocious gluttonous stone statue in the middle, as if to warn and deter again, giving people a sense of fear for no reason in the dark. No one said a word, and all shuddered unconsciously. The ancient ancestors of the earth are really great. The lifelike deterrence of this stone sculpture cannot be carved by any compact machine. "Don't worry everyone, the ancient earth people are very superstitious, this is just a means they use to deter tomb robbers, even if there are traps in the tomb, it is just some mercury poison arrows and the like, with our current technology is enough to deal with, After all, the ancient earth people are more backward than the ancient earth people..." When everyone held their breath, Nangong Xuan came out and explained to everyone very confidently. Hearing her words, everyone's inexplicable fear suddenly dissipated. No one in the entire interstellar knew more about the ancient earth culture than Miss Nangong. In short, she was right when she said it. And this is also true, with the high technology of the interstellar, there is no need to be afraid of the rough traps of the ancient earth people.

The leading dean nodded and smiled and said, "Miss Nangong is right. With our current technology, there is no need to worry about the traps of the ancient earth. Let's go in now..."

"Wait." At this moment, Gu Bai spoke again. son.

"What's the matter with you?"

Obviously, everyone was very impatient with him, what's the matter with this kid!

"Look, there are still words here..."

Gu Bai didn't care about the attitude of the crowd, and his calm expression of laughter disappeared. He passed through the crowd and walked to the gluttonous statue guarding the door.

His heart was unprecedentedly solemn, and his eyes were fixed on the chest of the gluttonous stone statue. There was a row of words on it, which was different from the relief carved with the characters of the demons on the stone gate. This time, it was a very ordinary ancient script on Earth, and it was indeed more than 3,000. A bronze inscription from the Western Zhou Dynasty a few years ago.

In other words, this ancient tomb was indeed manufactured more than 3,000 years ago, but from the test equipment and on-site estimates, it is impossible to tell the construction time of this ancient tomb, which is self-contradictory. Gu Bai's heart felt tight, and he had a hunch that this ancient tomb was definitely not that simple. The real dragon of the righteous royal family, the gluttonous ghost face relief representing the evil and dark forces, and the powerful energy protection, this tomb is hidden in the end. What kind of secret? At this moment, other people also saw the text coming up, Nangong Xuan walked in the front, she is the 'best' professor of ancient text research in Interstellar, and everyone naturally asked her to read it first. However, with Nangong Xuan's 'knowledge' who doesn't even know a few traditional Chinese characters, even if she knew that it was an ancient script, she couldn't translate it, so she could only shake her head as if 'this is too ancient'. She didn't even know her, a traveler whose soul came from the earth, let alone other interstellar people. They couldn't help but sigh again, "Our ancestors are so mysterious!" Then they were ready to go back to study. Gu Bai laughed and said directly.

"You don't need to take it back and study it. This text is very simple. It is a warning again. It means that those who want to enter the tomb should put their palms here to test first, and get the approval of the owner of the tomb before entering. There's a dead end..."

The owner of the tomb probably expected someone to break in, so he made preparations early, and kindly reminded the intruder again and again.

"Hmph, what nonsense are you talking about again? How can you know the words that even Miss Nangong can't translate!"

Everyone hummed, and no one believed him at all.

"That's right, this nympho really doesn't have any self-knowledge!" Xingwang also echoed.

"Did I talk nonsense, you can see if you can't see it? Look, there is a groove for the palm mark here, this is the place for the test..."

Gu Bai didn't bother to argue about the delay in entering the tomb, and motioned everyone to see the stone sculpture Below the base, there is a concave depression that looks like a palm print. According to the text, it is not difficult to guess that this is the place for the test.

Saying that, he put his hand up first, and after a few seconds, a red light shot out of the groove into his eyebrows, leaving a red mark.

"This, this..."

The people who were contemptuous opened their eyes wide. Because of the live broadcast, the people on Xingwang also stared at the red mark on Gu Bai's forehead. This is simply incredible!

Rao is that people don't believe it, but they can't deny such an unscientific existence.

"Everyone, come and try..."

While everyone was stunned, Han Lijun spoke, and then he was the first to come up to test. When he was not facing Gu Bai, his ruthless and rigorous general character was still very perfect.

With his lead, the others followed suit even if they hesitated, but soon, everyone discovered that no one was left with a red mark like Gu Bai.

Is it his special case, or is it that the owner of this ancient tomb only allows him to enter?

The thought popped into everyone's mind, and even Gu Bai himself began to guess.

"Don't be frightened, everyone, this must be the tomb owner's trick to prevent tomb robbers, so many of us don't need to worry..."

After a few seconds of silence, Nangong Xuan spoke again.

"Yes, what Miss Nangong said is right, let's hurry in..."

Everyone nodded in agreement, the discovery of the ancient tomb this time is too important, they will never back down for such a little intimidation, Nangong Xuan's words are given to everyone A little confidence.

Gu Bai naturally knew that he would not be able to persuade him. He was not a soft-hearted person, and since everyone didn't listen to him, it was impossible for him to risk his life to stop him.

However, there is Han Lijun on this trip. Before returning to the starry sky, men are no different from ordinary people in the world, and they are not so powerful.

After thinking about it, Gu Bai took out a pre-made self-defense jade from his storage backpack.

"I know you won't believe what I say, but don't blame me for not reminding you that this tomb is more dangerous than you think. I have some self-defense jade here, you can take them if you want..."

After speaking, Pass the item to the soldier next to it.

Although everyone didn't believe it, the strange situation of the ancient tomb and the mentality of holding things around their necks without getting in the way did not refuse.

There was only one arrogant-looking young man who didn't want it, and he hummed disdainfully, "nonsense talk that confuses the public!"

Gu Bai ignored it and didn't answer, but took out a different piece of jade and hung it on Han Lijun's neck with his own hands. .

"Hey, how is it that the Admiral is different from us..." Someone took the jade and looked at it curiously.

"Nonsense, he's my man!"

Gu Bai rolled his eyes with a look of contempt that he deserved, breaking the serious atmosphere of the scene, everyone shut up with black lines on their foreheads, this arrogant little appearance is really worthy of beating !

However, the tyrannical and cool admiral was very useful, and once again he nodded his head with a broken face, "Yes, the little baby is right..."


Everyone's expressions were stiff and speechless. The idiot and the human design have collapsed!

Everything is ready, everyone will not delay, Nangong Xuan, the dean, Han Lijun and Gu Bai will head in.

The passage of the ancient tomb is very narrow, the width can only accommodate one person, and everyone lined up to follow, because it was filmed by artificial intelligence, there were only 10 archaeological team members, 10 protected soldiers, and extra Gu Bai.

When everyone walked into the passage of the tomb, they obviously felt that the surrounding temperature had dropped a bit, and it was very cold, but fortunately, the interstellar people's clothes had a temperature-regulating effect, so everyone didn't feel uncomfortable, but felt a little inexplicable fear.


When the last person entered the ancient tomb, the door of the tomb suddenly closed automatically, startling everyone.

Gu Bai's heart sank, and he keenly felt that the surrounding was surrounded by a power similar to a barrier.

Nangongxuan once again explained to everyone in a profound way, "Don't be afraid, it's just an organ..." He immediately comforted everyone and welcomed everyone's admiration.

Because everyone doesn't know what an agency is at all, and they have never heard of the word.

"Miss Nangong is really amazing, she even knows about the agency..."

Everyone admired her admiringly, and then moved on without caring.

The commander outside was also startled, and went forward to pry open the tomb door again, but found that the tomb that could be opened before seemed to be connected to the entire underground, and he couldn't open it, and the communication equipment also failed, so he could not be reached. There are people inside!

"Hurry up and contact His Majesty the Capital Star for instructions..."

The commander didn't dare to mess around, and quickly ordered someone to contact the superior for instructions.

The king received the news and ordered to open the door of the tomb as soon as possible by any means, but it was of no use.

At this moment, everyone realized the seriousness, the king did not dare to speak out, and the live broadcast could not be turned off temporarily, because the only way to turn off the shooting equipment was to turn off the brain by the people inside.

Therefore, we can only continue to make people think of ways, while watching the live broadcast with the citizens who do not know the situation for the time being. Now we can only see the situation from the pictures captured by the intelligent.

Interstellar netizens don't know the situation for the time being, and they are still watching the Starnet with great interest, looking at the ancient and mysterious architectural totems in the ancient tombs and lamenting the greatness of their ancestors...

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