Action this day

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You got up a lot earlier than Roger to make him breakfast, you know his day is going to be pretty busy and he's going to need a lot of energy. A real English breakfast will keep him full for a few hours for sure, and he adores it too. While the oil in the pan was heating up slightly, you felt his arms around your waist

"Good morning love, how did you sleep?"

"Hey you, good morning! How I love your messy hair..." you ran your fingers through it.

"How I love you!" he said, totally unexpected climbed you onto the kitchen counter and took off your shirt.

You kissed and in that moment of passion you carelessly touched the hot plate. A very painful exclamation broke through the whole apartment, you pushed Roger away, jumped off the counter and ran to the bathroom.

"What's the matter, love, talk to me! Oh my God, what's the matter?" Roger ran after you scared.

He found you bent over the sink as cold water poured down your burnt fingers.

"Shit, shit! Babe, let me see, let me see your fingers!" he shouted in panic.

The pain was unbearable and you cried, Rog sat next to you, hugged you tightly and wiped away the tears.

"Should I call an ambulance?" he whispered kissing your head.

"I don't think so. It doesn't burn so badly anymore. Turn off the water, please."

"Not yet, just keep those fingers under cold water as long as possible, we're not in a hurry anywhere. You know what, there's no way we're making love on that damn counter! For who knows how many times, higher powers intervened, we better give up" he was annoyed.

"Love, maybe the sky is telling us something,for example, that it is not very hygienic to leave body fluids in the place where we prepare food" you shrugged.

"Haha, fuck it, love! And in this situation, you find room for a joke. How are your fingers, do they hurt?"

You pulled them out under a stream of water, red and swollen

"It doesn't hurt that much, it's more of a burning sensation"

"Listen, I'm going to let Freddie know I'm going to be late or I'm not coming at all, I want to be with you. This is not naive at all"

"Go, I'm fine, don't worry. It's just fingers, see?"

"Yeah, shut up and let me take care of you!" he kissed your forehead.

"Thank you. Um, Rog, something's burning" you said sniffing the air.

"My love for you" Roger said softly.

"Aww babe, but really..."

"OIL!!!" you shouted out loud.

"Can anything else go wrong today?" Roger spread his arms and spoke nervously.

"Open the windows, you and I go for a walk, just until it's airing. Come on, go!"

Roger, meanwhile, has informed Freddie that he will not be coming to the rehearsal, instead he'll stay with you to heal your fingers. You also stopped by the pharmacy,he insisted on buying ointments for burns, you travel to Japan in few days and you have to be fit.

"What now?"

"Let's go home, you lie down, and I'll spread this cream on you, see, the blisters come out."

So it was.

In the days that followed, Roger had a lot of commitments, rehearsals both morning and evening, you raced around London to finish everything before the trip and even though you lived together, you saw each other in the evening, both completely tired.

One year of love 💖🥁 A Roger Taylor fanfic 🥁💖 Where stories live. Discover now