Chapter 18

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Allister's Pov 

I load the rifle and prowl towards the one they call frenzy.

I'm shirtless, and in joggers, the perfect attire for fighting.

I watch through the shadows as he picks peaches into a bucket.

This one looks different, he doesn't smile, laughs, nothing.

If any of them would scare me, it would be him. luckily I'm not scared of anything.

"Put your hands up MOUTHER FUCKER!" I say to him and aim my rifle at him

He says nothing but drops the peaches and raises his hands.

"you're gonna shoot a defenseless man, that doesn't seem fair." 

as he speaks I can make out a Brooklyn accent,

"put the gun down and we can fight like men." he tries to convince me.

he pulls his bandana down to reveal the scars that cover his lips.

I don't have to prove anything to this idiot.

 He's barely taller than me, and he's lanky. I can beat him easy... but, I don't need to be wasting time like this. 

I decide against my better judgment.

I slowly lower my gun and frenzy pulls his gun out of his pocket and places it on the floor and I do the same.

He puts his fists up and jogs back and forward warming up.

I shake out my nerves and wait for him to swing first.

He throws his fist out to hit me and I duck and shove my fist into his abdomen, he groans out.

He swings again and I bob this time slamming my knuckles into his jaw. He retreats and spits out blood onto the grass, visibly getting angry.

In an instant, his face changes from playful to deadly and He charges at me knocking me over. his fist makes contact with my chest, immediately causing a bruise

He slams his head into my jaw causing my skin to split. 

He rams his knuckles into my nose, making my eyes water.

He's fast ill give him that.

He takes the quickest breath ever and I use that opening to throw my weight to the side, pushing him over and climbing on top of him.

Pure anger powers me and I knock my elbow into his closed mouth causing him to gasp and cough up broken teeth. I smash my fists into his cheek bones, the impact causing the bone to loudly crack on impact immediately turning his face purple.

I turn his face and smush it into the muddy grass.

"EAT IT!" I shove dirt into his mouth as his hands scratch at mine trying to get me to release him.

I shove my palm into the side of his nose, breaking it.

I push his head away and stand up swaying with fatigue. 

His limp body groans out, he sloppily forces his head to face me. I walk over to my rifle and load it.

"you agreed on no guns! YOU CANT! YOU CANT!" He whimpers out trying to crawl back 

"I guess I'm a cheater." I cock the gun and fire it straight into his chest.

I fall to my knees and lean over trying to catch my breath.

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