Chapter 34

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Amora's Pov

After 30 minutes of riding in terrified silence
We reach our stop.
I look down at my unconscious Emi.
What are we going to do?

Luckily we have Jenny, but I mean that's just it
Just Jenny, no supplies, no office, and she's lost so much blood, and even if we were to find a way to give her a blood transfusion where will we get sanitary blood from?
I place my head in my bloody hands
She's all I have left.
I can't- I can't... what can I do?
Lost in thought, we arrive at our stop
At the border of Georgia and Tennessee.
Dante paddles us to the edge of the river and gets out before docking our boat in the gravely sand
We all take turns getting out
Allister lifts Emi's limp body out of the boat.
we all stand around in the dark trying to figure out our next move.
The rain finally stopped, but it's pitch black outside so it's not much better.
Jenny flashes her light down on Dante's map
" from here it's gonna be a 2 day and a half trip on foot"
He points off to the west to nothing but Forrest
"We need to find somewhere for Emi to rest, and she needs medical attention." I motion towards her worsened condition.
"Okay, yea let's find somewhere to stop first," Dante says.
Allister shifts Emi's body so her head lays on his shoulder.
We take off walking.
Through the trees, we search for a house, store, shed anywhere for us to stay.
The weather continues to drop making us shiver.
We carefully move faster when we hear what sounds like a wind chime.
It sings its song through the berating wind.
As we get closer we spot a horrifying sight
The chimes had lured at least 20 zombies to gather underneath the chimes, all bumping into each other in search of the sound
We all freeze
Dante turns to us and motions for us to bend and step carefully.
We follow in his steps
Our crouched bodies carefully avoiding branches and rocks
Dante freezes and we all stop as a zombie growls his way past us, Not seeing us in the cover of the night
This is taking too long, Emi is bleeding out as we speak!
I grip my hand on the bark of the tree containing my frustration.
I turn back to look at Allister
He is crouched low with Emi in his hands
I move to turn back when I see the flinch of Emi's hand. I crawl towards them and see Emi move again
Her hand shoots to her side And she gasps awake. I throw my hands over her mouth.
Over my shoulder I see 2 zombies crack their necks back at us
Dante sits right in front of the zombie hidden by the wide tree trunk
The zombie takes a step towards us with its nose pointed in the air.
We need a distraction
The zombie takes another step I look to my right and in the light of the moon I spot our saving grace a small shed about 2 yards down

If we run now the zombies will hear and follow us, we won't make it.
We all look around at each other holding our breath, hoping for a distraction to distract the zombies.
And in a split second, my body moving before my mind has had a chance to process what I'm doing
I wave my hand between us to gather their attention
I then point to the shed.
Their faces light up
I then point to Dante
I notion for him to lead.
And as they all move to stand from their crouch I hold my hand up for them to wait
I point at myself and this dark road past the house with the wind chimes.
Allister shoves his arm out to grip my wrist.
He shakes his head in an adamant No.
I turn to Dante and mouth
"You make sure to get them there safe"
He shakes his head no and I hold my hand up to stop him
"Okay?" I nod my head
I see in his eyes that he knows my mind is unchanging.
I turn back to Allister I grip his hand in mine
Before whispering
"You protect her, I'll lead them away and circle back, alright? I'll be right back"
He grips out for me but
I quickly stand up and shrug my backpack off
I shake out my stiff muscles and ignore the dull pain in my leg.
I take off in a sprint.
"HEY, IM OVER HERE!" I scream at the monsters and in a collective movement, their necks snap to my direction before they all fling their bodies and take off after me.
I pick up my pace and turn back to see my friends run in the direction of the shed.
The monsters are all on my tail
Probably 20 of them give or take.
As I progress further down the road each side of the trail has fallen in creating ditches,
Ditches that go deep down
Approaching a sharp right turn up ahead I prepare my body and skid to the right griping the dirty for leverage and scrambling back into a sprint
The zombies decaying bodies seem to snap and rip apart as they all try to make the turn. they all start to topple over each-other in a pile I think I'm in the clear when I see a zombie use the fallen pile of monsters to jump over the ditch and fly over the bottomless pit.
His body collides into me taking me off balance and over the ledge into the abyss.
The zombie and I tussle as we fall, me trying to keep it from eating me, it trying to bite me.
The force from the landing separates us and we both go tumbling further down. I use my hands to shield my head, but I collide with a rock and a white light shoots out from behind my eyes
And that's all I can remember.

A/N: sorry I've been gone so long guys
I've been working on school, And I want to give a special thank you to all of you have sent me messages checking up on me ;) it really means a lot <3
And thank you to all the new readers we have gained.
Also I've been uploading more videos to my tik tok dedicated to this account.
@ cara.salvatore
Also please don't forget to vote, love u guys!!!!

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