Chapter 28

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Carmen Mendez POV

I quickly shut the door, and take a seat infront of the microscope
I pull my walkie talkie out of my pocket,
"Will Dr. Marlen Mendez report to the lab on b3, it is urgent." I quickly shut it off before sliding it across the table.
I hastily pump hand sanitizer on my hand and massage it into my skin.
I pull out exactly two pair of gloves and carefully put them on.
I pick up the blood sample I just took from my daughter.
I take a new needle and draw out exactly two drops of blood. I roll my chair over to the lab fridge and take out a fresh slide covered in a sample I got from a patient turned zombie
I slide back over to my desk and release the two drops of blood , onto the slide, I cover it up with a new slide and apply exactly the amount of pressure needed to smush it together.
I place the slide underneath the microscope and place my eye on the eyepiece to see.
I watch as the zombie virus, unstably moves around,
when as the blood slowly spreads, it changes the virus from a black-ish purple, to red, the cells slowly start to slow down and return to normal, this last only six seconds before the virus overcomes the healthy cells and everything turn back to black-ish purple.
My body goes limp I remove my eye from the eyepiece and sit up straight
I release a shuddering breath from deep in my soul.
Lo hice! Después de todo este tiempo, lo hice! ( I did it! After all this time I did it!)
Tears of joy begin to cloud my eyes, when I hear a mock at the door,
"Amor, it's me," (love, it's me.) my husband knocks before entering.
"Come, come." I wave him in
"Look at this." I make a new slide to show him.
He watches when he sees the reaction,
"WOW! Mi Amor this is incredible, I can't- I don't, WOW!"
"I know, but the problem is that it isn't long lasting." I frown and cross my arms.
"Well maybe we can find a chemical compound to stabilize it,"
"No,no it already is stabilized, we just need to make it stronger-" I'm cut off when one of coworkers slowly opens the door.
"I'm so sorry Dr. Carmen I didn't know anyone was in here," the tall redhead apologizes
"No it's okay you didn't know."
The redhead quickly turns to leave
"Wait! Sorry, your name is Gina right?"
"'s Gia." She shyly scratches her neck
"Sorry, um I remember reading your profile back in Florida, you were the top genealogist in your class correct?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Ok perfect, well can I get your advice on something."
"Yes of course ma'am, I would be honored."
"Great! So If I had a sample of a blood cell, and I needed to make it stronger to use as medicine, how would I do so?"
"Well a lot of doctors, use stem cells to fight off diseases like cancer, and for tissue regeneration."
She awkwardly smiles
"Sorry, excuse me." I cough and fix my lab coat
"And we typically use stem cells from the liver right?" I ask
"Well actually I prefer stem cells from bone marrow, but you typically need to use a lot, like killing the animal, a lot." She snorts
"Animal?" I ask confused ppl

"Well we usually use animal stem cells for testing, oh sorry are you- like using humans." Her eyes go wide
"No,no- I'm sorry I was just confused."
I slap my forehead and give her a pleasant smile.
"Oh, whew, okay well I have to go look at this blood sample, I will catch y'all later, bye!" She laughs before leaving
I turn back to my microphone, ignoring my pacing husband
"Carmen." I ignore him
"Carmen. "
"Carmen... please tell me  your not going to do that to our daughter." His eyebrows furrow
"Do you want me to lie to you then?"
He shakes his head furiously
"I mean you can't be that upset,  you already kicked her out once, and have you seen the way she looks- AND TALKS TO US?"
"No, NO! Carmen, it will kill her"
"No sé stupido. She already doesn't like us, I think we should cut our losses and just make the best of it" (Don't be stupid)
"Como se le ocurre? She's our DAUGHTER!" (How can u think like that)
He tries to keep his eyes away from me, rubbing his temples.
I stand up from my chair and March over to him. I grab his hand and throw it away causing him to look directly at me
"Listen to me, and listen clearly. We need to make a cure, we are the reasons everyone is in this mess, because we decided to tweak the formula against the directors wishes, its our fault, and if anyone finds out, We Are Dead. So either help me, or get out of my way...Amor."
My last word spilling with venom
He storms out.
How dare he
Like he such a saint, he didn't even think about her once she was gone, but now that she's back, oh the horror of hurting her, sorry to break it to you she hates your entire being.
I sigh
I'll have to worry about him tomorrow.
For now... I have some stem cells to look into.

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Once again

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