Chapter 40

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Amora's Pov
No one says that riding on horses for long periods of time is so uncomfortable.
The cowboys in movies seem like riding is the best thing in the world.
But my thighs right now seem to disagree.
I Lay my back against Allisters chest
"Are you tired?" He asks me
I look over at Dante and Jen both sitting upright on their horse
"No, we still have about 2 hours of day light, I can ride for a little longer."

And that's what we do

Riding down a secluded wide dirt road, on the right side a small lake and on the right a tiny cabin, nothing else in sight.
When something rolls out into the middle of the dirt road,
A pink ball
We all pull on our horses to stop
small rustling comes from the bush to the left of the cabin.
I turn my head in confusion, when a small little girl comes out cautiously from the bushes
We all let out a simultaneous gasp
"A little girl all alone?" Jen says concerned
This little girl looks anything but.
I mean yes here face is covered in dirt and he knees look smudged but her blonde hair is braided neatly in two pigtails with pink little bows at the end, everything is perfect even down to her shoes. Impeccably tied laces and a shiny pair of white socks
"No. I don't -" I don't finish my thought, my eyes searching around the little cabin for movement but I see nothing.
"Can you guys help me? I'm all on my own" she says taking a step forward
"Yes-" I cut Allister off
"Just look at her, who did her hair, look at how her shoes are tied, what 5 year old can keep a dress that clean" I whisper to him
"I don't think she's lying Amora, she looks scared." I look back at the girl and she keeps looking around as if she's waiting for something.
Jen moves her horse closer
"No wait , something isn't. Right!" I put my hand out to get Jen to stop
"She's just a little girl" Jen says and moves even closer
We hear a crunch of gravel and our gaze snaps to the left, but it's too late, our vision is met with with the barrel of a riffle.
And infront of us a woman runs out of the house grabbing the little girl and bringing her inside.
"You guys really should have listened to her, She's very smart... and pretty." The voice belonging to a tall slender man, he holds the rifle deep against his chest.
He stands in the middle of three other men
"This is going to bruise that pretty face, sorry." He quickly flips the riffle around and hits me in the face with the blunt end
And I'm out.

My eyes flutter around, and my head is drowsy.
And I can't seem to get up. My hands scamper across what feels to be a wood floor, my eyes vibrate and hot pain flashes through my skull willing me to rest and so I go back to sleep.

I awake with a gasp, my body is rolled into a ball,
Sitting up on my calf's grasping at my temple where a large gash slowly leaks blood down my face.
"Fuck." I whisper
My memories immediately come back
The kid, the men, the riffle
My friends!
I push to stand up and I'm quickly pulled back down by a rope tied to the wall.
The rope is tied to my ankle and stretches out to the wall to my left where a bucket sits.
My eyes search the whole room
A lit fireplace infront of me and the wall all the way to the right adorns beauty Knifes, guns, and chains.
Other than that the room is empty.
The door slams open and the tall slender men comes into the room griping a girl by her scalp. He tosses her in before tying the rope to her ankle.
"Ah, your awake now, I was scared I hit ya too hard." He walks forward and squats down infront of me.
I scramble back trying to get away but the rope only lets me get so far.
"You don't have to be scared I won't hurt you, as long as you don't do anything stupid." He nods his head and leans forward pushing my Jaír away from my face
"my- my friends, where?" My thoughts all running wild
"They are perfectly fine, the boys are getting to know each other outside, and your pretty lady friend, is just having a chat with my friend, Aaron."
And with those words I launch at him, almost reaching him he falls backwards out of my reach.
Standing up he dusts off his pants and stalls toward me
"Woah there, you almost got me didn't you?" His hand strikes out and slaps my face leaving my left ear ringing
" I said don't do anything stupid"
Copper fills my mouth and I spit out blood onto the floor right infront of him
" fifty, don't worry we are get all that nasty out of you soon." He leaves the room slamming the door behind him
I launch at the door but I'm yanked back by the rope, which by now I'm sure has rubbed my ankles bare
"Fuckkk" I roar out
I lean over into my self
This is bad, really bad.

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