Chapter 23

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Allister's pov
By first light, we were packed and saying goodbye to Mabel and her sons
"If things turn out great at the hospital then this might be our last hood bye... so truly from the bottoms of our hearts thank you for your hospitality and allowing us to stay in your home, we appreciate it." Amora embraced Mabel into a deep hug
"Of course, y'all are welcome back here anytime." Mabel waved us off as we all said thanks and climbed into the truck.
Amora sat next to me in the passenger seat as I put the car in reverse and pulled out of Mabel's driveway.
The roads were difficult to navigate, seeing as all the empty trucks either crashed or stuck in the middle of the roads.

Maybe this will finally be our safe haven,
I know I've had my objections before, but if they can manage to make a cure this might be the safest possible place to be at, but at the same time, this might get us all killed if someone gets bit.
I sigh and rub my forehead with my free hand.
I peek over at Amora and watch as her eyes are peeled to the road taking in the wondering zombies that take notice of our truck, I speed past them and I notice her brows furrowed
"Do you think the cure can turn everyone back to normal?" She mumbles her question
"...I don't know."
I grip the steering wheel
She nods before leaning her head back on the chair
I continue driving through the ruined city when finally we approach a large building, in front of it a large line of people is formed.
The line is folded about 4 times to withhold the amount of people.
We see the front of the line has 4 soldiers and two doctors taking temperatures,
In the back of the hospital, I see multiple military trucks and beige tents.
I see they also had a unit sent here.
My attention is caught when the back of a gun taps on my window.
He points his finger down instructing me to roll my window down
And I do so
The man scans my body and then the truck
"Are you a soldier?" He takes notice of my uniform pants
"Yes, sir," I say
"What's your title?"

(A/n lol guys I forgot if I gave him a last name or not so just imagine one ~_~)
"Major Allister, sir!" I salute and reach over to Amora's side and pull out my jacket from my bag and show him.
"I also have another soldier in the back Dante Wright." I look back to see Dante salute the man.
He looks over my jacket.
"Last I heard your division was stationed in Florida." He raises his eyebrows
"Yes sir, we were at a quarantine camp when all hell broke loose and our general abandoned us so we just started heading north."
He nods his head,
"I'm sorry to hear that, we can get this all settled. If you guys could all get out of the car, we can bring you all inside to talk." We all nod at him and he turns around to call a soldier over to him.
We all exit the truck and Amora moves to stand beside me
"I'll have one of my men take your truck to the others." The soldier behind him steps forward and I hand him the keys.
He starts the truck and drives off as Dante whines in the back
The man leads us past the line of people and they all begin to yell and scream
Amora clenches her jaw before holding her head up and moving forward, trying not to make eye contact with these people.
We approach the front of the line when we hear the two doctors at the front argue with a woman, as we get closer their accents to begin to shine through.

They sound, almost like Amora.
"We can't let you in if you have a fever ma'am!" The woman says.
Once Amora here the voice she freezes.
Her hand tightens on my grip, I try to pull her forward but she won't budge
I turn back to her, her face is pale and she breaks out in a cold sweat, I push the hair from her face.
"What's wrong?" Did she get hurt again?
I pull her arm out and examine it for cuts.
The doctor's arguments get louder and her eyes got even wider
I turn to Emi to see if she knows something, I see her frozen, facing the doctors, she gasps before slapping her hands over her mouth
"We need to leave, now" Amora shudders and pulls against my hands
"Why? what's going on, are you hurt?"
"No please, please let's leave." She begs and pulls harder
I turn back to Emi and follow her line of sight
I take In The doctors' appearance, an old man, his skin is a dark warm color, the woman almost identical to Amora, but in a light tan color."
"Este mujer no escucha!" The female doctors waves her hands around in anger.
Spanish, she speaks Spanish, and that's when everything clicks...
Those are Amora's Parents.
The man leading us stops and turns back to us,
"Is she okay?" He asks loudly and everyone turns to look at us.
Her parents stare at her for a second before their eyes snap open as they recognize her.
I look back at Amora, she grinds her teeth in anger as she pulls me again.
"Let's go," I say back to Emi and I push Amora behind me trying to move back subtly.
"Amora? Mami is that you?" Her mother moves forward.
Her father still stands there shocked
"Fuck." I sigh out
Her father soon follows her mother and they come to stand a few feet in front of us
I can feel Amora grab onto my shirt
"Shit shit shit." She groans out
(I can't remember if I gave Amora one either 😭😭)
"Mr. And Ms. Mendez?" Emi asks
"Emi?!" Her parents turn to take her in
They both look back at Amora who hides behind me
"Amora, please, let your parents look at you."
That sentence seemed to be the breaking point.
She scoffs behind me before releasing my shirt and moving to stand in front of me
"Parents. What parents?" She says and her accent begins to bleed through
"Don't say that, please." Her mom moves forward
Amora places her hand out to stop them
"Are guys being serious, you don't know me, so don't act as you do. I'm leaving." She turns to leave when her mom reaches out to grab her arm causing her jacket sleeve to roll back revealing her bite.
Her mom gasps before immediately covering it back up.
Her mom looks down at her clothed arm in shock, she quickly looks up and around to make sure no one else saw anything, when she saw that no one but her husband had saw she sighed. She grabbed Amora by the wrist and shoved her behind her.
"Thank you so much for your help sergeant maxwell, but I can take them from here." She quickly waves at us to follow and we rush off to the front of the hospital,
"This ways." She weaves us through rooms and into a large separated waiting section.
The areas were separated by gates and white sheets
She closes the sheet that acts as a door and turns to us.
"What is this?" She points to Amora's arm as she leans into me
Amora ignores her and looks off to the makeshift wall
"Did you get bit?" She asks harsher
"Of course, she would find a way to go and get bit." Her father chimes in for the first time.

"Oh don't you start with me, you haven't seen your daughter in more than 5 years and this is the first thing you say?!" She stands up and growls out at him and I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her to sit back down next to me
"Please tell me what happened."
Her mom asks again
"She got bit almost a week ago," I answer them
"And she still hasn't changed?"
"No," I answer her
The woman bites at her thumb and takes this information into consideration
"Um- as you all may- not know, my husband and I work for john& Jered health care and pharmaceutical... they-well we were the ones who made Trequinnaby( tre- quin-a-bee in case you didn't know who to pronounce it.)
It wasn't our intention to create a zombie making medicine...when we first made the medicine, everything went smoothly matter of fact, it actually helped people, it just wasn't very affective. our coworkers would help us tweak the formula to make it more potent, and when the head of the company saw how well it worked, he wanted to it be massed produced, and fast. we hadn't perfected it to a T but he didn't care and so we rushed and massed produced as many pills as we could and sent it out, within days people got sick and the world went to mierda," she folded her hands together.

"So as soon as shit hit the fan, you guys left and moved out to Georgia?" Dante asks
"No, no we stayed in Florida as long as we could, but our lab got infested with zombies, and all of our coworkers were going up north, so we all came here and started working on a cure." She explains
"Well then-"
"But we haven't made any progress with reversing the illness however if we were to examine your DNA, Amora, and your white blood cells, we might be able to make a cure, I mean we haven't even seen a single person not turn into a zombie immediately after being bit... until you" she cuts Dante off.

"So I'm gonna be used as some Guinea pig?" Amora crosses her arms in anger

"I know, we have messed up, and I'm sorry for how we treated you Amora, but this could save lives." Her mom begs while her father only grunts
"Wow! You guys are unbelievable." she shakes her head in disbelief

"the only reason I'm getting this apology is so that you guys can do God knows what to me. I'm not doing it." she stands pulling my arm to leave.

"wait!" jenny shouts.

she grabs Amora's arm stopping us and turns her to the side for a little privacy

"I know you are mad at them but imagine what we could do if we had a cure, all the lives you could save."

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