Chapter 35

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Allister pov

Amora races down the trail
And we make our move to the right to the shed.
There's a lock on the door that Dante kicks in.
The sheds pretty large, Jenny presses a light switch and our surroundings are light up
It looks like a tree house?
The walls are covered in " no girls allowed signs" and posters of women in bikinis. The brown wooden floors are covered by trashy gamer adjacent rugs. Bean bag chairs lay against the walls along with puzzles and board games.
I pull a bean bag chair to the center of the floor and lay Emi in an upright position
Dante searches the drawers of a desk that holds a gaming computer
He tosses out 2 water bottles, a vintage playboy magazine, and a half drunken bottle of tequila.
Jenny grabs the tequila
And lifts up Emi's blood soaked shirt
She scrambled to a blanket on one of the chairs and rips it into long strips
"Don't let her scream." She tells me
And I carefully cover her mouth with my hands
As she opens the bottle and pours it over the open wound
Emi comes to life groaning out
And grabbing at Jenny.
She groans out a sloppy "stop!"
Jenny then takes the cloth and wraps it on the wound, it immediately turns red with her pouring blood and Jenny applies pressure.
"Where are we?" Emi asks more consciously
She searches the room trying to make sense of the situation.
"We are hiding in a shed." Jenny says plainly focused at her assignment at hand.
Emi tries to sit up a little
"How bad is it." Emi winces
"Do you want me to be honest, or do you want me to lie?"
"Honest." Emi pushes her sweaty hair out of her face
"It's not infected, so that's ... good. But unless we get you some blood, you won't make it."
"Mmmm." Emi groans in understanding
"Your pulse is already slowing down to an unsafe level." Jenny presses her hand to Emi's pulse.
Emi goes silent for a second taking in the new information
"And where is Amora?" She looks around the room for her
"She distracted the zombies so we could get you away." Dante answers
I clench my jaw
She should be back, I look down at my watch. It's been 15 minutes.
"Why did you let her go?!" Emi accuses me and glares while gripping her head in a dazed pain.
"I didn't let her go, she just ran off, and she told me I had to stay and watch over you." I explain my frustration before abruptly standing up and make my way to the door
I open it a crack and peak out for any sign of her.
I gotta go after her, but she told me to stay and watch Emilia.
I grunt before shutting the door
I glance back at Emi's pale face
she's not looking too good, she's not gonna make it very long
She looks like a ghost, we have no blood, or medicine at that.
Her wrap is already covered in blood, and Jenny quickly changes it out for another.
Emi looks down at all the blood before passing out.
"...she's not gonna make. She's lost too much blood." Jenny places the back of  her bloody hands at her temple as her eyebrows furrow in desperation
"What are we going to tell Amora." Jenny wipes her bloody hands on her shirt.
We all sit in silence mourning the future death of our friend.
My hands grip at my pants
We can't loose another member
And I need to go get Amora
But I have to keep my eye on Emi
I lean against the wall and close my eyes in exhaustion

Amora's pov
A bright light shines through my eye lids and pain dances through my head
My hand goes to grip my temple
I rub in circles to relieve the pain
I slowly open my eyes
And am met with decaying eyes and grey skin with an wide mouth that open and closes in a slow biting motion
I startle and scrambling back into a sitting position
I take in what I can now make out is a zombie
It's stuck upside down, impaled in the stomach by a sharp rock.
I grip my stomach and groan.
That could've been me.
I place my head in my knees
I can't keep doing this shit. My life seems to almost passing by every day now."
A pain in my shoulder causes me to pull my shirt down...
Another bite- fresh.
I groan out in anger Shit!
I can't do this right now
I have to go back to Emi, let's hope I really am immune.
I remove my hands from shirt and wince at the bright sun
It's light out already
I throw my body to its feet
I look around the ditch it's empty space with few scraggly trees the walls of the ditch however is covered by rocks
I try and peak over the ditch but I can't see much and I hear no other zombies. I guess they kept going down the trail
I use some of the rocks to climb up the rocks,
I lift my body onto the trail and stand straight covering my eyes from the bright sun.
I turn on my feet and jog back to the shed.
I knock twice
The door opens slowly and Allister rushes out grabbing me into a soul crushing hug
"I'm fine, I'm fine."
He checks me over just missing the fresh bite that seems to be growing new skin as we speak
"Where the hell have you been?" He grabs my face
He opens the door and lets me in
" I fell into a ditch, -long story short I just woke up" I grip my sore back.
I look around the room and my eyes land on Emi.
I fall to my knees by her side.
"Emi ? " I whisper quietly in her ear and pat her clammy head.
Her eyes slowly open revealing drained eyes.
"Amora... you're here." She tries to sit up but fails
Her eyes start to water and so do mine
"Fuck you-sniffle- why?" My hands hover over her bloodied bandage.
I look up at the ceiling and huff trying to stop the tears
"Maybe there is medical supplies at the cabin, we just need to get her there-" Dante starts
"She won't make an almost 3 day walk." Jenny cuts him off
"We can try, right Emi?" I nod frantically at her.
She grimaces "Amora, I think we should talk privately-"Jenny tries but I stop her
"If we're gonna bring her, then we need to leave now before she loses anymore blood" I say
Wiping my eyes and stand up
Grabbing my back pack of the floor
This time Dante lifts Emi and I open the door for us to exit
Jenny grabs the waters off the floor and we head out
We make it past the wind chime house when we hear a bang come from the front of the house
"MORE FUCKING LOOTERS?!" A bald man with a beer gut in a flannel shirt whips his front door open and aims he gun at us
"NO! Sir we are just passing by!" Jenny explains
He holds his gun firmer and looks us over
The man cuts Jenny off and let's out a warning shot at the sky
"OR BETTER YET I COULD DO WITH SOME PRETTY GIRLS LIKE YOURSELVES TO KEEP ME COMPANY" He takes a step out of his door and down his steps a few feet away from us his gun aiming at Jenny. He moves to reach for her when she quickly bends and throws dirt into his eyes.
In a split second we all take off running
We catch onto the trail opposite of the one I took last night
The man let's out a round of shots aiming at us and takes off after us
We are all exhausted and haven't ate in God knows how long
We are running on fumes and Dante lags behind with Emi's fading body in arms
Emi croaks out quietly
"You need to leave me. I'm slowing you down." We all take a left through the woods to throw the man off
"What are you saying don't be ridiculous" I yell back at her
"I don't have time left anyways, I'm bleeding out."
"No what are you talking about?" I Look back at her trying to maintain my pace
"Tell her Jenny." Emi says firmly
"Tell me what?" I demand
"...even if we have the medicine we need, she's lost too much blood, her heart will start failing soon enough." Jenny says breaking it to me slowly
"How long?"
"Until what?" Jenny asks confused
"Until her heart fails." I ask as the blood pumping in my ears seem to drown all voices out
Jenny looks back at her taking in every inch of her "an hour or two at most, maybe less"
I come to a stop
"What? Stop fucking around...why-no she's gonna be fine she just needs to rest." Everyone else comes to a stop as well
I walk over to Emi's grey body
Her olive skin is no longer present she's faded in a away
Her eyes flicker open and shut trying their hardest to stay open.
Her breathing is rapid and shallow
"Amora...I'm not gonna make it. It's okay." She says and her eyes begin to water
"Can you put me down please." She shift her head to Dante
He places her in the shade of a large oak tree hidden by bushes of flowers
I walk over to her and sit buy her
"Please come, we can make you better once- once we get there." I sniffle
"You're my best friend- my sister, I can't go on without you." I burst into a full out cry

(Play look on down from the bridge by Mazzy bridge)

"Im sorry, we were supposed to finish this together." She smiles up at me tears clouding her limp eyes
She lifts her limp arm to my cheek.
"My girl, you always were the pretty one, and I was the brains-" I cut off my words with a sob
"We never got to finish those airplane snacks huh?" She chokes out a laugh filled with tears
I take my jacket off and cover her freezing body
We hear the yell from the man as he gets closer
He lets another round out hitting trees around us.
"We have to go now." Dante says quietly
I stand up but I can't move
I'm not leaving her here alone
She can't go- huff- alone
I have to be with her. I stumble back to her side and lay my body over Hers in a tight hug
"I can't go. I WONT LEAVE YOU."
Emi pats my hair down gently and whispers In my ear
"I want you to leave, for me? promise me you'll go and get there."
"No. I'm not going!" I grip her tighter
"Promise me!" She shakes me gently
"No I won't.-" she cuts me off
"Allister, take her AND GO!" She sobs out
"Promise me Amora." She pulls my face off her chest and we make eye contact
Her beautiful green eyes still so warm
The eyes that split her sandwiches with me at lunch when I forgot mine,
The eyes that always found me first when someone made a horrible joke
"...I promise." I whisper to her
"Thank you, I'll always be with you, you'll see me when you look at the flowers and the trees, Don't be sad, 'Kay?"
I sob into her taking in her warm sweet smell.
I could die, I want to die. I want to go with her.
"I love you... you're my person." I whimper
"Remember me okay? you. Allister take her NOW!"
"NO IM NOT GOING WITHOUT YOU!" Allisters hands go to my waist to lift me
I fight against him gripping to Emi's hands
He lifts me pulling away from her
I struggle as her sad smile grows wider as she blows me a kiss and release my hands
(You were my true sister."
She's only spoken Spanish to me a handful of times our whole lives
I fight harder against Allisters chest
"Let me go!" I Shove at his shoulders
Jenny crouches down at her side and folds a spare shirt under her head so she lays more comfortably
Jenny and Dante both says their goodbyes and shoves the bushes of flowers back in place to cover her exposed body.
They all pick up their pace as the man comes into view
"EMILIA NO! PLEASE STOP, I CANT DO THIS-I CANT LIVE WITH OUT YOU." We get far enough that I can no longer see her hidden body
My body shakes with sobs as I lean over Allisters shoulder.
He lowers me down to lay in between his arms on his chest.
My sobs get so loud that he places his hand over my mouth to quiet my wailing.
My Emilia
My twin flame
My sister
And partner in crime
Ripped from my arms

What a cruel world...

A/N: hey guys sorry, I had to do this to you guys, Emi will be missed rip :(
I actually was crying writing this lmao
But maybe we'll see her again, maybe not we shall see how the dice rolls
Love u guys <3

Ps. I'm just kidding I'm gonna right a side story for her :) :) she needs her own adventure now!

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