Final chapter

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Amora's Pov

In the silence of the night
Nothing filled the streets but the sounds of cicadas and the hooves of the horses could be heard
A serene peace floated through us as
Dante led us with his map in hand
We were now deep in the forest dodging trees and large hills
Until we could no longer ride horseback and we led our horses by the reins through the Forrest
Eventually the night became so dark that we could barely see, only hoping our legs brought us the right way.
Allisters hand held mine
Warm and strong as always
He was here now
And I was no longer alone.

Although I was probably unrecognizable and injured in every way possible I felt calm strangely.

The invisible path we were on seemed to lead nowhere and finally Dante seemed to have enough of the dark.
He comes to a halting stop.
"We are obviously very lost, or maybe we went the wrong way but, we should be right near the safe haven but I guess- maybe I read it wrong?" He holds the map up at the starlit sky hoping for some visibility.
"Are you sure it's here, maybe it's upside down," Jenny intervened and she pulls the map from his hands and squints at the dim paper.
He quickly snatched it back
"Yea because obviously you can read a map better than I can" he rolls his eyes
She scoffs back at him and she lightly shoved him
"Really? Very mature Jen" he mocks her voice and shoved her back
She loses her footing and stumbles back before tumbling into the abyss
We freeze before simultaneously yelling out "Jenny!"
And we scramble over to where she disappeared
She had fallen down a flat slightly angled hill
She lays on her back covered in leaves
The apex of the hill where we stood was covered in large dense trees and yet the clearing where Jenny laid was mostly empty except for a few trees adorned with some type of fruit and in the clearing moonlight was able to shine brightly down upon us
We all carefully lead the horse down the hill and
Meet Jenny now standing with her back facing us as she points in front of her with her mouth open
As our eyes follow her hand we see a large gate made of wooden logs
Dante was right it was here
"You were right Dante" Jenny says gasping
We all move forward to the gate
Grabbing the gate latch and opening it, the left side of the gate slides the back behind the rest of the gate
Leaving a clear perfect view.
It Was like breathing life for the first time
Like being born again
2 houses stand opposite of each other
And in the middle a sandy path leads down to a small lake
We take hesitant steps
Entering the land
Cautious of people that might be hidden
Bikes and half finished cars liter the sides of the gate
The house on the left is a classic rustic mountain house
Left dim and untainted
With beautiful fruit trees and berry bushes adorning the sides of the house
And little chickens running rampant around
The house completely empty
The entire area was void of life and people
My slow walking soon turns into a jogging and then running as my feet move before my head
I reach the houses front doors and grasp the handle
But it doesn't open so I scramble around under the door Mat and finally under a plant pot 2 keys
The first open the lock and enter with urgency I march my way into the kitchen slamming open cabinet filled with canned food
Next the living room with a large spacious coach facing the wide windows that perfectly display the moonlight lake
And thousands of books adorning the bookcase on the walls
And a staircase that leads upstairs
2 wings that each hold 4 rooms
I slam open each room hoping to stumble upon someone to wake me up from this dream and tell me to leave because this just seems to good to be true
But in every room I find no people just furnished rooms adorned with decorations and beautiful bedsheets
I storm out of the house to where the rest of the group are in the opposite building what looks to be a shed and makeshift farm with about 4 stalls with dead limp hey and no animals

(White Ferrari- frank ocean)

"This is it right?" Dante asks quietly
A question that float through the air feeling both heavy and light
This is it , right?
I imagine a plane swooping down and crashing into the house taking away our perfect sanctuary because this just can't be... it
"Yea, this -this is it. We made it guys" Jenny soft wavering but sure voice rings out
I turn back to her
Her eyes filled with tears as places her hands above her head and spins around bursting into laughter
She spins around and around until she runs into Dante and he picks her up and twirls her around until they're both a giggling mess collapsing into the floor
I turn my body from them and to the quiet sound of the calm crash waves
I feel Allisters warmth spread on my back as he wraps his hands around my waist
"We did it." He places a kiss on my head
"...yea we did." I lean back into his embrace
And it's quiet for a second
"We need to make a grave for her, so she can rest somewhere peaceful" I whisper and he nods and walks off to the shed

(Things to do - Alex G)

A couple of days later after we've just started to settle into this gorgeous home and I'm a little bit more healed.
My feet take me to edge of the shore on the far left side where the lake meat flowers bushes
With only 3 things in hand,
I take a seat basically collapsing
I look up at the bright sky
My mind drifts to Emi my other half.
"You'll like it here, it's quiet and peaceful." I say knowing deep down she can hear me
As I look back down at the gravely sand a breeze blow past shaking the flower bushes and leaving one little flower on my lap
A green flower
But not just any green a deep green the same As Emi's
A perfect sign.
there I just sit listening to the waves and rustling of the bushes
I sit up on my knees and look at my 3 items
A mini shovel, some gardening scissors,
And Emi's shirt that was left in my bag
I use the shovel to dig a small deep hole right here on the shore line.
Once I finish I hold her shirt up and take a deep breath, tears flood my eyes and leave a burning path down my face
I fold the shirt up and place it in the hole and I pick up the single green flower and place it on-top of the shirt
And lastly as my sobs grow lighter
I run my hands through my tangled hair
Filled with knots and split ends
This hair always getting in my way
This hair that Emi would pet when we would hug
This hair filled with so many memories both good and bad
But it was time to let go
So I reach for the scissors and take a huge chunk right at my shoulders
It's so choppy that im sure Emi would be furious but
I place that first chunk of hair in the hole and hack another piece off and another piece until every strand has been cut, freeing me from my past.
My sobbing finally stops
"Goodbye Emi, I love you, thank you"
I whisper as my words get taken by the wind
I use my hand to push the dirt back onto the hole covering it up completely.
This was it
This is what we searched for
This is our happy ending
And will be safe here.

Thank you so so so so much for reading it, it's been a pretty hard couple of months but still you guys were here reading and commenting and Brightening my day
I truly thank you for reading and being apart of my writing journey. After this I'm going to add a few more chapters as an epilogue for Emi's ending and a couple of cutsie scenes between Amira and the group
Love yall! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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