Chapter 39

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Amora's pov

The sky is grey and cloudy as we exit the cave
And by now Allister and Dante have decided the best route to take.
I suppose the cool breeze and cloudy skies are a blessing for these next two days of walking.
We are in the middle of nowhere in Tennessee.
We're hungry.
But at least we are alive and together... or at least that's just what I keep telling myself

My tangled hair sits heavy on my neck as we walk on and on
I try to rake my fingers through to try and look presentable.
Key word try.
My clothes are covered in dirt and are ripped up and dirty. I feel silly feeling self conscious.
Like I have way bigger fish to fry then if me being put together.
But I miss the old me. The pampered me.
Maybe I can get here back once we get to the safe haven.
Once we are some where more secure, my savage Amora can go into hiding and my Pampered Amora can come out.

After walking for two hours we approach a house, a cabin.
We all stop in our tracks. This must be a trap there is no way a house is just sitting here in the middle of nowhere.
Dante carefully steps forward peaking around the house.
His breath catches.
"Horses." He whispers out and motions for us to follow him slowly
As we step around the house we are met with a gated field and inside the field are 3 beautiful horses grazing around.
This view peaks my curiosity even more. There is no way these horses are just here randomly.
I quietly tip toe up to the windows of the house and peak in.
Nothing. No movement.
I look around the yard again and look for cars. Nothing but a weathered down red truck smash into a tree, but all the wheels are dented or popped.
"We should check inside. Maybe they have food." Allister proposes
And I see no reason to disagree so we all move forward.
Allister reaches his hand on the front door and turns slowly. Surprisingly it's open.
Allister turn back to us before stepping inside
"Be quick and hasty, we need to be in and out Just in case the people who live here come home." He turns back around slowly enters the house.
No one breathes we listen closely for the sounds of monsters. We hear no sound of anything so we continue on.
We get to the kitchen to see a glass cabinet knocked over on the floor and on the wall written in red spray paint a message

Kirsten if you see this we left to the city to look for you, if you make it back before we do stay here!

And at the bottom of the message the date August 3rd, three months ago.
An eerie silence falls over us, I guess they never made it back.
One buy one we all break off into the empty house packing food and what little medicine we can find.
We were even able to switch out our old clothes for new ones.
I now take up a dark green flannel and dark blue jeans.
And in the bathroom I was able to use what I am assuming is kirstens brush.
I detangle my hair trying not to look to hard in the mirror.
Almost to afraid to not like what I see
I keep my eyes down at the sink taking in the ivory rectangular sink.
And once I'm done I use a water bottle to rinse my face, drying it quickly after.
Temptation, snuffing out sense forces me to look up at the mirror.
I'm taken aback at my hollow cheeks and grey sunken eyes
Immediately not liking what I see I look away and rush out the door.

Soon enough we all gather around in the kitchen showing what we have found, not much unfortunately
A couple of water bottles and some pain killers, but nothing else
"We should continue on, so it doesn't get dark ." Dante suggests and we all agree.
Allister and I make our way to the back to the horses.
Allister confidently approaches the horses with 3 saddle while I stay safely away from the creature.
"Wait! What are you doing?!" I whisper shout
"I'm getting the horses." He answers as if what he was doing wasn't obvious
"What if it's like rabid or something."
"Do you mean wild? And considering his new the shoes on these horses are, it's not likely." He says patting the horse's dirty brown hair, it puffs out a relaxed breathe of air.
"Don't they like bite." I whine away from the sight of Allister reaching over to the 2nd horse.
"Do they look like they bite?"
Bothe horses are circling around him trying to get more of his attention.
"Come here." He waves me over
"No thank you." I hastily answer
He doesn't even respond he just sends me a look, so I slowly make my way over before stopping a fair foot away from the animals.
"Give me your hand." He reaches out for me
I shy my arm away from him but he reaches out and grabs me.
I burst out into a laughing shriek trying to pull back
"Please, wait!" And before I know it he places my hand in the warm fur
"Was that so scary?" I giggle at my previous fear.
It's not so scary, I guess.
I continue scratching the horses face and and it neighs in delight.
"You've never touched a horse before?"

"I'm from the city, I've never even seen a real horse before." I giggle

So Focused on the horse I don't notice the searing heat on my back from Allister standing so close to me.
I can feel his breath on my neck
"I love it when you smile," he places a kiss on my neck and I let out a shiver.
"Well I wasn't smiling for you, it was for the horses." I jest
"Yes-" I'm cut off by him lifting me up and placing me on the brown horse
"Allister OH MY GOSH!" I scream
"Your doing fine!" He pats the horses back
"I'm right here, come on let's bring them round to the others" he begins leading the horses to the front
Where Dante and jen wait for us.

Dante and Jen Both get their own horse while I share with Allister, his warm chest again my back.
We continue down the path.
The cool breeze dancing through us.
From up high on the horse the clouds look almost full and happy no longer grey like seem to always be.
This is nice.
Surrounded by tall green trees a pink tinted sky .
Right now all sadness seems to have never existed.
It feels like I can actually be happy here

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