Her Trauma😗✌️

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I don't feel like being that person who's all mysterious, so instead, I'm going to throw you into where all my trauma started. 


I was walking my little dog, Yorkie, because I didn't feel like naming her anything cool. 

"C'mon, Yorkie go potty!" 

She was starting to piss me off because she was taking so long to just simply take a GOT DAMN SHIT! Anyways. 

I picked up her shit and saw a man in a blue hoodie in the distance. It freaked me out, so I picked up my dog and walked home. I sat her on the porch and took off her leash, she's a trained dog, so she doesn't run off. 

I opened the door to a smell. 

It smelled bad; I stepped inside to see blood on the ground. I whispered, "Ma?" I looked at the couch and saw her eyes pop out of her head and blood everywhere. I covered my mouth and screamed. 

When I did that, a man in all black came downstairs. He started to run for me, "YORKIE GO!" Yorkie ran off to hide in her little house. 

I ran out in a panic, but he caught up to me. 

He grabbed me by the neck and stabbed me in the stomach. 

I screamed out in pain as he twisted it. 

I kneed him in the dick with all my strength. He retracted, and I pounced on him. I stabbed him repeatedly, over, and over, and over, again. 

I lay down, finally relaxed. 

I placed my hand on my stomach and began to heal it, but before I finished, I looked at my mom. 

I got up and yelled, "MOM!" I ran to her side and tried to heal her as much as I could, but she was already dead. 

I screamed, "COME BACK TO ME, MOM!" 

I heard someone come into the house. It was a boy with white hair. 

He grabbed me, "Get away from her." 

He gently grabbed my hand, and we looked at each other. 

He walked me outside, and we sat on my porch. My dog ran out of her house and sniffed the blood on me. 

She started to whine; I think she knew what had happened. 

"I called the police." 

I stared at my hands in agony. The boy and I knew each other from small interactions. He runs away from his house, and I never ask questions. 

He tried to make small talk, "So, where are you from?" 

I looked at him and grunted, "New York." He smiled, "Oh wow! America? What's it like over there?" 

I answered, "Different." 

He sighed and patted my dog. 

I said, "Are you not mentally sound or something? You just saw two dead bodies?" 

He laughed nervously, "Well, it's definitely not like the movies." 

I sucked my teeth, "I have to go get my brother-" 

I shot up, "OH NO!" 

I ran back into the house, and the boy followed. I burst open the door and saw my baby sister in bed. She wasn't making a noise. 

I covered my mouth, I was frightened. 

I peeked over to see her sound asleep. I picked her up and held her close, "Thank fuck." 

The white-haired boy said, "You know, you say I'm weird, but I haven't seen you cry." 

I looked at him, "Who the fuck even are you?" 

He smiled and pulled his hand out. He looked at my bloody hands and let his hand fall back. 

"My name is Touya Todoroki!" 

I looked at him, "As in, Endeavors, son?" 

He rolled his eyes, "YES! MY DAD IS AWESOME!" 

I heard police sirens, and I sighed. 

I slid down to the ground and embraced my baby sister. 

Touya asked, "What's your sibling's name?" 

I said, "I have a little brother named Fez, and this is my sister Izzy." 

He smiled, "And your name?" 


The police stormed in, and I petted my dog as she sniffed Izzy's little fingers. 


Izzy woke up crying, and I rocked her. 

"I killed the man." 

He looked at me, "Is all that his blood?" 

I shook my head, "Not all of it." 

The officer looked at Touya, "Running away from home again, are we?" 

He looked down, "Let's get you home."


After that, I never saw that boy again. He died in some fire; I didn't care much. 

I ended up living with my aunt, and I lived life not caring. I was a problem child until I finally got old enough. 

But that was just the beginning of my long ass story.

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