The American Soil💬

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I got off the flight and smiled, "American soil!" 

Fez rolled his eyes, "America ain't all that." 

My aunt grabbed our suitcases, "Let's go guys." 

We got in our rental car and drove to the hotel we'd be staying at. 

Fez excitedly asked, "Can I meet with my friends?!" I sighed reluctantly, "I'm coming with you."

Auntie smiled, "That'll be best. I'll unpack." I panicked, "Uhm, don't unpack my bag! I like to uhm... do it myself!" My aunt laughed, "It's fine sweetie! I've got it!" 

I jumped for my suitcase, "NO!" 

My aunt raised an eyebrow, "Okay, damn..." 

I walked to the lobby and Fez frantically texted on his phone. He looked so happy; I haven't seen him smile this much in a long time. 

"Let's go!" 

I laughed as he pulled me toward the rental car. 

"Woah, kid, I learned how to drive in Japan." 

He groaned, "Well, learn American roads!" 

I laughed and sat in the seat. I grabbed the wheel and pulled off. "This is going to be weird; we might get into an accident!" 

He sighed, "It's fine." 

His eyes and hair glowed white, "WOAH, WOAH, WOAH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" 

The car began to lift, "It's not against the law to use quirks here!" The car zoomed to the destination in the air. He slammed the car down, "OH MY FUCKING GOD!" I held the car door and took seven deep breaths.

 "We coulda died!" 

"But we didn't." 

He got out of the car and yelled, "Yo!" 

He dapped up his friend and they said, "Long time no see man! Who is that?" 

"My sister." 

"Damn... your sister is fine." 

I rolled my eyes, "Fine with not ever hearing that comment again." I patted Fez's head, "I'll be in the car, don't do anything stupid or I'll kill you." 

His friend looked at me a little scared. I sat back in the car and texted on my phone. As soon as we got off the flight, I was texting Hawks to make sure everything was all right. That's what we did in the group chat. 


How's everything






Yeah villains are kinda destroying a whole town rn


We'll text you back!




Nigga you're on break! ENJOY IT

I cupped my face and heard the door close behind me. 

I sighed, "God, I'm so stressed out." Fez smacked my shoulder, "C'mon! We're on vacation! You shouldn't be stressed!" I turned around, "I'm on a work mission." 

Just then a villain flew down. Fez's friend got taken by the man fire. I jumped out of the car and quickly acted. 


"Y/N, NO!" 

I snapped my fingers, and Fez fell asleep. 

I don't need him in my way right now. 

The blue flames were making it hard for me to see my target. I ran toward the fire, but I froze as I thought about Dabi's blue flames. 

The kid screamed, "HELP!" 

What the hell am I thinking? Snap out of it! 

I couldn't snap my fingers because he and the kid were too far up. 

Shit, what do I do? 

I woke Fez up. "I need you to lift me." Fez yawned, "Huh?" I yelled, "Your friend is in danger! Lift me." 

His eyes widened and his hair and eyes glowed white. His dreads began to float as his grey eyes turned white. I floated upward and Fez directed me straight under the villain. 

I didn't want anyone to die but I had to figure out a way to get the kid and not have the villain fall to his death. 

I yelled, "Do you think you can make two people float at once?" Fez shook his head, "No! I'll drop you!" 

I shouted back, "Fez, you have to try!" 

He asked, "Why can't you just make him fall asleep?"

"Because the villain would die!" 

"Some people deserve to die." 

I turned around, "Huh?" 

I didn't let time go to waste, "We don't have time to argue! When I snap my fingers, you switch the holder." He yelled, "NO! YOU'LL DIE!" I yelled, "I'M NOT LETTING SOMEONE ELSE DIE BECAUSE OF ME." 

I could see Fez shaking in fear. He was studying to be a hero but never knew how often you'd have to risk your life, and how often you'd have to hurt the people around you to save lives. 

I snapped my finger and caught the boy I didn't stop floating. I screamed, "FEZ, NO!" I looked down, but nothing was on the ground. I looked up, and Fez was holding everyone up. 

His nose was bleeding. 

I slowly drifted down and landed softly. I ran to Fez, "You need to be healed?" He shook his head while wiping his nose, "I'm okay, is the villain...okay?" 

I looked at the villain, and then I smacked Fez. 

"What were you thinking? Nobody deserves to die!" He nodded, "I know." I sighed, "Jesus kid, you scared the shit out of me for a second. I thought you killed him." 

The flashbacks of the knife in my hand came back to me. My hands were uncontrollably shaking. 

I ran back to the kid to see he had suffered burns. I said, "My bad! I can heal it, don't worry!" 

I covered his wounds with my hands and healed them. "Are you a hero?" I smiled, "Not at all." 

He hugged me tightly, "Thank you Fez's hot sister!" I rolled my eyes, "Your welcome Fez's premature, illegal, too young for me, friend." 

I got up and grabbed the man by the wrist. The cops soon came and arrested the man. 

I went home exhausted. 

My aunt said, "I heard what happened, good job, you two." She high-fived Fez and smiled. 

"You're gonna surpass even All Might one day." I went to bed and that was what the vacation consisted of. A lot of meetings and boring conferences and even more villains. 

But little did I know, a month had changed everything.

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