Family Date📸🍋

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You already know... I didn't draw any of these.


I searched under Keigo's bed. I saw Yorkie curled up under his bed. I didn't reach under the bed. I shoved my face under the bed, and she stood up and sniffed my face. 

She sneezed in my eye and then licked my face. 


I escaped her tongue, and my dog wiggled from under the bed. She ran after me and started barking as I ran away screaming. "AHH!" 

I jumped on the couch, and she didn't follow. She stared and barked from the ground. I began to laugh harshly and petted her little face. She jumped on the couch and cuddled next to me. 

Touya walked out of the room, "What is going on out here?" 

I cuddled Yorkie. "I wanted to mess with Yorkie." 

"I forgot you even had a dog." 

I laughed, "Because she's always hiding under the bed." 

He sat on the edge of the couch. "Well, now I'm jealous of the dog." I laughed, "You're so silly." 

He stood, "Y/N, can we cuddle." I laughed, "Mhm." I kissed Yorkie and walked to our room. "You don't kiss me like that." 

I rolled my eyes and kissed him softly. I pulled away and he was smiling at me. He slid his hand to mine and interlocked our fingers. He kissed me again. He forcefully pulled me closer. I got surprised and fell into this arm. He walked us to the bed, and I sat on his lap. 

My hand grabbed his face, and he tightly gripped my ass. We fell backward. I pulled away laughing, and he smiled while flipping me over. 

He took off my shirt and kissed my neck. He grabbed me closer and kissed down my stomach. I looked up at him and ran my fingers through his hair. 

I felt my pants slide off. Something warm and wet slid up my vagina. 

I squeezed his hair and dove my head back in pleasure. He slipped his fingers into my vagina as he sucked my clit. 

"Agh~ Touya." 

He kept going he went faster. My hand balled up the sheets as I climaxed in his mouth. He climbed on top of me again and kissed me. He unzipped his pants. He carefully slid himself inside of me, and I grabbed his scarred back. 

He kissed my face as he slowly pushed himself inside of me. I moaned at the feeling of him. He grabbed my boobs as he thrusts faster. 

He wormed his way down and began to kiss me passionately as I felt his throbbing cock warm me up from the inside. 

His mouth was wet, drooling almost. We were getting sloppy. He rammed into me, and I screamed out from his irregular motion. We came at the same time. 

We lay down next to each other. 

I scooted closer to him, and he cuddled me. 

He held my hand and whispered, "What's your ring size?" 

I laughed and turned around. He slid his hand around my waist. "Already thinking about marriage?" He looked to the side, "Well, I'm on a journey of changing myself." 

I laughed, "What does that have to do with us getting married?" 

He smiled and moved a braid from my face, "You make me want to change for the better."

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