The Unneeded Apology📸

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Dabi came in through the front door in pain. He had blood coming out from his staples. I lay him on the bed and began to heal him. 

"Why wasn't Hawks out there?" 

I sighed, "Keigo had taken a sick day." 

Dabi said, "You like my new hair?" He tried to put up a charming smile, but I wasn't having any of it. 


My eyes darted to his face. "That's what you wanted? To kill your dad?" 

Dabi sat up but I pushed him down. "No, I don't want to hear it. You almost killed your brother he went through the same shit you did. At least he could handle the heat." 

Dabi's face darkened and he tightly grabbed my hand. "Watch your fucking mouth." 

I laughed, "Dabi, you fucking forgot who I am." 

I stood up, "Look, I get resenting your father, but you're not going to take your anger out on someone who mourned you like an older brother. He was forced to do something he didn't want, he wanted to spend time with his siblings but didn't get that. You did." 

I left Dabi there to think as I sat down. Rumi came into the house. 

"Agh, Y/N, I need you." 

I came to her aid immediately. "I got you." I lied her down on the couch and healed her wounds.

Keigo came in after, "Damn, looks like ya'll got hurt pretty bad." I laughed, "Dabi's in my room." 

Rumi looked up and said, "That's fun to know. I was just about to roast him but he already looks like he beat me to the punch." 

Dabi walked out of my room brooding. 

Rumi stood to get some food out of the fridge leaving Keigo in the way. "Move, you fun-sized chicken." 

Rumi and Dabi shared a moment and Dabi went to go find Yorkie. 

I didn't draw this just thought it was cute

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I didn't draw this just thought it was cute.

Hawks said, "I'll check on Shoto and Endeavor." He left out the room and Rumi said, "I'm going to bed." 

She walked off into her room and I began to change my sheets and take a shower. I lay in my bed at peace and felt the bed shift in weight. He hugged me tightly, "I'm sorry Y/N." 

I grumbled, "You should be sorry to your brother." 

He sighed deeply. He started tickling me and I laughed harshly. 


I laughed and pushed him to the ground. He fell laughing until he saw a box. It was a suitcase that hero's normally put the hero suits in. 

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