The Mini Vacation

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I drove to my auntie's house, I needed somewhere to go. I sat on the couch exhausted after throwing my keys on the counter. I lay on my aunt's lap and sighed even more dramatically. 

"What's your problem?" I sighed again and she started to laugh. "You're so dramatic." 

I laughed and hugged her, "I love you so much, Auntie! Thank you for taking care of me and my siblings." She smiled, "Of course." 

I lay back down and looked up at the ceiling. "Auntie, what was my mom like." She sighed, "Well, she was spunky, very weird, and creative, but a great mother." She rubbed my head, "Especially when your dad died." 

My aunt smiled. "Your uncle made sure she lived close to him when he died, and I moved out here with them." 

She laughed, "I can't believe we didn't know we had a brother until we were teenagers." 

I laughed, "What was that like?" 

"Oh lord. My mom screamed at my dad for hours about it. She was so mad when she found out he was cheating on her with a woman from Japan!"

I smiled, "Only to find out he was the most successful man in Japan." 

She nodded. "Our parents always argued, naturally we got closer and became a trio." 

"Now look, my mom had three kids." 

My aunt noted, "By the same father." 

I laughed loudly and my brother came downstairs. "Y/N, what are you doing here?" I lifted my head, "Just thought I should get some bonding in." He grabbed his apple juice and sat on the couch. 

He's talking to me! 

"Izzy said you have a boyfriend!" My aunt gasped, "A boyfriend!" I laughed, "Auntie, it's not that serious!" She nodded, "Yes, it is!" Fez asked, "Aren't you gay?" 

My aunt raised an eyebrow, "That means I can't be excited." He laughed, "Not about men." 

I laughed, "I'm starting to think ya'll are homophobic." Fez raised his hands in defense, "I'm not!" I laughed, "Let me find out." 

My aunt asked, "You staying for dinner?" I nodded, "Keigo only makes chicken I swear to god! Not to mention, he has chicken-flavored yogurt. My taste buds are exhausted, and my black is cracking." 

Fez laughed, "Maybe you need therapy." I replied, "You might be right about that." 

My aunt strolled to the kitchen, "How's Yorkie doing?"

I sat on the island, "Yorkie is getting old, she just lounges in Keigo's room all day." 

"Has she been eating?" 

I nodded, "I go in there to feed her, she doesn't like coming out of his room, since I moved out, he says she starts going in there." My aunt laughed, "She's so iffy." 

It was weird speaking fluent English with my family again. 

"We should take a vacation to America." My aunt turned around, "Oh, that reminds me. The PSC was thinking of sending a couple of heroes to America and asked me if I wanted to bring you?" 

My face brightened, "YES! I miss home!" 

My aunt laughed and Fez asked, "Can I come too!" My aunt said, "Honey, as much as I wouldn't mind, this is a mission." 

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