The Ignorant📸

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Dabi hadn't been over in weeks, WEEKS! It felt so off to not have him around when I got attached to him so quickly. 

Rumi walked into my room, "Y/N, you haven't been out of your room in days." I rolled to the side and groaned.

Touya's POV

Kurogiri walked into my room, "The members are worried for you. You haven't left your bed in a week." I rolled over and groaned. 

"I'm sick." 

Kuro sat on the corner of my bed, "You're not sick, this is about a girl." I jumped up, "Toga told you?" 

He nodded. "What'd you do wrong?" 

I sighed, "I broke it- Wait? Who said this was my fault!" 

Kuro laughed, "I know you pushed her away." 

I started flailing around, "Because of what she did?" 

"Well, what did she do." 


Kuro got up, "We're here to listen Dabi." He walked out of my apartment I cuddled my pillow. 

I miss her. Why'd she have to break my trust?


I wish I didn't have to break his trust. I wish it didn't have to be like this. 

I rolled out of bed and went to my fridge. "JESUS! When's the last time you showered?" I sighed, "The last time I was happy." 

Keigo pinched his nose and went to my bathroom. He started a bath and said, "Get in there." 

Rumi sighed, "You're so blunt sometimes." Keigo's feathers pushed me into the bathroom and closed the door. I took my clothes off and seeped into the tub. 


Rumi's POV

I looked at Keigo while he paced around. He was so worried about Y/N, it makes me wonder if he has feelings for her. 

I grabbed his arm, so he'd stop, and he looked at me. He smiled, "My bad, I'm just stressed about Y/N." I said, "I know." 

He sat down, "it's just so scary when she gets like this. Because of how I found her, she was so broken. Then, I finally got her to get happy. And then Ayumu happened and then that whole break up." 

I asked, "When was the last time you slept?" 

I looked at the bags under his eyes and his messy work hair. "I don't know." I pulled him closer to me and laid him on my chest. "You need to sleep and maybe then you can think straight." He yawned, "I have a meeting." 

I forced his head down, "It can be rescheduled." 

He hugged me tightly and sighed. "Fine." 

He drifted off to sleep and I played with his hair, his body tensed up for a moment. His body began to relax when I did it again. I massaged his scalp and he drifted back off to sleep. 

I wish we could be together.


I finally got out of the tub and took a shower. 

I went to my room and went straight back to bed. I turned on the TV to see a fight breaking out in Hosu City. I jumped as I saw Dabi fighting with his brother again. 

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