The School Invasion Part 2📸

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I jumped in front of Keigo. I am very aware of how flammable Keigo's feathers are. "What the fuck are you doing here?" He smiled, "I'm working with the good guys now!" 

I whispered, "Do you trust him." 

"Not at all." 

I heard a huge shriek, I looked behind Dabi, "NOMU!" He crashed into us. "Sleeper!" 

I snapped my fingers, but nothing changed. "I got this." Hawks hardened his feather. "It's a near high-end Nomu." 

I shouted, "What the fuck does that mean?" 

He smiled, "We can't beat it." 

I sighed, "I'm a secret weapon for a reason Dabi." I began to float as I summoned something. I yelled, "NIGHTMARE!" 

The Nomu covered its brain as it began to see things. 

I can bring your nightmares to life. 

Cause I'm that bitch.

It started to attempt to fight but it was wearing itself down. "Dabi, kill it." He nodded and burned it down. 

Rumi slammed into the ground. "I made it as soon as I could." 

I said, "Mirko!" She smiled, "I see we got the crispy Mc chicken burning down Nomu's." 

I laughed, "Yep." Rumi looked into my eyes, "Hm." 

I made a run for more students. I realized my brother was still on the phone. I said, "We got another student." 

The student was teleported back to class. 

I said, "I got the students." 

Hawks said, "We have to get to Shigiraki." 

Deku got in the camera, "HAWKS! NO! HE'S DANGEROUS!" Keigo said, "You're just a kid." 

Deku said, "My whole purpose for this quirk is to fight him. I have to." 

I said, "Let the kid fight." Hawks said, "He was badly injured last time." 

I said, "From what I heard, I can help, Dabi can help, Rumi can help, You can help, and Midoriya can fight."

Mirko said, "Yeah, we got this. Just like old times. Remember when we all were working for the same agency?" 

I laughed, "We all bugged All Might." 

Midoriya's face lit up, "You worked for All Might! Why have I never heard of you?" 

I laughed, "Because I'm supposed to be a secret." 

Hawks said, "Fine, Fez, bring him over." Midoriya appeared, "I'm ready to fight." 

I shouted, "Fez, bring as many students as you think is useful for fighting these villains out front. We're heading toward All For One." Midoriya's fist tightened. "I'm coming for Shigiraki."

He wasn't the same relaxed kid as he was in the classroom. We ran toward the battlefield to already see heroes facing off against villains. 

I dodged someone coming for me, "Who the hell-?" He grabbed me, he had a weird ass mask on. He pulled out some orbs. 


He scrunched his eyebrows, "WHAT? NO!" 

I asked, "I used to be a TSA, and you people disturb me." 

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