The Chaotic Side📸

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Guys believe it or not, i drew the picture for this chapter teheheh.

I put my jacket on and Rei said, "Goodbye you guys." I bowed, "Thank you for the meal!" She smiled, "Any time!" We walked out and got in the car. 

Touya put our bagged-up food in the back, and I said excitedly, "You ready for some soul food!" He jumped, "Jesus! YES!" 

I laughed and drove out of the driveway and drove to my house. I ran out of the car and Izzy ran out. "Y/N!" She jumped on me, and I spun her around. "Izzy." 

I laughed, "Auntie cooked a whole bunch of food!" 

She saw Touya walking up to us and asked sternly, "Who the fuck is this." 

Touya's mouth dropped. I covered her mouth, "Izzy! This is my fiancé." 

She yelled, "FE FUCKING HUH?" She punched him in the gut, "YOU ARE NOT TAKING MY SISTER AWAY YOU BITCH!" 

I grabbed her up and carried her into the house while she tried to fight Touya. 

My aunt sighed, "The doctor told me I can't use horse tranquilizers on her anymore." 

Touya said, "WHAT?" I laughed, "You know how your family is all about honesty? Yeah, mine is about humor." 

He bowed to my aunt and she said, "Stand up, no need for formality." Fez walked down the stairs, "Who's this?" 

I smiled, "My fiancé." 

Fez said in English, "And why am I just hearing about this man?" I replied in English, "Because he's just getting his shit together." 

Touya stood there confused. 

Please don't take this drawing seriously I was joking when I made it😭😭😭

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Please don't take this drawing seriously I was joking when I made it😭😭😭

My aunt said in Japanese, "Welcome to our home. We're a little chaotic." 

Touya smiled, "I see where Y/N gets it from." My uncle walked in, "Fiancé? Dabi..." 

Fez and Izzy screamed, "DABI THE FUCKING VILLAIN! AW HELL FUCKING NO!" Fez was ready to fight. 

I pushed him back, "Sit the hell down nigga!" 

He took a seat and my Aunt laughed. "Wow, you brought out Y/N's anger issues." I laughed nervously. The middle seats were already taken and I sat wherever. 

Touya asked scared, "Uh, where do I sit?" I said, "Anywhere you want." He sat closest to me, Izzy was between us. 

My uncle asked, "How do you two know each other?" He ate his macaroni and cheese. Touya looked at the food and reluctantly ate it. 

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