Chapter 11 : summer plan

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After Jake tell Jack that he's stink, he got triggered immediately, he want Jake to come down and Jake told him to f*ck off, then he shoot at Jack with his gun. And Jack dodge his attack and tried to find something to throw at him, if people could normally named this situation, it would be a mad dog fight. Jake is experienced with long distance combat, and Jack is experienced with close range combat. Their specialty is different but there is one they experienced, experienced with getting destroyed things over. Melissa really annoyed with those two, if she had a gun with her, she would've shot them all down! While they were attacked each other, some of the servant had been injured and they still fighting like nothing. On top of that, even Martha fell and crush to floor, Melissa finally had enough of their fight.

Melissa grit her teeth and said "you two... If you're going to go nuts over fighting each other, at least do it calmly! How could you throw a shitfit?! You think I won't do anything because I've been you?!"
Melissa lecture them "you tried to start a fist fight when you've trespassed into our property without permission! And you! You're part of the podebright family, and instead of protecting our own house, you decided to stoop down to his level! You must think lowly of me?"

Jake and jack could feel a blood thirst sense from Melissa directly, is as if an lion is staring through their spine.

Melissa said to Jack demanded "Jack forton. If you've got something to say, then you can say it once you're requesting an official visit here. Honestly, I'm not in the mood to hear what you have to say right now."
Jack shivers "w-well... I mean..."
Melissa instantly cut him off "I said, shut up. And fu*k off before I rip out all your fur to sew a new carpet."
Melissa then call Jake "Jake podebright. Get down from there."
Jake mumble "b-but why me..."
Melissa staring at him "you're not going to come down?"

After Jake get down from the roof, Melissa then telling them not to destroy the manor and hurting the stuff at same time. She sarcastically said that Jake doing so amazing that ancestors of their family would crawl up from their grave and dance for him, she then lectured them that they shouldn't be hurting the weak, and that they should be using their to what they actually meant to use it. The staffs were moved by her speech, and after Melissa give them a scary but very serious face. They have no choice but to listen to her, after all those drama, she could finally take a rest. It is the first time those two scumbags ever listened to me. To her, the only reason why they listened to me, was because they were momentarily flustered that I'd gotten furious. But give them some time to think about it, and they'll realize that she just a weak girl and won't give a sh*t about what I say anymore!

A maid came up to her "my lady, are you alright?"
Another maid asked "should we call a doctor?"
Melissa was bewildered by them 'w-what? When did they gather here? Don't the servants usually avoid talking with Melissa?'
One of the servants said teary "we were all amazed at your brave actions earlier, lady Melissa."
A butler said emotionally "to think you actually care for us..."
Another said excitedly "It was so cool to see you scold young master and that werewolf!"

Melissa scratch her head after hearing all this, but she have to admit, working for the podebright family is a pretty hard work. Cleaning up after the three podebright, who all have shitty attitude, is no easy feat. Like Jake, when they were attack, he didn't care about them at all. If they can't pay their staff well, it won't be strange if they all quit, since their jobs take a heavy toll on their physical and mental well-being. She was just angry at them so that why she did it, but being care by their staff isn't half bad.

Melissa reassure them "I'm fine, I'm the one who should be thankful for all of you. You've gone through a lot all along."
All servants were move to tears "My lady..."
Melissa feeling guilty conscience 'these guys... Really wanted some kind words, huh?'

After they were all leave, Melissa then think that the two of them would listen to herself just as willingly, but Melissa thought that if he come and make a scene again, he will hurt the people here and cause damage to their estate. She certainly cannot let that happen, she called Yona, and she demand that her father to introduce to the empire greatest swords master. She will crush them with equal strength! Meanwhile Qing was practicing his sword as usual, but this time he brought nine with him, since he need to make sure that Ian won't find him some trouble or worse. Even nine didn't want to cause trouble for Qing but he did follow him anyways, when he sat down on a bench so that he could see Qing practice. When he saw how Qing practice, he was stunned, because his sword was swing beautifully with his master at the side. Moonlit was a special sword made for Qing, because when he pour his ice magic into the sword itself. It created rain of ice blue petals and creat a beautiful flower rain with ice magic in it, even thought he is a man. But he love to see ice blue flower in his past and present life, so he is fine with it. And when he practice, he was dancing graceful and practice his attack as well. If someone else has seen him, they would have just thought that he was dancing, but he was dancing and practice attack at the same time. After nine has seen he is done his practice, he went to Qing side.

Nine wrote "you were amazing Qing! Did you always practice like that?"
Qing said "it's not a big deal, nine, I just practice how I want to of course, and nine do you want to practice as well?"
Nine shake his head and wrote "no, thank you for your offer, but I don't have much skill as you were. And do you know how lady Melissa is doing?"
Qing see the note and said "it's fine, but if you asking how Melissa is doing, then how about this summer we could visit her since I will be busy all days, and had to finish his mess."
Nine heard that and he wrote "do you mean Ian? Your brother? You have avoiding saying his names in front of me this lately."
Qing reassured nine "well yeah nine, I have been avoiding it since the spring ball, because I think he still loathe about you went to the ball with Melissa, but don't worry he won't bother me and you. I can promise that,"
Nine wrote "thank you Qing, but I won't be afraid, so you don't need to worry and yes I would visit her again. I need to apologize lady Melissa after what had happen."
Qing said "Melissa had already forgive you for that, and I definitely would let her know."

After that, Qing has written a letter to Melissa that they will visiting the estate in the summer, which is after one month, Melissa had received the letter from Qing and would let them be in the estate for the summer. The duke who also know this was shocked, since he didn't expect one of the prince was coming here in the summer, Qing and nine had also know about Jack attack the estate. So they made a plan when they are sending letter to each other, and they will surprise Jack with their plan.

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