Chapter 5 : a talk (Melissa)

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In the medieval fantasy novels, male chauvinism is a prevalent concept, it's similar to sexist roles in games, and healers are always female, and men are the warrior. The same prejudice is applied in this novel as well, but duke podebright was the worst of them all. There's always a reason why some children grow to be spiteful. He never glanced at Melissa, his first child. But to Jake, his second child and first son, he poured all his affections, and he even granted him a trip to study abroad in faraway lands. As such, Melissa grew to hate her father, and their relationship deteriorated to the point where neither of them would ever properly talk with each other until now. The duke look at his daughter and turn away, making Melissa confusion.

Melissa thought questioning 'huh? Wh-What? Did he not hear me? Or did he think I was talking to someone else?'
Melissa then thought angrily 'if he's ignoring me on purpose, that just pisses me off even more!'
Melissa said "your grace! I'm not in the mood to chat with you for long either. But I've got important matters to discuss with you, so could you spare me some time?"
The duke freeze and turn his head asked "what?"
Melissa seem got his attention said "ah, I won't waste your time. I'll get straight to the point."
Duke cut her off said "wait, hold on. You're going to discuss important matters out here? I can't let you do that out in the hallway. I'll prepare the sitting room, so follow me there."
Melissa asked "w-wait... you don't need to go that far...?"

But the duke just went off without answering her, he's not wrong, but why would he go out of his way to discuss something? She just want to get this damn engagement cancelled! Maybe he is preparing a glass of water before he talks with his despicable daughter, Melissa didn't want to think about it. The duke came out and said that he need 10 minutes with a stare at her, then he gone again. Melissa just confusing and suddenly, she have a bad feeling something's going to happen again. After 10 minutes, Melissa knocked on the door and the duke let her in. When Melissa came in, she saw tons of pink stuff like pink ballon, fake flower, and even there is a teaser.

Melissa asked in confusion "by any chance... is this a secret birthday party for a younger sibling you've kept hidden from me all these years?"
Duke response "what kind of nonsense is that? The podebright family currently consist of only 3 members."

It's not like Melissa is the only one who can see this mess! Why is he so calm?! And he's all dressed up in a pink suit. But his serious face makes me so uncomfortable, it's 500 times scarier...she almost retorted the stupidest thing. But anyway she sat down,

Melissa then get on business "I'm just going to get straight to the point and then leave"
Duke show the tea-set said "I've prepared a lot of tea and snacks, so have your fill."
Then the duke said before Melissa could say anything "I heard this tea is popular among the youngsters lately."

He's completely ignoring her, plus, the fact that he brought up the tea is suspicious. He didn't mix poison in it? Then Melissa saw her drinking black coffee instead of tea. She hesitated, is it really okay for her to drink this?! It's really suspicious for her to drink this pink tea, Melissa want get out of drinking this, but the duke is watching her.

Duke suddenly said "then, let's hear what you have to say. It's been almost 10 years since I've chatted with you like this."
Melissa remind him said "but we had breakfast together every morning and even greeting each other"

But this guy is acting as if he didn't know, she could clearly tell that he didn't listening to her at all, she is a fool for expecting him to have a normal conversation with herself. When she was about to say the thing she want him to know, then a sound of door been slam has got their attention, when they saw the robe clad douchebag, they know it was their second son, Jake podebright. Along with being one of Yuri's love interests, he's next in line to succeed the podebright dukedom, and is the imperial "pro-assassin" sniper. All those who rebelled against the imperial family died mysterious deaths all thanks to Jake. What's worse is that, in the novel, he greatly despises Melissa. He has managed to rack up a great reputation, despise his young age, and by showing his best sniping skills and magical power in the empire. But for some reason, he never shows up during public events, and when he's forced to appear at social gatherings, he just stands in the corner with his dark robe over his head. Jake has never liked showing his face in public, also roaming around somewhere, never to be found at home. In the novel, Jake was a shy, cold-hearted beauty who even disliked talking in public. Melissa loved his character for silently watching Yuri from the shadow but...

Jake start to ask duke in a scolding tone "father, what is all this? Why'd you hang these streaming ribbons? There's so many of them, too! Even a five years old would cringe at the sight of the this! And what's this tea? From its scent alone, I can tell it's the cheap trash they sell on the streets! Please don't forget your dignity father! This is why I don't return often!"
Melissa sight and thought 'shy, my ass, who knew he could nag so much? Might as well become a rapper.'
Jake keep scolding him "you've always been like this, father! I'm sick of you of you listening to my every word, and not acting on them accordingly. Just look at what you've done. I once told you that Melissa was childish, so unless you decorate the room with girly things, she'd throw a fit. But this wasn't what I meant!"
Melissa then realized what he meant 'so you're saying this is all your fault?'

Melissa think that her brother is even worse than the crown prince! She know he despised his sister and never liked his own father, but this Jake is a complete different person than she remembered, it's so shocking that it feels as though someone's smacked me over the head. Same goes for the duke, who's always relying his son! Like an obedient child, he's just listening to Jake's ranting! But Melissa think that maybe he's a gap moe.

Melissa tired to talk to him "uh... Jake?"
Jake reply with one word "what?"
Melissa tried to give him a smile "w-what are you doing here?"

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