Chapter 9 : the ball

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In these two days, Qing and Melissa have been getting along pretty good, Qing had to get back to the royal palace for planing the ball since he was the one who is managing. But they promise they will send each other letter if they couldn't meet, nine has also getting along with Qing since he was nice and helping him to choose the clothes for him. And finally the day of the ball has arrive, Yona went to Melissa room and knock on the door,

Yona said "my lady. The crown prince has arrived to escort you."
After Melissa hear it "I can't believe I'm receiving such cordial treatment after I asked him to break up."
She clap her hand and call "nine"
She sees nine looks and think 'geez, he is so handsome! I wonder who is going to be the lucky girl.'

This plan is so petty and reckless, Martha who is Melissa and Jake nanny would have a heart attack if she knew. If things go wrong, she may get accused of insulting the imperial family. To be honest, she is a bit sacred to take such a risk, but that makes Melissa all the more shameless. But she has Qing and nine at her side which make her relax, and Qing is probably is at the royal palace, having to managing the ball. Yona went outside the door to announce her arrive.

Yona announced "thank you for waiting so long, your highness. Lady Melissa has arrived."
Ian only noticed Melissa when she cough and said hastily "oh! Melissa, you're here?"
Melissa hold nine tight said "yes, WE are here!"

After Ian see nine, he tries to hold his smile but Melissa can see it through, Melissa is satisfied when he see that face of him being froze smile, beside were he this surprise? She guess that he is, hasn't he been done the same to Melissa as well? And nine is looking confuse.

Melissa say scarcities "I didn't think that you'd come here yourself. I'm honored, your highness."
Ian replied "y-yeah. That's right."
Ian asked while he point at nine "who's, that gentleman next to you?"
Melissa reply while cling to nine "ah, this person? Don't mind him. He just my partner,"
Ian gasp saying "your partner? But Melissa your partner is me, isn't it?"
Melissa respond "oh? You've never once accepted my request to be your partner, I thought you wouldn't like it if I asked you again, so I got another partner instead. Was that not the case?"
Qing suddenly appear "Melissa, your already here? And hey nine."

Qing was with Ian since Ian want him to see if Melissa still want to be with him. But instead he saw nine is with Melissa, clinging together while Ian is loss for word, he was waiting to see this moment to happen! And it had happen just what they had hope for, he sees that they are getting a bit awkward so he might as well decide to show up, when Melissa and nine see him, she greet it back and nine is waving his hand at him. Ian look at them back and forth, since Ian didn't heard that he and Melissa were close.

Melissa greet him "hey, Qing how'd you been? Were you in there with Ian?"
Qing reply "yes, and oh my nine, you looking more handsome than before. You wore one of the clothes I brought."
Nine happily nodded as yes,
Melissa said casually with him "so, how is that back of yours? Is it finally heal?"
Qing reply groan "don't remind me, it took 3 whole hour to heal."
Ian interrupt them "wait! Melissa you know Qing? Since when?"
Qing simply said "two days ago,"

Melissa didn't want to see Ian anymore, so she went away with Qing and nine, Ian had offer his carriage for them to ride. But the carriage is so flashy and embarrassing. But Melissa didn't want to be with Ian since it will be awkward for them to ride the carriage together. And Qing? Qing is only a friend to them, so it's a except for him, Ian just stand here shock with his jaw open. Melissa was so happy that her expression was exposed in front of the horseman, even in the carriage as well, Qing had to hit her shoulder to let her stop it. but to be honest, he almost can't hold his expression, he also thought that was funny to watch. When they arrive to the ball, it had going a lot better than they expected. All those shifty eyes are staring at themselves! Well, of course they would. Duke podebright is nowhere is to be found, and not only did Melissa ditch the crown prince to bring a hottie as her partner, but the imperial carriage dragging along behind their carriage was also definitely a sight to see! On top of that, she is only adoring her partner, while completely ignoring the crown prince! Even the noble who were close with Ian and Melissa pretend not to know us, and all guests are lurking around us like a pack of hyena. But luckily Ian order to cue the music for the night,

Ian extend his hand "Melissa..."
Melissa look at him in stare "I'm not dancing with you."
Melissa continue to mock him "you see, my partner doesn't want me dancing with other! My father also disapprove of me dancing with other man."
Qing laugh "yeah, brother, did you not hear her? Nine and Melissa is a friend of my, and you could just find some other women instead of Melissa, what? Your lower body is in pain or something?"
Melissa agree say "haha, Qing, now that's a good one. It's true then? Your highness?"
Ian is still trying to hold a smile saying "haha, Melissa...continuously acting like this won't do you any good."
Melissa let out a smirk "well, I mean~ even if I want to dance with you, I can't because others don't want me to! I'm not sure why they think that either!"
Melissa see the biscuits and dropped in front of him "oh, no! I think my hand are slipped~"
Then crush the biscuit with her feet "oh gosh! My foot slipped!! Just like you saw, my feet slip easily. Maybe that's why everyone advise me not to dance."
Qing went along with her saying "oh no, brother, how about you found someone just like I told you to?"

Ian grit his teeth in anger, seeing not only Melissa, even his own brother is against himself. Other women tried to ask Ian for the dance, and he just went with it. Qing saw how Melissa is happy from getting revenge as she want it, he just glad since he and Melissa were the same as an time traveler. And he honestly sick of how Ian was treating her, the original Melissa, don't get him wrong. He did not fall in love with her nor did he want to. He only love her as a little sister or a elder one at that, he saw Melissa and nine were at the corner, he thought he could say hi to them. But then he saw nine face from smile to face of terror, when he follow nine gaze, then he saw one of the werewolf were here. Nine then went off, he went ask Melissa.

Qing ask her "Melissa, what happened to nine? You didn't make a evil smile did you?"
Melissa answer "why would I do that? He must went to the bathroom,"
Qing thought differently 'I don't think that's case, I had to look for him, he went over here so I need to follow him.'

He then went out, slowly following nine, then when he finally stop his footsteps. Then he know he had to ask him, but suddenly he saw an character that he is familiar with, one of the male leads, Jack the werewolf, Qing didn't know he would be here. Qing then saw how nine is terrifying of him, he had to do something! When nine was about to be attacked, he use his sword moonlit to block his attack, moonlit is an sword that was personally choose for Qing. Since it only can use by him or the creator of the sword, the sword is like made out of glass but is hard at same time. To Qing, it was the best sword that fit him since he can use ice and water elements. He then immediately block Jack by frosting almost his whole body, Jack is shocked, he never seen someone who can use ice magic before! Let's just say that was first op ability of Qing. Nine was surprised and relive as well.

Qing ask nine in rage "nine! Where were you? Melissa was looking for you. You could've told her something,"
Nine just low his head as in ashamed.
Qing then turn to Jack "I don't remember invite you to the spring ball, werewolf, what were you trying to do? Making a mess in royal palace? As an royal family member, I won't let you kill my friend as you pleases."
Jack said in wonder "huh? I never see someone who can use ice magic before, and can even use to froze my whole body."
Jack then said in a mocking voice "and you said friend? Are you sure you're not knowing his true form?"
Nine is terrifying and turn to him.
Qing simply answer "that he is werewolf?"
Nine rise his head in surprise after hearing it.
Qing then mocking and threatening Jack "you think I didn't know? Please, if you want haut someone with your joke, then find a better one instead. And nine is my friend so is Melissa, so if you want to harm them, I will have to froze ALL your body then break apart, I wonder if you can endure that is."

Jack have to agree to let nine go, after he went away, Qing went to his side and trying to comfort him as he can. Qing would have to help him to go back to the duke estate, but first he would have to tell Melissa about it. But at least protect his friend and that all the matter, nine has some paper still, and he thank him for saving in a hurry also saying sorry to him and Melissa when he tried to ran away. But he didn't care, but he would have to send a letter to Melissa afterwards. Melissa would be so frustrated that she punch her pillow in anger.

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