1. First day of classes

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Jade pov:
I sighed as I saw how Harry sat down on the other side of the classroom. We had math and physics together...
He was so cute and handsome, could he really be that much of a jerk as Jay claimed him to be?
I shook my head as I tried to focuss on the assignment which the teacher was giving us.
But my eyes travelled back to Harry... And I simply didn't care.
He was talking to the boy next to him, Gil if I wasn't mistaken?
Jay told me that he was his bestfriend, not the brightest but he was nice. Also, he was kinda Jay's boyfriend.
Maybe I could ask through Gil if Harry was dating anyone? No... he'd most likely tell Harry...
"Miss Jade? I asked you a question, twice." the teacher said and I looked up as everyone was looking at me.
"I eh..." I mumbled as I avoided Harry's gaze.
"If you don't pay attention, you might as well leave the classroom. Good day." the teacher said and I sighed as I collected my stuff and walked to Fairy godmother's office like he told me to.

"Jade? What made you come to my office?" Fairy godmother asked and I looked at her.
"Not paying enough attention in class... In how much trouble am I?"
"You had physics class didn't you?"
"You're in no trouble. That teacher always... makes things seem worse then they are. Just, try not to get on his bad side." Fairy godmother said with a warm smile and I looked at her.
"Thank you fairy godmother..."
"You're dismissed. The recess starts soon as well."
I nodded and left her office, the core four was right... she is awesome.

I saw how my cousin Jay and his friends were sitting with eachother during recess... Harry was there too... I thought he and Jay hated eachother?
"Hey Jade!" Evie said as she waved me over, I smiled nervously and turned the other way.
I was so not going to sit with my cousin and my crush at the same time. Not happening.

I sat somewhere on my own and I liked that.
Auradon was so much more peaceful then the isle, not so surprising though...
I was sitting a distance from Jay, Harry and the others, but I could still see them from my spot.
I took out my notebook and actually started to draw Harry, don't you even dare to judge me.
I know it's lame and stereotypical but just... It would be less obvious them taking a picture of him.
Surprisingly, the drawing wasn't messed up... Rapunzel's art class really helped improving my drawing skills... and I only followed it twice so far.
Mal and I had that class together with Gil, it was a class of choice and he was actually really good. Even Mal was surprised by it.
I chuckled briefly as I remembered how Gil was actually embarrassed by it, when Mal complimented him for his art.
It was quite sweet actually.

I walked to my dorm after my last class, goodness class.
I was done with school for today, I would quickly finish my homework and then I'd just... I'd probably daydream about Harry...
I should tell him how I feel about him... or at least talk to him in general...
"Hey Jade, wanna hang out with us? We're going to the lake." Carlos asked and I saw that he was only with Mal, Evie and Jay...
I could use a distraction (besides Harry).
"Yea sure, homework can wait. I'll drop my backpack off at my dorm and meet you guys there." I said and Mal smiled.

My bestfriend looked at me as I arrived at the dorm.
"Hey Jade, how boring were your classes?" Reza asked.
He's my life long bestfriend, his father was a former astronomer of Agrabah, but he was send to the isle when he supported Jafar.
"Did you break into my dorm...?"
"Maybe? Answer my question." he said with a smile and I chuckled.
"Classes could've been worse. I got kicked out of physics class for not paying attention... Art class was actually kind of fun. How about your classes?" I asked and Reza groaned.
"Chemistry sucks, I don't even undertsand the slightest bit of Math and History was so boring..." he whined and I grinned.
"So much for freedom huh?" I joked and he chuckled.
"So. Now the serious topic. Who are you going to ask for this fancy cotillion thingy which is happening in a few weeks?"
"Cotillion? I haven't heared of it..."
"Haven't heared of it? Girl I- It's super fancy, y'know... where Mal became lady of the court and all? It's again in a few weeks and you my dear friend, need to ask someone as your date."
"Ask someone as my date? Have you lost your mind?"
"Hey, I already asked my guy, who said yes."
"Right, you're still madly in love with man."
"No offence, but girls ain't my thing."
"None taken. They're not my thing either."
Reza chuckled and looked at me.
"So, what boy you're gonna ask?"
"How about none? I can't humiliate myself like that!"
"Oh come on... There must be a guy who got your attention?"
"Okay... yes, maybe-"
"GIRL, spill the tea already!" Reza said and I looked at him.
"There's not that much to spill, he only saw me once or twice... he probably doesn't even know my name."
"Who is it?"
"Promise me you won't interfere."
"I solemnly swear!"
I narrowed my eyes at him and he smiled.
"I promise, honestly. Now tell me, who's the boy who stole your heart?"
"Badun? Girl higher your standards..."
"What? No! Harry Hook!"
"Ooh, you worried me there for a sec... He didn't seem that bad though... Are you sure he ain't gay?"
"According to Jay, he's Bi. So I'd have a shot... I think?"
"Hm... Maybe if it won't work out with you two... and me and my lover, I might even go for it."
I glared at him and he burst out in laughter.
"I'm joking, I'm joking!!!" he said quickly and I rolled my eyes as I tried to hide my smile.

My cousin's enemy (Jade x Harry) {💯%}Where stories live. Discover now